
Rise of the Guild Master

The Guild Master of Dewhurst has had a rough life. After many years of failure he rises to face his destiny and transform his decrepit Adventurer's Guild into the greatest Guild in all the realms. How? By filling it up with cute female adventurers who get powered up from making love to him, of course. Using nothing but his massive intellect, a sharp sense for business, a pair of magic eyes and a dick blessed by the Goddess herself, he'll transform a growing harem of misfits warriors into a team strong enough to defeat the Demon Lord... If the over the top town of Dewhurst doesn't kill them first, that is.

PunishedKom · Fantasy
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256 Chs

Embracing Destiny

I let my words simmer for a moment and watch each girl process what I had to say. It doesn't take long at all for Sam to make up her mind. Her Highness grunts and stands up off the table before walking right up to me in front of everyone else. "Boss?"

"Yes, Sam?"

"I oughta hit you for even asking something so dumb!" She stomps her foot, leans into my face, and puts her hands on her hips. "When I first found out about your magic jizz, I was already thinking about trying to pull something like this off. Look at what you've already done with Zuzu, Meri, and me. You draw out the best in us, Boss. No one else in Karnalle can groom girls into heroes like you can!"

"Let's maybe not use that word, Sam-"

"Grooming, raising, whatever!" The Princess shrugs her shoulders. "My point is that thanks to you and everything you've done for me, I'm starting to actually make something of myself. I'm dumb. I've got no training. I got anger problems. But somehow, none of that shit matters when I'm with you- I just get stronger and stronger when I'm by your side. My father isn't gonna save this Realm, so I gotta do it myself... and the only way that'll happen is if I stay right here!"

"Sam, I-"

"No!" She shouts, her face growing red. Sam punches me in the arm hard enough to bruise. "L-Let me talk, damn you!"

I remain quiet, giving Sam all the time in the world to say whatever's on her mind. It turns out that that was just an excuse, and she has nothing else to say. The Princess is just embarrassed about what I might say back but can't admit it. "I... I..." She looks into my eyes, then looks away.

"Jus' fuckin' tell th' man," Gwin groans. "Ya dumbarse lass..."

"Shut up! I'll tell him I love him when I'm good and ready!" The flustered blonde whips her head at Gwin and points menacingly at her. Gwin smirks as soon as Sam realizes that she just told me she loves me for the first time. Zutiria's lips show a tiny smile for a moment, Meri gasps, and Opalina giggles at Sam's reddening cheeks. "Fucking... damn it..."

"Would you like a do-over?" I lean down and smile lovingly at my nervous Princess.

"Yes!" She growls before taking a deep breath and crossing her arms. Then, after regaining composure, she stands up tall and says, "I love you, Boss... please keep taking good care of me from here on out."

My heart kicks into overdrive at the Princess's sheer cuteness, and I pull her in for a hug and kiss her on the forehead. "I love you too, Samilda,"

"Oh, FUCK. OFF!" She laughs before pushing me away and punching me in the shoulder. No one else gets the joke, but that's ok. It's for us.

"Personally," Opal speaks up, a devious grin manifesting itself on her face. "I think that if you really are the Hero of Light, then it's a good thing you already have an 'in' with the Royal Family. It would be wise to 'cash in' this relationship at some point and reap the political benefits it would bring you, Dear."

Sam doesn't get it. "How would we do that?"

Meri blushes and clasps her hands, saying in a soft, dreamy voice, "Wedding bells, Sam..."

Sam has a vast array of emotions when she envisions this. Her blush grows more profound, she sweats out of panic, her smile and eyes go wide, almost to the point of looking vacant. The thought of marrying me makes Sam look like nothing would make her happier and more terrified at the same time.

"HAH!" The Princess stumbles backward in a wobbly fashion, prompting me to try and reach out to her and hold her, but she steadies herself. "Uh, y-yeah, maybe someday...! I-I-It's not you, Boss, I just... um... I'm nowhere near ready to see my family any time soon..." She brushes some of her sweat off her brow.

"There's no rush," I reach out to tenderly stroke Sam's hair while she makes flustered, grumpy noises. "Honestly, Gods only know how large my harem will grow, so waiting to do some sort of group marriage might be best..."

Gwin snorts and bangs the table with her fist. "Th' absolute balls on this Lad,"

"I guess that did sound more egotistical than I meant it to... regardless, Zutiria, Meri? Can I take it that you intend to stay by my side just as Sam does?"

'Yes,' Zutiria nods her head almost imperceptibly. 'You'll forgive that I don't feel up to making a long-winded emotional speech about how much I love you and how much you've done for me. I'd never leave you. I can't.' The little lady sighs. Opalina tries to pet again, but Zutiria shakes her head and doesn't allow it. 'Sammy is right, nonetheless. I'm broken. When I'm with you, I feel like making an effort to try and pretend I'm not...'

"Dear," Opaline grows more concerned, "I think you should spend some time alone with this one tonight..."

'I'll be fine,' Zutiria responds in a very unconvincing manner. 'But if you insist on it, Sir...'

"I think it would be best if I saw to your needs, Zutiria. Sam, would you mind sleeping in the spare room with Meri for the night?"

Meri blushes. She's clearly a little upset we can't have our second night together, but a night with Sam doesn't sound all that bad either. "Y-Yes, of course, Master. Are you ok with that, Sam?"

Sam slinks into her seat and folds her arms. "Yeah, long as you tell me about your mom like you promised you would!"

"I would love to!" Meri smiles sincerely as her gaze turns towards the floor, and she twiddles her thumbs. "Oh, but... um... Master, can I say something too while we're at it?"

"Yes, Meri?"

She takes in a deep breath and fights to maintain eye contact, but during her speech, her eyes dart back and forth out of embarrassment. "I know that I haven't been around for very long, and... it might sound weird when I say it, but... m-my feelings for you are just as strong as everyone else's. I've been an adventurer for two years now, and until I met you, I was a total loser... and I-I still am a loser, compared to my Mom. But... you actually help me, Master. You make me feel good about myself, make me thinking that... maybe I can really make something out of this life that my mom died to protect. For a long time, I..." She closes her crimson eyes as tears begin to fall. "I always asked myself... why her? It should have been me..."

My heart lurches at hearing how intense this young girl's survivor's guilt was this entire time. "Meri-"

She shakes her head and wipes the tears. "No, it's ok, Master. I haven't had any of those thoughts since coming here, now that I have people who I want to protect... and a-after what happened last night..." Meri blushes and holds her cheeks in her hands. "I don't think I ever will again."

I feel my cheeks redden, and I step closer to Meri's seat. She takes my hands in hers once I offer them to her, and we stare into one another's eyes. "Please," Meri's eyes flicker, "Keep grooming me from now on, Master!"

Gods, damn it. She was so close, too...

Gwin, Opalina, and Sam all hold back laughs at the naive Shield Maiden's unintended slip-up. No one wants to ruin her moment, especially me. "...Of course, Meri." I cough and avert my eyes, embarrassed over what I just agreed to. I'm sure someone will tell her what that means later, but for now, I just want this adorable lover of mine to be as happy as she can.

Opalina lets out a wistful sigh. "If only I were younger... nowadays, all I'm good for is a supporting role. Maybe that will change in the future? Who knows." She giggles, "You seem to have a habit of helping women through their problems... regardless, you already know I plan on aiding you to the best of my ability. I won't let you drift away from me ever again, Dear."

"Thank you, Opal. That means the world to me."

All eyes turn on Gwin, who at this point feels comically out of place. She reads the room and shrugs. "Ah said it before an' ah'll say it again. Ah'm just a fuckin' carpenter who wants ta be a smith. Ah give ya a single fuckin' handy- just one- an' ya try an' draft me into yer Gods damned holy war?"

"To be fair," I lean down to look level at the fiery lass. "I don't think I'll ever be able to defeat the Demon Lord if I don't acquire a more stable supply of Dwarven handjobs. They're key to the war effort."

Gwin cracks up at that, her cheeks growing flushed as she looks away from me abrasively. "Men. Fuckin' typical. Ah s'pose ah'm in if ya ever get yerself a forge an' can convince mah family ta let me go mah own way, Lad. Ah'll have a lot ta learn, but you'll need someone around ta fix up armor an weapons, won't ya?"

"I certainly will," I extend my hand to the Dwarven girl as a sign of solidarity, which she takes and clasps tight. Her grip is much, much stronger than mine, and she's very enthusiastic.

Once I let go, I realize that that's it, then.

I've told everyone my greatest secret, and not only did no one reject me over it, I feel closer to each of the girls than ever before. Just like that, the weight that's been dragging me down for twenty-two years dissipates into nothing.

I know what the future holds, and for the first time, I'm looking forward to meeting it head-on.

The team meeting is adjourned, and to celebrate, I make everyone a personalized cocktail. Then, we toast to defeating the Demon Lord, the Duke of Dewhurst, and any other force which stands in the way of the Dewhurst Adventurer's Guild becoming the greatest Guild in all the Realms.