
Rise of the Dragos

A trip to the local antiques market, opens up a new world to Scarlett. Her ancient bloodline is awakened and she's propelled into the unknown. She will become the leader of her clan and the biggest challenge for her future mate.

RougeDraco · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A pleasant lunch at a cute cafe part 2

"That'll be great! So we'll see you Sunday. Oh before I forget she wants the guests to wear something pink because that's her favorite color. We have officially entered the color coordination stage, I remember when my niece went through it and she was wearing purple everything," Clarence shudders as if he was remembering something really unpleasant. Moira and Scarlett giggled, they do remember when Ashley was that age and how she looked like a little walking grape.

"Well hopefully she won't be as extreme as Ashley. I remember her showing me the purple undies her uncles gifted her for her birthday. She just tugged her pants down in the middle of my store in a patch of light so I could see how cute the underwear was." Clarence chuckles, "OMG!! I remember when she did that, everyone was so shocked we just froze for a minute." Scarlett was cracking up by then as she was remembering how everything happened and how pissed Ashley was that no one was paying attention to her but they wanted her to pull up her pants.

"If Ashley could hear us talking about that incident, she would try to choke us. It's a taboo now that she's a teenager, she denies anything goofy she did when she was younger." Scarlett happily laughs at Clarence and Moira's grimace. "You little devil, don't even think about telling her, I can already hear her whining about it." Clarence glares at her while Moira gives her the stink eye. "Why would I do something evil like that? That would be so mean and I'm such a sweetheart," Scarlett playfully blinks innocently at them while acting like a cute little girl. Clarence rolls his eyes at her and looks at Moira, "You didn't discipline her enough when she was a kid now look at that fresh attitude? No shame! I swear Scarlett if she starts whining at everything, I'm blaming you and you're going to have to fix it."

"Me!? Why is it my fault? Blame her grandfather for spoiling her rotten. I tried to discipline her but her grandfather intervened every time. If you want to blame someone blame him!" Moira huffed and pouted at Clarence and Scarlett. "Grandma, you know it's your fault, why are you blaming grandpa?" Scarlett's mischievous smile was contagious and Clarence and Moira couldn't help it and they laughed. "Okay, okay I admit it. It's both of our fault but little girl let me tell you, don't get cocky I can still spank you if you misbehave." Scarlett gasped and covered her butt with her small hands, making Clarence guffawed with laughter. "Ok, I promise to try to be good. Happy now? Oh before I forget, Mr.Clarence can I order two steak sandwiches and fries to go? Also add a small ceasar salad and two orange juices with it." Clarence quickly wrote down the orders, "No problem sugar. They will be ready by the time you finish your lunch. Ugh, we have some customers, I have to go. Talk to you later darlings."

"Grandma, what are you getting for Lucy's present? I have no idea, come on give me an idea." Scarlett grabbed the cuff of her grandmother's long shirt and shook it like a little girl.