
The Reunion

At this point i was trying to wiggle me way out of the tree that held me captive. Ryuu and Naomi where yelling at each other when the others arrived.

"Soo Naomi where is Xeon I don't see him," Delin spoke interrupting the on going fight, " and why do you seem to know this man."

"Delin, Xeon is in that tree over there," Naomi Pointed to the tree that held me captive, "and as for this Jackass he is Ryuu."

"WHAT?!?! Ryuu, The kid that was granted the Immortal Scythe from our class. Wait that makes sense that he live through the attack." Nisho chirped in.

"Oi get me out of this tree please." I yelled at them. They all looked and tried to not laugh. It took them a good too min or so. When they finally got me out it was turning to night very quickly. We all decided to call it a night and go home.

"Ryuu did you happen to see and older man near that cabin." I said calmly.

"There was an old man their, yes but this Kaiju came into the cabin out of no where and i told him to run after I did he said to meat him 3 kilometers away in a cave by the base of the waterfall." Ryuu spoke.

We all talked for most of the night. That night when every one was sleeping I felt the need to walk around the village. After walking around I was ready to call it a night when a voice from the woods spoke, "Hay get your friends and got to the cave by the water fall. I want to talk to you all and you the most. You must hurry Akuma is coming. Now I must leave. Remeber to get your friends fast." What the hell? Where was that voice who did it be long to? Was he telling the truth? As these questions flowed through my head a shaking roar echoed around the village.