
Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Ronan Phoenix was the second prince of the fire country of Avalon , whose only crime was simply exisiting. Born with unprecedented natural talents and superiror elemental affinity he was hailed as a once in a millenium genius , untill one fateful day everything took a turn for the worse. In a world where those born with the forbidden element were considered the most heinous criminals , Ronan became the enemy of the entire humankind once his real elemental affinity was revealed. An ancient prophecy foretold the rise of a supreme who would wield the forbidden element and unite the entire human race ruling as the one true emperor , however the road to the top was perilous and full of dangers . Follow Ronan in his adventures as he uses his talents to overturn the order of the world as he rises from the cursed to the revered , from an ant to the Dragon Emperor! ----- This story is for the people who are tired from reading more of the same , as it has a completely unique plot premise and world building . If you want something fresh , well this is for you. ----- Check my other work on webnovel : MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master . https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/20366446406794005?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4315158053 Join the discord and the community , where you can talk freely with me and others who enjoy my work Discord id :- Raj_shah_7152#3385 discord link :- https://discord.gg/KJtRdwcW94 Cover is mine so don't go around using it

Raj_Shah_7152 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
157 Chs

Meeting Percy

Ronan walked out of the training hall with furrowed brows. Winning the fight just now gave no happiness to him whatsoever , as the opponent was inexperienced in the way of combat , immature in his attacks and not thorough with his battle stance.

However if this was the level of one of the peak talents of the academy , then he could not see the purpose of staying behind here.

Why would he stay in such an academy where he would only be weighed down by others ? With no credible challengers and no top notch sparring partners?

From the entrance ceremony uptill now , Ronan had yet to find a single opponent that could get his blood pumping like it did when he faced the elites of the army.

He would be bored out of his mind if this was the case , however as if reading his mind , a familiar voice asked him a question about the exact thought in his mind.

" Bored? ". Asked Percy

As Ronan turned he saw a stern - faced Percy looking at him with calm black eyes .

" Big brother ! " , Ronan smiled as he flew in to hug Percy who was taken off-guard by Ronan's actions , no matter how cold the brute was to the world , to his family he was the warmest and the most loving kid.

Percy was helpless as he stroked the head of his little brother as half the anger in his heart had already melted while the other half had turned to helplessness.

Percy said " Listen to me you bullheaded idiot , you don't have to keep showing the world how special you are . You don't need to flex your strength , you don't need to pick a fight and you don't need to be a cold prick .

I understand that you feel that the school is boring , that It will not help you grow like you used to grow back in the palace , but you will be wrong. There are more than one ways to grow and the manner in which the school will help you grow is not only combat oriented !".

Ronan looked sheepishly at the floor as Percy gave him a scolding. He was naturally listening from one ear and letting it out of the other , however he pretended to be dejected.

Percy knew this very well as he twisted Ronan's ears and said " I know you won't listen to me , soo watch "

Percy said that and revealed his true level to Ronan, which left Ronan wide-eyed and surprised.

Percy was at level 42!

Just last winter he was only level 30, hence in about 8 months time he had gone from level 30 to 42! a monstrous increase in strength!

Ronan looked wide eyed towards Percy , as he gulped in anticipation. He was all ears now !

Percy said " This is a chance for you to learn teamwork. This is a chance for you to get explore a variety of professions , while also observing a variety of fighting styles.

There is a myriad of different activities and challenges at the school and there is also the house competitions.

Participate in everyone of them , learn from everything , the teachers , your peers , the success of others and their failure as well.

Learn about every technique , wether about your own element or not , and if you have the guts then try and beat all my records too .

Soo stop looking down on the academy and start making the most of it. Now go to your house common room and don't hover anywhere near the training hall for the next 3 days! ".

Ronan listened intently to what Percy had to say , as excitement bubbled up in his heart. He was finally feeling motivated to attend the classes and experience the academy Life. As seeing Percy at level 42 he felt that if big brother can advance soo far , so could he!

However the part about not coming to the training hall was just nonsense , he was never going to follow through with that advice , as training was like eating for him. He simply could not do without it.

Thinking about eating , the little glutton's stomach started to make rumbling noises as he looked innocently at Percy.

Percy slammed his palm to his face as he thought about how the Draco name was going to the mud now that this glutton was in the academy. However since he could do nothing about it he said " Come with me , let's have food in the canteen . But please behave like a civilized noble and don't eat with your hands , Okay?".

Ronan put both his hands below his head as he simply whistled in reply. As a bad feeling rose in Percy's heart. He knew for sure that the little one was too spoilt to learn proper manners or care about others opinion of him.

However still he was inwardly glad that Ronan was in the academy now , as things seemed much more lively with him around. Naturally everywhere the duo went , all eyes turned as it was the two prince's and the most monstrous talents of the academy walking side by side.

Everyone was curious about their relationship , as it was not uncommon for brothers of royal descendants to not have any familial bonds at all. infact Ronan and Percy were quite literally an exception to the norm , as most noble borns indeed kept fighting with each other for getting the position of the next family head.

However , the Draco brothers were different from the norm , since Sierra raised them to be so. Right parenting made the difference between heaven and earth , as children indeed learnt as children were taught.

Never comparing Ronan and Percy and never rewarding or punishing them over a relative achievement or mistake and showering both with similar and unfaltering love , Sierra never let the two kids ever feel that they were competing over anything.

The concept of a crown prince and a normal prince was made to sound like it was one and the same inside the Draco household as Sierra made it clear that it did not matter who sat on the throne . Both brothers would enjoy simmilar standing and powers.

With that there was never anything that the brothers fought over , as they spent a happy childhood getting along with each other and looking out for each other.

Hence when the two spent their time amiably within the canteen , goofing around with each other . Naturally the entire canteen was surprised to see such closeness between two prince's.

Most had been ready to choose sides and form factions . However there was no longer a need , the Draco's were one single force inside the national academy!