
Rise of the Mages

Zack always play games in his room he usually never come out of it and just play all day, one day Zack fell asleep while playing his new game, he woke up and find himself all tied up and many goblins are around him. He is in a new world, a world where magic exists. And let's just say his luck is 0 percent in any quest he takes there seems to be many monsters lurking in the area. There are different races like elves,orcs,goblins,demons, and many more. Come and join me in this journey.

RizzlelTSU · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Am I in a Game?

He opens his eyes and finds himself tied up in a cave with what sounds to be a group of goblins just barely out of earshot.

"My head hurts." He looks around and finds himself in a cave full of goblins.

They notice he is awake and look over at him. They speak in an ugly goblin-like voice

"Looks like we got ourselves a good one lads." The goblin says, as his buddies all get their spears ready.

The other goblins all start laughing and one says, "Don't you feel lucky? I think someone just lost a bet!"

The goblins advance toward him, one of them grabs him by the hair and forces him to take a look at his dirty, unshaven face. He pulls his cheek slightly to the right and smirks.

"The hell?! don't touch me! you dirty goblin!"

The goblin laughs before letting go of him and pointing his spear at his throat, as the other goblins do the same. He is surrounded.

"You are our prisoner now human. Welcome to our tribe. Now be a well behaved slave and there won't be any trouble." He smirks as he spits a glob of saliva on his face.

He forces him to get up and walks him out of the cave. The sky is a dark purple as a slight breeze carries the sounds of fire wood being lit and goblins chattering.

"Where are you taking me?"

"You will be a slave to the tribe. You will serve our King and the tribe as ordered. As a slave, you will be used to help build weapons, farm, and help us in our raids. We aren't planning on killing you, but that doesn't necessarily mean you will escape being our prisoner."

He is taken through a couple more caves, filled with goblins, until they reach a larger cave with a throne. On the throne sits an even larger and more intimidating goblin, carrying a large war club and a very impressive helmet.

"Who are you?"

"I am King Zog the Great, leader of the Black Fang tribe, servant of Azugoloth! I command all of the greatest goblins in these lands! You are now my slave, human."

He says in a booming voice, his large green-skinned hand stroking his long red beard as he grins.

"Kneel before me!"

"I will kneel before no one!"

"How dare you insult me like that, human…"

King Zog says while his grin fades away. His face becomes angry looking as he gets up from his seat.

The king slaps him with his large hand hard across his face, causing him to fall to the ground.

"You and the other slaves better follow my orders, or you shall be dead by morning time." Zog says before he sits back down on his throne.

All the goblins that surround him start laughing, and he hears one of them say while giggling.

"I like this human. They have so much spirit!"

"I need to think of a way on how to get out of here." The boy said in his thoughts.

Zog looks over toward him with an angry look on his face and says.

"Hey you, human! Go fetch some water for us. The goblins will be thirsty after tonight's feast, and it's time for us to begin preparing."

The goblins laugh as they point their spears at him, and one of them starts shouting orders toward him.

"Go fetch some water slave!"

"You heard them! Get moving, or you'll get the pointy end of my spear."

"Hurry up you dumb little human!"

All the goblins laugh at him as he begins to walk out, some of them slapping him on the back and others shoving him and calling him rude names as they try to make fun of him.

One starts to swing his spear toward him, but is stopped by another goblin, who slaps his shoulder and tells him to stop, while laughing at him.

He sees that it seems as though most goblins are just trying to get on his nerves, and are enjoying watching him squirm like a little worm.

He finally get out of the cave, and see a very large stream of water a couple tens of meters ahead of him.

"Alright this is my chance to run, there's no goblin watching me." The boy said.

He makes a break for it and runs toward the water, and all the goblins are shouting a wide variety of insults in his way as he runs.

Some are laughing at him, but some are actually getting quite mad and shouting.

"How dare that filthy human slave escape!"

"Kill him!"

"That slave just insulted our great King Zog! Death is too good for him!"

He makes it to the water without getting caught, and all of the goblins stop shouting and walk back into the cave, laughing and chattering loudly to each other about the incident.

"Heh, those goblins are fools."

He sits down at the river and sips some water from his hands. Now that he is out of immediate danger, he gets a chance to study his environment and think about what happened to him.

"If I remember correctly I'm playing a game, damn it I forgot the name and I just started playing it so I don't know many things here."

The boy thinks again and finally something reaches his mind.

"Wait, did I die?" He is questioning himself, he looks around.

He is in a forest clearing with some tall trees and bushes off to the sides. He can see a path which leads deeper into the forest which probably would have taken him deeper into the goblin territory.

There is also a rocky hill in the back of him which is covered in some of the largest trees.

Suddenly he hear the sounds of goblins coming from the bushes, there are about five goblins with spears. They are running in his direction.

One of them points him out and says.

"It's the escaped slave! Kill it!"

The other goblins begin to charge at him, their spears pointing at him. They are about half a minute away until they reach him.

"Sh*t! this is bad! I'm not getting caught again!"

Suddenly a beautiful elf comes out of the forest with a bow and shoots two of the goblins, instantly killing them on the spot.

They fly back onto the ground, their bodies limping on the ground.

The other goblins look in horror and shock, their eyes widening.One of the goblins drops his spear, and the rest begin to run backwards and shout.

The elf begins to chase the goblins down and hits another one in the neck, killing it instantly. The final two goblins escape into the bushes.

The beautiful elf walks up to the boy, holding her bow, and says.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes... Thank you." The boy is stunned by the beauty of the elf.

"You are most welcome, human."

She reaches out her hand.

"You can call me Vala"

The boy notices her ears and they look like the elves in the games he is playing before.

The games always spoke of the beauty of the elves and she is definitely a beautiful girl.

Her skin is a pale white colour. Her ears are large and pointy, and she has a lithe body type.

She is definitely fit for her fighting style, wielding her bow with great skill.

"Where am I? I mean I know I'm in the forest but what is this forest? it is swarming with goblins." The boy said.

The elf is about to answer, but before she can, The boy hears a voice behind him.

He turn around and see a larger and more intimidating elf with long black hair. He is holding a long, golden sword with an inscription on it, which reads, 'The sword of Azugoloth.

"You are on Elven territory little human." The elf says, his voice sounds a lot harsher and deeper than Vala's.

The elf is also wearing a very decorated suit of armour, with a golden insignia on his chest which displays some sort of tree. His sword is in his hand and he has a sharp gaze.

The elf continues, "You are on the path of the High Elves, which are only granted to those that have done great deeds for the Elven nation. Now be on your way, no slave will be allowed past."

"I see... then why is there a goblin territory not far from here."

The elf takes a step forward as he stares the boy directly in the eye. He takes a deep breath before letting his calm facade fall away from his face.

In a tone that would make even the boldest men tremble in fear, he responds with an angry voice.

"How dare you question the Elven people? We have defended our territory for thousands of years with our great skills and power."

"Any foolish goblin who enters the borders of our great land is either turned into a slave, or is turned into a pile of ash by either our skills or our blade. You have no right to question us."

"I apologize but what am I saying is true."

The elf remains silent for a moment, his eyes narrowing and his face turning into a look of fury.

His hand tightly gripping the golden hilt of his sword. At the slightest provocation, the elf was ready to take the boy's life.

Finally, after a few seconds of furious silence, the elf lets out a deep breath and starts to speak in a much cooler tone.

"I suggest you find a way to leave our territory, human. I won't tell you again."

He says before he turns his back on the boy and prepares to walk away.

"What's with him getting angry over a goblin?"

Vala rolls her eyes.

"Don't mind him, he is quite arrogant. He always acts like this with humans." She says with a tone of disgust.

Vala then begins to explain the situation more.

"He is a High Elf of the Northern Elven Kingdom, which has a long history of hating humans to the core. High Elves think of themselves as the superior race, and think all other races are inferior to them."

"Even with the other Elven races, it is common for them to see themselves as superior and treat others with disdain and distrust. Their society and culture is built upon that feeling of superiority."

"I see... well then can you show me the way to a nearby village?"

"I can do that for you"

Vala says as she points in a particular direction, "Head that way for a couple hours and you will reach the border village of Aloth."

"It is a human village, and they are much more tolerant of humans compared to the elves in the Northern Kingdom. You should be in safe hands with them."

"Just be on guard when going through the forest, you never know what kind of things you might find."

Vala says before she begins walking away with her bow.

"Good luck, and remember, that goblin territory is not something to go messing with."

"Wait Vala! can you come with me? I mean I'm pretty defenseless If I walk alone and there's a chance that a goblin might attack me."

Vala turns and looks at you, there is a look of concern on her face.

"Are you serious? Are you really that weak?"

Her tone sounds angry, as if she cannot believe the nerve you have to ask, but after a moment her expression turns to sympathy and she says.

"I guess you are in a bit of a pickle. Fine, we can go together, I suppose."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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