
Rise Of The Hirukaze Clan

Im basically a bored guy who’s tired of reading boring naruto fanfics and decided to write one of my own now I can’t promise it’ll be better than all the other ones on this site but who cares I’m doing it for me......I’m just not scared enough to share it. ———————————————————-•—————- With that being said the gist of the story is about and old genetic scientists who dies and gets wishes, one thing lead to another and he is born before the formation of the hidden leaf with the goal to create a very OP clan. To find out the rest read and I hope you enjoy it....deuses✌? ——————————————————————•— Also I switch from 1st person P.O.V to 3rd person P.O.V irregularly so if that bothers you, you’ve been warned MOFO. Even though I said he is a scientific genius there would not be a lot of science knowledge described in the novel more like action and drama and maybe a little bit of fücking. ———————————————————-•—— DISCLAIMER: I don’t own anything on this shit apart from my OWN OC so don’t sue me. Everything you read on this book is purely the work of fiction (or fan fiction idk). Consider yourself disclaimed. ——————————————————————•——— If you a new reader drop a Japanese name in the comment or something......or not. Either way enjoy the book.

XENO · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


After finding an entrance into the warehouse, I started analysing the exterior of it, to find a way to get to the window because the wall in which the window is placed Is too smooth to be used as a stepping stone. Scratching my head for a solution due to frustration I suddenly realised that I ain't got no more hair, I mean even though I was old and losing my hairline I still had a head full of hair mind you it was white like snow but still a head full of hair but now my head is bald to the scalp.

As I looked at a glass window in the corner I was hiding to check my reflection I noticed two things, first thing I noticed is that my appearance changed, I looked like my past self when I was in my 30s and the other thing I noticed was a large industrial bin and then it clicked, I can use that as a boost to get to the window.

Now I've found my entrance and I've also found a very decent boost to get to the entrance but here lies another problem how I'm i suppose to move that large bin without arousing the suspicion of the assailants. If only I could lift it- wait a minute the serum has been administered and if I can run that fast then maybe I'll be strong enough to lift that heavy Bin, so I decided to give it a try because I'm running out of time and options. Lifting up the bin was surprisingly very easy I mean it still felt heavy but more like when a normal person carries a brick level heavy, mind you this industrial bin probably weights no less than 26 stones(A/N: about 150kgs).

Moving the bin with little to no difficulty and with as less noise as I can, directly under the window I hop on top of it and leap up to the window latching my dominant hand onto the window sill. Boosting myself up to scope the interior before hopping in I saw two people dressed in the same red jumpsuits having a smoke and discussing about their rich haul. It made me realise this kidnapping was not spontaneous, those children were probably heirs to some rich companies or something I didn't bother to investigate my neighbours since I kept to myself I didn't want any drama or disturbance on my doorstep.

Hanging on the window sill and waiting for an opportunity to climb in, I didn't have to wait long because it looks like there was a commotion that brought all the attention away from my direction. Sneakily climbing through the window and making sure I made as little noise as possible, the two assailants that were standing on the ramp, looking down at the warehouse focusing on the commotion that was going on downstairs. Looks like trouble among the executives but I only see a perfect distraction.

Using that opportunity I was able to snap both their necks before they could realise, even though that wasn't my intention but because of my new found and uncontrollable strength Instead of knocking them out like I planned to I killed them instead but I didn't feel any nausea because it isn't the first time someone died in my hands. Using my stealthy advantage I was able to take care of the other 4 assailants that were standing on the ramps that are overlooking the ground floor of the warehouse.

When I got to the other side of the warehouse from the window I was able to see the kids in a small room with glass windows with there hands tied and red bags over their heads, from my observation so far it looks like there is 3 people outside the room having a smoke and trying to avoid their comrades that are having a heated discussion and the two inside overseeing the hostages were having said argument. Two of the guys standing outside were taken care of easy enough being a master of Muay Thai and capoeira helps I suppose but not using it since my 30s made me sloppy causing the 3rd guy to alert his comrades in the room the kids were held. I immediately knocked him out and went to take cover behind a metal beam because the guys inside came out guns blazing already angry and heated from their previous argument.

After a round of shooting I took the opportunity of them reloading to sprint towards them and with my speed I was able to reach them quickly before they could reload, aim and shoot. I was able to take care of the guy with the assault rifle quick enough by smashing his face in, his partner on the other has already reloaded and aim his desert eagle at my head I twisted out of the firing range but not quick enough because the bullet hit my shoulder and that was my opening to kill him before he could recalibrate his aim. I was surprise again with the effect of the serum because my body just expelled the bullet and closed up the wound rapidly.

After dealing with the assailants he untied the kids and consoled them long enough to perturb their fear and anxiety he then called the police for assistance using the phone in the small room.

After waiting for like 10mins he heard the sound of a car pulling up outside the warehouse gate and he thought to himself {that's was quick} but when the gate was raised all he saw was a similar black van that was used to kidnap the kids and all he saw were 5 men hopping out the van dressed in the same red jumpsuits looking angry and screaming about how they were fucked over.

As soon as the new reinforcements saw the bodies on the floor the readied their guns and all I can think to myself is {I'm fucked}....