
Rise Of The Infinite Sovereign

Kevin Reed gained enlightenment at the brink of death, as he sees the one he pledged allegiance to, and some long-time comrades betray him. He closes his eyes one last time thinking, 'If only I had known' Yet against all odds, he finds himself back in time in the body of the fourth prince of the royal family of a soon-to-fall Empire. This is the story of a Knight who uses the machinations of an Empire to take his revenge on all those who betrayed him. A man who uses the knowledge of the future to get the best out of every situation. A man preparing for the coming of the Era of Prodigies and Disaster. But he would have to challenge adversity if he is to bring his ambitions to fruition. So come along on his journey filled with twists and turns, enemies and thorns. As we see the knowledge of the future is used at its best. But no one, not even Ezra, could've predicted just how much Chaos this single irregularity would cause. So join us to witness Ezra, as he rises from humble beginnings, well... maybe not so humble, to becoming a peerless existence. As he rises from the ashes to become a True Sovereign! This is the rise...of the Infinite Sovereign! Discord server: discord.gg/FpBqWR7Pzf ------------------------------------ A/N: This book is written with a pace in relation to the events. It's written in a pace that neither slow enough to cause boredom nor fast enough to cause confusion. It's just right. In this novel, too much is always happening all at once. what do i mean? read to find out. And while this novel's title doesn't seem to have correlation to the story in the beginning. It was titled in regards to events in the long term. ----------------------------------------- WARNING!: Read at least five Chapters before drawing any conclusions ---------------------------------------------- Release Rate: 1ch/day.

VOID_ · Fantasy
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434 Chs

Undercurrents (6)

Elsewhere, two men draped in dark brown clothes walk along the streets of a small village.

Torches hung along the village's wooden fence lit up the way.

Their high quality clothes made a stark contrast with their surroundings, in turn making them a feast for the eyes of the village residents.

These men bore such things no mind as their legs never stopped moving.

One had his gaze fixed on something within his palm, while the other feasted his eyes on the surroundings, and he did not like what he saw.

With haste, he spoke…

"How long till we get out of this dump? It is blemishing my existence" the other answered absent-mindedly, not once moving his gaze from the object in his palm as he took a short turn.

"Almost there my lord, almost there"

"You have been saying that for so long now, Giffard. Are you even sure the man who did the deed is actually here?"

"Very" he said and a smile blossomed on his lips.

"And we'll be meeting him soon"