
Rise of The Fallen Hero (Old)

Once hailed as the world's hero, the protagonist sacrificed everything for the sake of humanity—family, friendships, and even love. His relentless training and countless adventures were undertaken without regret, driven solely by the belief that humanity's survival was paramount. But after vanquishing the once-invisible Demon King, betrayal struck. His own allies, driven by jealousy and fear, plunged a blade into their back, revealing the depths of humanity's dread. As their soul dispersed into the void, a desperate roar reached the ears of Satan himself. A pact was struck, and he was granted an opportunity for vengeance. Reborn at the beginning of their hero's journey, his heart harbored no hope for humanity, no reverence for gods. Only the power of darkness remained, coupled with an unquenchable thirst for retribution. Guided by the malevolent Dark System, the fallen hero embarks on a relentless quest for vengeance, and his path marked by shadows and treachery.

Sayyid_Novels · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

NEW WEBSITE SOON - Moved all my novels there

I created a website in WordPress for blogging my web novels and it will be launched soon enough, so don't worry! Also my pen name has been changed from 'Ali' to 'Aruta2023' then now 'Sayyid' and will officially be my pen name for eternity. All the chapters of this web novel have been deleted and moved to my website, and don't worry you can read minimum 100+ chapters of any web novel for free! (In-development).

It has been a tough ride with you guys and i will keep going to have my work recognized. From now on, all my web novels under my old pen names and my current one will ONLY be available on the website: www.sayyidsnovels.wordpress.com or RoyalRoad.

If you manage to see any of my work pirated/copied to another website; Webnovel.com, Wattpad, e.g., then please notify me and report it to increase the chance of it being taken down.

Contacts: sayyidnovels@gmail.com (email) (Other socials will be created later on)

So visit my website when it is launched (Q4 2023). So if you wanted to read more chapters, sorry!!

- Sayyid