
The Handsome Man

Ki Shin left his house and departed to get some food for himself. He had been in the pod for a long time so he needed to stretch his body. Plus, he needed to start work at 7 pm. He had time, but he also needed to walk all the way to the place he worked.

His workplace was ever changing. Sometimes he would be in the middle of the city for a couple months, and sometimes he would be working in some urban area. His main work was construction. The pay wasn't terrible, just enough for him to get what he most needed and even a little more.

Now though, technology was improving fast and that meant that construction workers would slowly become less important. With robots now having higher efficiency rates, many places around the world stopped hiring construction workers. Luckily his city still could not afford to get robots for a while, which meant that he was safe for a little while, however, once he got fired things would turn bleak for him.

Robots were luckily still in the developmental stage, unlike Universe which was basically the best technology advancement as of yet.

Walking along the familiar street and the seeing many familiar faces, Ki Shin felt very calm. He also couldn't help himself from smiling. Although he had died in the game right away, which was very noob like, he couldn't help but remember the loot he got. Everything was going well for him.

He finally reached the local convenience store. When he entered the shop, he ran into a person.

Chestnut hair that was fixed into a bun, Her gorgeous blue eyes that were ever so enchanting. Fair skin that would force anyone to want to touch and caress it. "Oh, Miss Nae Sohyun." Ki Shin smiled towards her and moved a step back in order to give her some space.

In her arms were two large grocery bags. If one looked closely, then they would be able to see some bread, eggs, and even a couple of wine bottles.

The latter also looked up towards the tall, handsome Ki Shin and smiled. "Look who it is, mister Ki Shin, right?" Nae Sohyun spoke in a friendly manner, however not crossing any of the borders in her speech pattern.

"What are you doing in this convenient store?" Ki Shin asked the question but quickly began to regret it. His face became somewhat red when he saw Nae Sohyun look at him with a slight smile. She then lifted her two bags up.

"I am here to sell these items to the store. Hehe." She giggled a little as she walked forward. Ki Shin quickly moved aside and made way for her to exit the door.

"Ha ha." Ki Shin scratched his head and his face became an even darker shade of red.

Nae Sohyun noticed this and couldn't help but burst into laughter with her cute giggle. "Why are you always so stiff? I was just messing with you, hehe. I am here to get some ingredients." Nae Sohyun quickly made the awkward situation better.

Seeing this, Ki Shin couldn't help but sigh. He was completely different than the woman in front of him. He could only make things awkward for others while she was able to regain the normal atmosphere in seconds. 'If only I could have such a talent.' He shook his head and smiled back at Nae Sohyun.

"I know this is a rude question to ask, but if you came here, does that mean you live nearby?" He couldn;lt help himself and asked her. It wasn't because he was interested in her, rather he was quite curious. He truly never expected to run into her. Plus, he ran into her the same day they met, never had he seen her here before.

"Yes, I do live around here, Technically I have just moved in the area. About a week ago maybe." She lifted one her hands and touched her chin in a very pretty manner. Lifting her arm in such a fashion caused the grocery bag to slide down to her elbow.

"Well, welcome to the neighborhood I guess." Ki Shin welcomed her in a very monotone and boring way as if he didn't really mean it.

"Thanks for the warm welcome." Nae Sohyun didn't take any offense. She could tell that this Ki Shin's first time saying something like this, plus from her previous experience she knew that he was a very shy person.

"I am going to go and also get myself some stuff. Maybe we will see each other later or something?" He spoke rather quickly. He wasn't in a rush =, rather he began to feel that his words were rather ambiguous the more he spoke. This caused him to panic a little and get flustered.

"Haha!" Nae Sohyun couldn't help but burst into laughter once more. "Yea, we will see each other again I hope." She smiled brightly before walking away once more.

Seeing her leave made Ki Shin very calm. He felt more relaxed as if a blade was finally removed from in front of his throat. "That was harder then slaying the slime If this was a quest inside the game, I probably would have failed it at least a hundred times." He shook his head and began to go and find the ingredients he needed for food.

After purchasing everything that he needed, Ki Shin quickly decided to go home. He needed to get make food, eat, shower and then head out to work. At the moment, his new location was about an hour away, that is if he walked and he was going to walk. He looked at his watch and found that it was almost 4 pm.

"I need to quickly get home so that I don't have to reduce the time for anything else." He disliked to eat quickly and get ready as if he was late. He likes to take his time and do what he needed, however, his new location was quite far so he really had no choice but to quicken himself.

Ki Shin got home a little quicker than normal, but he was still going at everything kind of slow. He took his sweet time while making himself some food. One of his favorite dishes was mixing spinach with potatoes.

It was a very quick and easy, but delicious food. All he needed to do was wash the spinach and leave it on the side for a bit. Then he would fill a pot with a bit of oil and then cut about five pieces of garlic. After that, he would let the garlic fry for a small while before adding in some other minor ingredients. Then he would add in a little red pepper powder, then he would put in the washed spinach. After that, he would in about two cups of water and then begin to cut potatoes. The potatoes would be cut into thumb size pieces, and then he would wait until the potatoes were soft enough.

It was a very easy meal to make, which would take him only about half an hour. His favorite drink was either chocolate milk, banana shake, or a fruit punch. The fruit punch and chocolate milk were easy to get since he just needed to buy them, but the banana shake was a little more difficult.

He needed to make it with bananas =, milk and sugar, still, it only took him about ten minutes to prepare the drink.

KI Shin ate slowly, allowing himself to savor the food. He ate his spinach and potatoes with bread (usually pita), while drank his banana shake in a small glass.

The time hit 5 pm rather quickly. Ki Shin got up and began to wash the dishes, which really only consisted of two plates, one glass, one pot, and some other utensils. After that, he rushed to his room and pulled out his work clothes.

Making sure everything was in order, Ki Shin went to take a quick shower. He wasn't fond of taking long showers, but he did not take fast ones either. He would usually step in and listen to two to three five minute songs before stepping back out.

The shower was his favorites place to think, especially with the music in the background. After he was done, he got out and quickly got ready. The time was about 5: 30 ish, so he had a little time to spare. He would usually leave 15 mins before, just in case a problem occurred during his walk.

Ki Shin decided to clean up while he waited. He now used to keep the house clean ever since his parents past away. He was now all alone so he took care of everything without any help, luckily his house wasn't too big and he himself was quite clean, so he was able to finish things right before the 15 min mark,

Once the time struck 5: 45 pm, Ki Shin walked out his door and headed towards the construction site. The walk was very peaceful. Sometimes he would see some teens walking with their friends and chatting, other times he would see elderly strolling alone or with someone else. There were some cars around, but most people preferred to walk or ride bikes, especially since the area was mostly residential with children playing around here and there.

The sky was a semi-dark blue, while the clouds were slowly becoming harder to see. When he looked behind him he saw the yellow sun beginning to hide behind the horizon, but there was still enough light to make the day seem very bright. If one looked up high, they could barely make out the moon that slowly began to appear in the blue sky.

Ki Shin couldn't help but smile and sigh at the same time. He was smiling because of how happy and calm his life was. Although he worked more than the average person, and his parents were now gone, he still felt that his life was many times better then it could be.


3 am. His working time was done. Ki Shin was by the side hammering a board into a wall when suddenly a shout came from behind. "Ki Shin, it is 3 am, you can leave."

Hearing the person, Ki Shin finished what he was doing and then walked towards the exit. He waved goodbye to some of his co-workers and also to the site manager. As he walked out, he wiped his forehead which was covered in sweat, while also making sure his hands did not have black stains.

Sadly, he did have stains on his arms and clothes. 'These things are so hard to remove, when did it even happen?' He couldn't help but grumble. The stains were not easy to remove, plus he was usually very careful since he did not want to get these stains on himself.

He just couldn't remember when he got them. 'Whatever, I am going to need to take a longer shower than usual then, plus that rough soap is going to be quite useful now,' He though and ignored the stains with a sigh.

The morning sky was quite beautiful. It was a mixture of blue and bright yellow. The place was somewhat chilly, but the chill was a nice touch to his body since he was covered in sweat and most of the day he would be in a hot environment with other sweaty men and woman.

Ki Shin was usually very silent when he walked. He would stare at the sky and imagine different things. Sometimes he would think about his parents, other times he would think about his past goals that he was unable to accomplish.

The biggest dream he had as a child and something that was still something he wanted was being able to go to space. He had this small interest, and he didn't know why, but space was something he had always wanted to explore.

He knew that this was not possible. Although the technology was very advanced and space exploration was possible, this exploration would only be towards extremely close planets like Mars and the like.

'One day, I am going to see the many mysteries of space. I want to personally see a star die and explode. I want to see the various planets in the universe, the inside of a black hole…' He began to imagine everything he wanted to see and couldn't help but feel excited.

Although he would never be able to see such things, just thinking about such things had always made him very excited.

As he walked on the sideways with a calm face and a slight smile, he noticed a shiny black car approach from afar. It was a stunning car. The windows were also dark, not allowing one to see who was inside. The wheels were silver and red, making the car seem very stylish.


As the car pulled over to the side, it began to make a very loud but nice sound. Just like the sound of a race car, one would see in TVs. Ki Shin also found the car to be quite nice, but he decided to ignore and continued to walk. He didn't really have much contact with people who could afford such luxuries. He didn't even have much friends ley alone wealthy ones.

"Hey, is that you Ki SHin?" Suddenly a sound came from behind him. Ki Shin turned around and saw a man walk out the car. He had a white suit on with a nice black hat. His shoes were dark green and had a very scaly pattern. On his wrist was a silver watch that seemed more expensive than even Ki SHin's parents wedding rings.

The man who walked out had a handsome face. His sharp jawline, matched with his blue eyes and blonde hair made him seem quite foreign like, but that wasn't the most distinct and enchanting feature of this man. On the right side of his neck was a large tattoo. It was a blue creature that spiraled like a snake but had the wings of a bird. It was quite the tattoo.

Ki Shin looked at this man and tried to remember anyone who met the descriptions from his memory. Suddenly, a person came to mind. This person was nothing like the handsome man in front of him, but there were small similarities that match,

"D-don't tell me…"

The food that I put in are real and are actually my favorite. I remembered most of the ingredients and procedure, but there is like one or two things I did not add in because I forgot what the instructions were. If you do want to know how to make this Spinach and Potato dish then you can ask me in the TDDL discord or something. :)

SN_Colliercreators' thoughts