

In a sprawling urban landscape intertwined with a hidden universe of mysticism, Rey emerges as an unlikely hero with an unyielding determination to safeguard his family and cherished ones from the shadows that haunt their world. Faced with the daunting task of mastering newfound strength, Rey embarks on a journey of self-discovery and transcendence, spurred by the enigmatic allure of a relic that promises ascension to the realm of gods. As Rey navigates the complexities of this intricate universe, he encounters an eclectic array of allies and adversaries, each wielding their own fragment of power drawn from the mystic tapestry that binds their reality. Amidst the chaos of urban life, Rey unearths the secrets of ancient lore and uncovers the existence of the revered God Relic, a fabled artifact said to grant unparalleled power and the keys to ascend to divine heights. With every revelation, Rey's resolve is tested as he grapples with the tantalizing temptation of godhood and the profound responsibility it entails. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the universe, Rey must confront his inner conflicts and navigate the treacherous path between light and darkness, all while contending with forces that seek to exploit the relic's power for their own nefarious ends. In a world where the boundaries between mortal and divine blur, Rey finds himself at the epicenter of a cosmic struggle that will determine the fate of all existence. Will he succumb to the seductive allure of godhood, forsaking his humanity in the process, or will he rise above the chaos and forge a new destiny grounded in the strength of his convictions? "RISE OF THE HOLY DEMONIC GOD" is a spellbinding urban fantasy epic that explores the timeless themes of power, sacrifice, and the eternal quest for enlightenment. Join Rey on his daring odyssey as he navigates the perilous depths of the universe, fueled by an unwavering determination to protect those he loves and unlock the mysteries of existence in a world where the line between mortal and divine is blurred. ___________________________________________________________________ This novel has many more tag like World building, Transmigration and romance, superpowers and more so just read it and enjoy. There may be some grammar mistake in this as I am a newbie so, please cooperate and read it.

Nemesis_0001 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

A Night of Hell. [1]

Author's Note: The following chapter contains graphic scenes. Please do not report it if such content disturbs you. Feel free to skip the entire section titled "A Night of Hell" if you prefer to avoid this.

So, let's start the show guys.


As the two relic spirits returned to slumber within their primary vessel inside Rey's body, Rey, who had been sleeping peacefully, began to exhibit signs of distress and mumbled incoherently.

"Stop... don't do this, ahhh," he uttered, yet he remained unable to awaken. After a brief moment of calm, his expression twisted in discomfort once more, and he began to scream for help, thrashing his arms and legs against the bed, creating a cacophony of sounds.

Meanwhile, Aiden, who was also attempting to sleep, found himself disturbed by the boy's cries and struggles. In a drastic move, he severed the connection between Rey's nervous system and his body, rendering it temporarily insensate.

The boy's suffering began anew, but this time he was immobilized, with only his eyes functioning as tears gathered, second by second, until even that ceased, as if his body had run dry of tears.

In another room, Jasmine was on the verge of sleep when a peculiar sensation invaded her thoughts, prompting her to think of her son, Rey. She sensed something was amiss with him but couldn't pinpoint what it was, and dismissing it as a mere thought, she fell asleep.

Unbeknownst to her, her child was in the midst of a grave ordeal that would alter his life forever.

Though the night was quiet, the boy's mind was anything but, as he endured an unending torment.

In an unknown place, we can see Rey floating around.

As he drifted into sleep, floating serenely in the void, he noticed a red dot approaching. It grew larger and larger until it loomed before him, making him feel like a mere speck.

He was swallowed in it and after a big bang he found himself sitting in his room calmly and tried to call Aiden or other, but no one answer and thought they were sleeping and tried to call the system for checking if everything is alright or not.

To his surprise, he wasn't dreaming, and the realization made him worry. He began to think that everything that had happened was just a dream until now.

Meeting the spirit named Aiden, the black-market purchase, the factory incident, and the painful bonding—all seemed like a dream. After pondering for a while, he chuckled, attributing his thoughts to the influence of Evan's novels. He planned to discuss this with his friend tomorrow.

As he was about to go to sleep, he decided to drink some water and went down to the kitchen. After filling a glass and taking a sip, he was ready to head upstairs when a sudden noise caught his attention, and he decided to investigate.

Upon approaching, he noticed the back door ajar. Alarmed by the possibility of an intruder, he hastened to his mother's room, only to find her door open as well. Inside, his mother lay on the bed, turned away. A flicker of relief passed through him as he moved to wake her, informing her of the open door.

Yet, despite his calls, she remained unresponsive, still facing away.

Suspicion crept in; his mother was a light sleeper, usually stirring at the slightest sound. Her silence was uncharacteristic.

With trepidation, he approached the other side of the bed. As the dreadful reality dawned on him, he collapsed to his knees, his face draining of color at the sight that met his eyes.

His mom was lying with a face full of blood and her eyes were rolled backside and her neck was cut with a sharp knife and on her mouth was a mark of hand shutting her mouth.

"Mooooooom...." he screamed, rushing toward her with tears streaming down his face, trying to wake her, but she was already gone.

"Can somebody help me?" Rey shouted at the top of his lungs, hoping for assistance from outside, but no one was available.

"Sis... I'm coming. Wait here, Mom. I'll get my sister and take you to the hospital," Rey said, his mental state wavering, as he dashed toward her room.

He hurried upstairs, finding her door ajar. Fear gripped him, fearing something had happened to her too, but he still moved toward her room with trembling legs.

Entering the room, he saw the chaos within; the room was ransacked, the bed empty. Then he noticed a man covered in black clothes like assassin cleaning his dagger with a cloth, who then turned to look at him. Rey found his sister who was lying on the ground filled with blood coming out of her neck and she was trying to stop the blood coming out of her neck wound and when saw him tried to reach him and do a grabbing emotion with her hand and died there.

This was the moment when Rey was completely shattered and collapsed to the ground.

Tears filled his face and his skin flushed with anger as he lunged at the man with a punch.

But what could a weak child do? The assassin vanished, and Rey felt a chilling pain in his thigh. Looking down, he saw both thighs slashed by a sharp knife, and turning back, he saw the man toying with his blade.

He wanted to act, but the man approached, pressing the knife against his neck.

"Any last wishes?" the man asked.

"Why did you do this? We don't have enough money or anything valuable," Rey questioned.

"It's nothing personal, kid, but we were hired to kill you and your family, so the job must be done," the man replied.

"Can you tell me their name please." Rey said.

"No, we can't sorry kid no offence." The man said and about to do the work.

"I will kill you and the one behind you I swear." Rey said with anger emotion.

"No boy you can't as today you are dead and remember don't try to mess with big people again." The man said and slashed the boy neck and after checking that he was dead he also disappeared from there.

Moments later, Rey's eyes snapped open and he found himself alive. He rose to his feet, surveyed his surroundings, and was overcome with shock.


Where did the trio venture to, and has this all been merely a dream until now?

What did Aiden did to Rey.

What will happen next? How did he come back to life? 

Stay tuned to discover more.

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