
Chapter 374

It was already a bit dark when Zaraki got out of the residence of the baron. Looking up the night sky saturated with the glow of a million stars, the moon's cool light radiating over the land, a billion specs of dust dance in the sky as the banners upon the towers and walls of the castle sway to the blow of the wind.

Zaraki walked along the cobblestone streets, his thoughts whirling around like a tornado in his mind. The meeting with the baron had been a success. The task assigned to him was done but the presence of Barika spelt trouble for them. He moved with a haste and headed back towards their camp to make his report.

After two hours, Ishaq and the bulk of what remains of the army that was left to defend Ereia from all threats arrived. The army was accompanied by Ishaq's feared Sandstorm Cavalry and the Ereian Royal Cavalry.