
Rise Of The Fabricius

17-years old Zed Reese was summoned in another world along with his classmates. He is an intelligent and handsome young man that outshines mostly in everything when it comes to sports or studies. Can he withstand the new world? This is a wish fulfilment story and doing this because of boredom.

DarylArradaza · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 - Status

As the years go by, the people on Earth got used to modern technologies. Thus, `Fabricius` became useless to the extent that people thought they don't exist.

But some families are powerful since the beginning of the `Fabricius Era.` They remained powerful until this time and taught their families later generation to become a powerful `Fabricius` because one day, they knew people on Earth would need them again.

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Zed stared at the princess, waiting for her response.

It caused princess Ophelia to blush. She hasn't seen a young man, this handsome.

Zed's appearance is a whole new level that even the princes in their world will look like an average person if they stand beside Zed.

Even his female classmates blushed when they stared at him, taking care of Mya affectionately. The reason why they notice because on Earth, Zed altered his appearance looking normal as much as possible, but the result was not he expected.

He still looked perfect, even using magic to alter his appearance. Only Mya knew his real otherworldly appearance.

Even Miss Sylvia was shocked to the extent that she wanted to ask him what happened to him. But looking at him calmly staring at Ophelia, she shook her head and decided to calm done as what Zed tells her lately.

The reason why his appearance changed because he just used magic called `Gravitas Lucius Annaeus Seneca.` A level one `Fabricius` spell to remove the gravity from a person.

Yes, magic from Earth, not from the world they are in right now.

Once Zed will use magic, his original appearance will show because the altered appearance will change his body like an average person that can't use magic.

Zed is not worried about assassinations on Earth because his senses are much better than an average person.

The princess raised both her hands slowly and said in a slight fright tone.

"Sorry, my soldier is new in his job. Please don't be hostile to us. Please put your weapons down."

The atmosphere became normal again, and Zed nodded to Ophelia as a gesture to let her continue to explain.

"You see, the Angel, Devil and Chaos Faction started to wage war. And yes, you are the heroes that we summon to help us the Human Faction. As you can see, our Faction is the weakest." then she sighed and continued to talk.

"My father, the king, can't welcome you right now because he is in the borders fighting along with my sister, the first princess." She stared at the so-called Heroes waiting for their reply.

"Do you expect us to fight? Summoning as to this world that we don't even know? And mostly, we don't even know how to fight." Zed remarked the princess.

"The moment all of you are transferred here. You already gain powers, and I can prove it to you." The princess nod to her guard. He rushed outside.

While waiting, Zed talked again.

"Hey, princess?" Zed asked.

"Yes, Mister Zed?" She replied.

"Can we return to our world? If some of us don't want to fight, will you force them?"

The princess lowered her head and said.

"Sorry, we don't have any choice but to force you to fight. And to return to your world, all of you needed to become strong to gather the books for the magic that can help you return to your previous world, and it is located mostly in a high-level dungeon."

The princess continued to explain what the Dungeon is, and a Dungeon is a place where you can hunt monsters or gain treasures. She also told them that they could use magic.

Some of the students were amazed while others were still confused about what to do.

Overall, there are twenty students and their teacher that were present in the castle hall.

Then the princess continued to talk.

"I'm sorry to summon you and not knowing how to return you with my powers. But I promise when the war ends, all of you will gain titles, or even some of you will become Kings or Queens in the future if you decide to stay in this world." She apologized while looking at all of them.

Zed knew she was sincere, so he let them be. He is not afraid to fight, but the girl that is clinging to his left arm made him worried. He raised his hand and asked to make sure he is right.

"Hey, princess. All we have to do is to win the war, right? and also we need to conquer these so-called Dungeons to gather the magic books to help us return to our world?"

"Yes, indeed, your right." The princess said, smiling slightly towards Zed. She was happy a little that he decided to adjust to the events that are happening.

"I will fight worth for two people. I will not let Mya fight." Zed said to the princess while he pats Mya's head gently.

Mya looked at him with a concerned face and said. "You don't have to do it, Zed. I want to be with you and protect you as well. As the princess said, we have powers right now."

"How did she become smart for a while?" Zed thought in his mind.

Zed just nodded to what Mya said because he knows he can`t do anything about it.

Then, the guard that ran outside returned, pushing a cart with a crystal ball at the top.

The princess approached the cart and touched the crystal ball.

A transparent projector appeared at the top of the princess. Texts and numbers are written on it.

"This here is called a status board then will show you how strong a person is."

[Ophelia Blythe]

Level - 52

Grade: ☆ ☆ ☆

Strength - B

Intelligence - S

Agility - B

Luck - A

Then the princess continued to explain how this status works. How strength, Intelligence, Agility and Luck increase their potential. The students, including Miss Sylvia, was listening to Ophelia as if she was the teacher, and Zed thought in his mind that as expected of an airhead, but he found it cute, though.

Then the princess ended her lecture with "Now, shall we see your status?"