
Rise Of The Hoarder

On Christmas day, seemingly overnight, God summoned everyone on Earth, giving every single person a 'Gift' along with a System. These Gifts, synonimous with special abilities granted people powers beyond comprehension. However, with these abilities came tragedy that enveloped the world. The Apocalypse! Jeremy Lewis, a reclusive loner, is mysteriously exempt from this phenomenon and finds himself being the only one without a Gift. God decides to grant him the last Gift available, [Subspace], and forcefully returns him to a world that has become hell. Horrifying monsters now lurk around every corner, and inevitable death awaits. Arming himself with his wits and the Gift he possesses, how will Jeremy survive this cruel new world that he finds himself in? "Everything will go according to plan, and ultimately the path I have started will lead to my victory... these tools will be useful in achieving that!" PLEASE JOIN OUR DISCORD!!!  https://discord.gg/nTP43UEphg ALSO, WE NOW HAVE A SUBREDDIT COMMUNITY. Please join to interact more with other readers and the author! https://www.reddit.com/r/Magecrafspellcraft?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is to provide better services to you readers, and for a more direct conversation between me as an author, and you as readers. Plus, there are Original Character Designs of the novel characters in the communities. So, please... Hop on the Discord and Subreddit train! Follow me on Instagram: the_magecrafter You're all welcome!

Magecrafter · Fantasy
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464 Chs


Okay, first things first, I need to know exactly what my aids are.

It's been 30 days since the 'Miracle' happened. Today is the 24th of January… Looks like I missed the New Year celebration as well… Yayy…

I was in the Sacred Hall for quite some time, and even though we didn't spend much time talking to each other, I knew quite a few things about that God guy.

Knowing the geezer, there was no way he would say something if he didn't mean it.

"Since he brought me to this world, and gave me advice, it must mean that I have a chance at surviving… and I'm definitely taking it!"

Currently, I possess the Divine System, a window that contains information about myself.

The world is now like a game, and I'm a player. Just like in RPGs and fantasy events, I have access to a special panel that displays my current status and abilities.

Every Gifted in this world possesses this System, and along with it comes the power to 'Level Up' and increase one's overall abilities.

Other than that, there were also memories of the time I spent in the Sacred Hall. While this would do me no good in a direct fight, it still gave me advanced knowledge of the state of the world, as well as strategies made from an objective standpoint.

Upon realizing these things, I decided it would be best not to waste any more time and begin preparations.

To do that, I needed to unwrap my present. The Gift bestowed by God himself, [Subspace].

"Subspace" I called out to the empty room.

Immediately, a blue window appeared in front of me. This blue window, different from the Golden Display of the general Divine System that showed my stats, glowed and displayed 10 empty boxes in the panel.

"Ah, those must be my empty slots" I mumbled.

Currently, my [Subspace] Gift was in Level 1, and it was also an F Rank skill.

It was quite clear why everyone left such a Gift behind and went for more glamorous and powerful ones which would aid their survival and grant them amazing abilities.

"I can store 10 objects within Subspace, for now. The number of objects it can contain will most likely increase when I advance to a higher level. But, how does that work exactly?" I asked myself, rubbing my fingers on my chin in puzzlement.

There's no better way to answer my question than to experiment.

Within my room, I have stockpiles of food that can last me days without needing to leave at all. I also have a bathroom compartment connected to it. While I'm sure there's no running water available, I should still be able to get some leftovers from the house's tank.

"It'll be limited though, so I'll have to manage it…"

Upon mumbling those words to myself, I decided not to leave my room until I figured out the basic nature of my Gift and its stats, as well as how to apply them in the chaotic world I would be living in from this moment on.

I couldn't exactly stay in my room forever.

[Day 1]

The first thing I did was strictly observe my status.

"Status Window" I called out.

Immediately, a Golden panel buzzed and appeared before me. It was vertically long and displayed all the features I had, that were relevant to my ability.


- Name: Jeremy Lewis

- Level: 1 – Exp: 00.00

- Race: Human – Job: None

- Age: 16 Years

- Sex: Male

- Height: 5" 3. – Weight: 115 pounds

- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

- Karma Points: 100 – (G) Karma Points: 10


- HP: 100/100

- MP: - -

- Strength: 50

- Agility: 300

- Vitality: 100

- Intelligence: 500

- (G) Factor: 90

- Gift: [Subspace]

- Items Equipped: None

- Allies: None

[Additional Information]

A human with the last Gift. Possesses the interest of God.

[End Of Information]

I studied the information displayed there keenly, taking note of several elements which were foreign to me.

"Just like a video game" I chuckled.

However, unlike games, death here meant the end!

There were no do-overs, no re-spawning, no retries. Game over meant being permanently cut off from the world of the living.

I don't want that!

"Karma Points? As in luck?" I questioned.

And what about the other one, (G) Karma Point… This was definitely strange. Looking further down, I wondered if it had something to do with me gaining the interest of God. In any case, I couldn't be too sure.

The only route to certainty was if I could get to see the Status Information of another. I doubt that will happen though. I've read enough novels and seen enough anime to know how private such things are.

I don't also know whether my stats are abnormally high or low, or whether they are normal. My intelligence seems to be the highest, while my strength is the least… As expected.

The (G) Factor was also bothering me, but there was nothing I could do about it for now.

"I'll just chalk it up to one of the things I want to discover as I progress…"

Most Gifted who had survived this far in this world would have leveled up quite a bit. After all, some time had passed since the 'Miracle' happened. I may actually be the oddball out of everyone out there.

To ensure that I'm not left behind by others, I need to level up and fast. The problem is how to go about that. I'm at a major disadvantage since my Gift is in no way battle-related, and I'm far too weak to fight.

"There has to be a way… Let's keep looking…" I said to encourage myself.

[Day 4]

It's been 4 days since I returned to this world. For the last three days since I checked my Status Window, I have been experimenting with my Divine System and [Subspace] Gift.

I have discovered a lot of interesting things about my little Gift. Contrary to my earlier notion… This Gift could actually be the best kind I could possess.

First of all, I learned that my [Subspace] does not merely contain 10 objects. No, instead it can contain more than 10 items if two or more are similar.

I was surprised at first, but I slowly understood.

After calling out [Subspace], the blue window appeared, as usual. I had already brought out many materials I wanted to experiment with.

"Let's start with books" I muttered.

I picked one of my many light novels stacked on the floor where I sat and placed it on the Blue Window. Immediately it touched the Subspace Panel, it vanished, turning into light particles. The particles ventured into one of the 10 <Empty > icons in the [Subspace] panel.

"Whoah!" I beamed as I witnessed such an unbelievable sight unfold before my eyes.

Excitement began to build within me, I could feel my heart beat faster with thrill. I had to know more.

The previously <Empty > slot now displayed the <Overword 3 Vol Light Novel> Icon.

With nine unassigned slots left, I decided to place another book inside.

I picked the second volume of the same book, repeating the action I'd performed before.

The next slot beside the already assigned one changed to <Overword 2 Vol Light Novel>.

I smiled as I watched the two stacked beside each other. As I turned to pick up another book to try the process again, a beep suddenly sounded. I sharply turned and looked at my screen.

[Subspace Alert]

<Similar Contents Found In Two Slots>

<Stack Function Available>

<Stack Contents In A Single Slot?>

[Yes] [No]

This surprised me. However, curiosity took over at that moment, prompting me to tap on the [Yes] icon.

Immediately, the window brightly displayed its blue light, and by the time it returned to its original brightness, only one assigned slot existed.

The single assigned slot had a different name now. <Overword Light Novels (Vol 2&3)>.

"A-Amazing!" I beamed.

This meant I could store similar materials in a single slot, leaving room for other things.

"I have to try even more things!"

Deciding to experiment even further, I learned newer things.

To extract already placed items in the Subspace, all I had to do was to tap on it. In the case where I already stacked more than one item within it, once I tap on the Panel, it would bring out sub-panels.

I decided to try something else.

<Jar Of Water ×5>

I looked at one of my panels that displayed this and smiled nervously.

"Here goes nothing"

I rapidly tapped on it three times. Immediately, three Jars of water appeared before me.

"I don't need to start selecting Sub-Panels. If I rapidly tap on the panel, it just brings them out instantly!"

Through experimentation, I also realized that I needed physical contact with whatever I wanted to go into the [Subspace Window].

Also, despite my intentions, the items I summon from [Subspace] can not appear from a distance of more than 5 meters from myself. If I choose to exceed that limit, it will just appear exactly five meters in the direction I focus on.

"Looks like this is the current limit" I muttered.

There was still something that kept bugging me.

"Let's see if it has a size limit " I grinned excitedly.

My eyes darted in the direction of my bed.

"Can it take something of that size? Only one way to find out…"

<Jeremy's Bed>

It fit into the [Subspace], surprising me. I couldn't help but chuckle as I performed other experiments.

I stored food, water, books, my bed, my television, my shelf, my chair… I stored whatever I could, satisfying my unending curiosity.

[Day 6]

I have performed all the experiments I can, for now. Any further research required me to venture outside.

My body trembled at the thought of that. I'd be endangering myself and encountering creatures like the ones I saw earlier.

However, I had something greater than fear to spur me on. Despite the ongoing destruction all over the world and the feeling of despair accompanying it, I had already made a resolve within myself.

The reason for painstakingly researching and learning all I could about my Gift and its Abilities, the reason I could take the steps I'm taking… these were all for a single reason.

"I will survive in this world… no matter what it takes!"

It was finally time to leave this place, and begin my journey for survival!

Jeremy decides to finally venture outside. Just what manner of despair awaits him?

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