
Trials (Side : Avarice)

As Leiliana entered the gates she saw a world of darkness from the distance she saw two doors. One was worn down the other on the other hand was a luxurious golden door it was made of expensive materials.

Looking at the golden door Leiliana wanted to open it but she subconsciously went towards the other one.

Opening the other door she felt herself being enveloped by darkness.

It was at that moment that she heard a familiar voice call out to her. It was one of the voices in the room from earlier.

[Little one remember that sometimes the value of somethings is greater than what you see in the surface.]

As the darkness takes Leiliana. She was trapped in darkness. It was at this moment she saw a single light and went towards it.

Leiliana woke up and found herself in a worn down house. Looking around she saw that the room was quite old and broken down.

Standing up she left her bed and went out the room. What greeted her was her family. There were her sisters including Maescia there and her mother and father.

She then saw various images pop into her head. It was like dreams..., no memories of this body she was in. They were replacing her old memories that she had before coming here.

She had completely forgotten that she was in a trial nor that she lost her sister Maescia after that fall.

Several years have passed and Leiliana had spent time with her family here in this world. Through the years she has shown talent in different arts of combat, from sword, spear, axes and many more. Among the different arts she has shown to be extremely exceptional in archery.

Due to her attainments and talents she was recruited as  a member of the Archer Legion in the army. Later with her achievements in battles. She was granted the position of General and has her own army.

She had also earned a reputation as a cold, merciless and valiant general in the battlefield.

Through the long years Leiliana had been busy and couldnt spend much time with her family. As She is often participating in wars in the borders.

Today as well she was fighting against the invading forces of an opposing country.

"Archers get ready to fire!" (Leiliana)

Towards her words the archers of the kingdom raised their bows and drew the strings preparing to fire their arrows.

In the distance the cavalry of the opposing army is charging towards them.

Leiliana then raised her bow and aimed as well. She then gave out the order.

"Fire!" (Leiliana)

As Leiliana gave out the order the countless archers fired their bow and countless arrows rained down towards the incoming cavalry.

The cavalrymen hit with the arrows fell into the ground. Some of them dead and some of the horses were hit by the arrows as well. Although some of them fell, there were still others charging towards them.

Seeing the incoming cavalry, Leiliana once more raised her voice and gave out orders.

"Prepare the second volley!"

Her subordinates echoed her orders throughout the whole army informing the others of her others. With her orders the archers once more raised their bows into the sky.


With her arrow taking the lead the archers fired countless arrows into the sky.

The arrows once more landed on the cavalry knights.

After finishing the cavalry knights. Leiliana and her army made a full scale attack towards the enemy killing everything in their path.

Leiliana was running and shooting countless enemy soldiers as she lead her army towards them.

A few hours passed and Leiliana and her army decimated the whole enemy forces and sent the survivors in retreat.

"General We have won!!"

"Long live General Leiliana!!!"

"Long live the Restia Empire!!!"

Various cheers of soldiers echoed throughout the valley. Amidst this Leiliana let out a smile.

She remembered her vow back then.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Leiliana was doing her daily job. Helping her mother wieve cloths as her mother was a seemstress.

It was that night that her younger sister Maescia was found dead. It was said that a noble took fancy towards her and wanted to take her.

In response Maescia fought back and managed to injure the noble. Making the nobleman enraged leading to what happened.

Seeing her sister's body played with, enraged the whole family but there was nothing they could do. Except cry in sadness.

During her sisters funeral. She heard a voice calling for her.

[This wouldnt have happened if you  had power. Only with power will you stood above others.]

Hearing this voice she vowed to never to let this happen again.

With new found resolve Leiliana trained herself and entered the army seeing as it was the fastest way to get ahead of life.

With enough merits she could soar into the ranks and gain enough status to get revenge on the nobleman for her little sister. Which she eventually achieved.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Now years later she stood above as one of the heroes of the Restia Empire.

Leiliana is currently parading through the streets of the capital along with the soldiers. Throughout the whole parade she could hear the cheers of the people, and praising her along with the other notable figures as they parade riding horses.

The parade continued from the gates to the castle where Leiliana and the others dismounted from their horses.

They then proceeded to the throne toom where they knelt down in front of the emperor.

The emperors seeing them smiled with satisfaction and announced the rewards from each of them.

"Leiliana Tristitia, for your valiant efforts in leading the army I confer you the title of marquis. Along with promoting you to the rank of Head Vice-Commander of the whole army."

Hearing this Leiliana was enraged

This meant that her army will be merged with the imperial army. Although this seems like a promotion, it is no different than losing her own army.

"I respectfully accept your majesty." Leiliana said while she grit her teeth. She had no choice as she cant decline.

Inwardly she was furious and cursing the emperor.

[This bastard wants to take my army away...]

She once again heard thaf voice in her head. This voice was guiding her through her success so she developed a little trust in it.

[Little girl are you gonna let him have his way?]

[Of course not I'll show you this bastard the consequences of his actions...] (Leiliana)

The Emperor seeing Leiliana accept the promotion smiled smugly

He was scared of Leiliana's army. Although her army keeps the invaders away it also possess danger towards his position as Emperor so he schemed to take that power away from Leiliana.

Unknown to the Emperor, Leiliana was loyal towards the Emperor as he helped her quite a bit back when she was just a rising star in the army. By taking her army he set Leiliana as her enemy.

The Emperor then gave rewards to the other people with Leiliana. After giving out reqards the Emperor then dismisses everyone including Leiliana.

As Leiliana was walking out the throne room she could see the other generals smirking behind her. These were some of her enemies from noble families that were jealous of her talents.

"My, how the tables have turned little girl... it seems the Emperor is not on your side." Said one of the generals smirking at her.

"Thats what you get for acting all high and mighty with just some accomplishments." One of the young generals who was her rival said to her. This general had been compared to her numerous times which incured his hatred towards him as everyone was saying that Leiliana was better than him.

Towards this Leiliana just coldly glances at them and walks away amidst the laughter of them.

Leiliana then goes towards the residence that she bought to reunite with her family.

Along the way she was thinking of ways to take down her enemies including the Emperor. Now that her enemy generals knoe she will lose her army they will surely kick her while shes down.

[Corruption of Avarithia : 20%]

A distorted voice was heard by Leiliana who though it was just nothing.