
Insignia of Tristitia

The Demon King then held out his hand and an item appeared from it, it emitted strong demonic energy and pressure. He then held it out towards Maescia.

«This is where our family name originated, it is know as the Insignia of Tristitia one of the 9 Sin treasures that was given to us by the Demon Goddess, Diablia. This is a divine treasure that is valuable even in the divine realms so one should be careful in revealing it lest it attracts greedy individuals.

This originated from the Cardinal Sin Scripture along with the other 8 which possess incredible powers that can shake the heavens and the earth in the hands of a supreme expert. This particular one hold the concept of [Despair] with strong abilities related to the dark element and demon attribute. You will learn of its abilities with time but you should first focus on passing its trial.»

Maescia listened carefully to her ancestor's words and prepared herself to undertake the trial.

«Before you begin your trial you should first absorb my essence blood it should help you.»

He then raised his hand over to Maescia and black blood appeared there it gave of a suppressive feeling. Maescia wondered in her heart how powerful was her ancestor that just his blood already has this much power.

«Come sit in my throne and meditate the throne has abilities that help in cultivation it should aid in absorbing the blood, and dont worry about the time as time here flows differently from the outside world. It should also be the reason why you couldn't contact your sisters and comrades.»

A couple of months have passed in this special dimension temple and Maescia finally absorbed quite a lot of the essence blood her body also started radiating [Demonia] the energy exclusive to the demons race.

With the essence blood of a demon king absorbed, her bloodline had awaken and her body had changes that corresponds to them.

Firstly her head now has two horns growing her eyes turned red and jet black bat wings appeared from behind her back.

At first she was worried about her new appearance but it seems she can retract her horns and wings, while her eye color also changed back to its normal blue color. It seems her heterochromatic eyes changed as her bloodline awakened and she could control their color at will.

Her cultivation stages also improved as her cultivation in magic almost caught up with his artes one.

She is now at the peak of 5th rank of Magic and can break through to the sixth rank. On the other hand her cultivation in Artes is at the middle stage of 6th rank making her a Senior Fighter.

Meanwhile her cultivation with [Demonia] energy is at 4th rank. If the various sects heard of her cultivation ranks they would do all they can to recruit her into their organizations.

«It seems as thou have broken through and awaken thy bloodline sucessfully  young one.»

The Tristitia Demon King appeared infront of Maescia and praised her seeing her current attainments in all of her cultivation paths.

"I greet grandfather." Maescia greeted and bowed when she saw the Demon King appear.

«But you should be aware although you have triple cultivation attribute it will be hard to cultivate all three at the same time. You should choose what you want to prioritise.»

The Demon King then raised her up and continued, «Its time to take the trial are you ready?»

Maescia nodded towards his words. The Demon King then gave her the insignia and she began to absorb it.

«Remember whatever happens do not fall into despair! Even in the face of despair there is always hope!»

As Maescia was absorbing the Insignia she then noticed that the suroundings have changed.

This must be the mental world...

Looking at her surroundings Maescia noticed that everything was covered in darkness and in this darkness only exists a single pathway.

A pathway. So does this mean the trial has started? I guess so.

After preparing herself Maescia stepped into the path. She kept walking and walking. As she walked several images appeared in her mind. In each of these images every single one of her love ones was killed and she was powerless to stop them time and time again.

The killers wore a black robe, their faces were hidden from view but their bodies were clad in a type of aura that is different from all the energies that exist in the world of Terrushia.

The Maescia in the visions asked who they were, "Who are you? "With a face full of grief and hatred.

We are **** G*** Maescia didnt hear what they said but it was different for the Maescia in this dreams.

The scene finally changed once more in this scene it wasn't Maescia who was here. This time it was another her, it was Anastasia.

Similar to the one in Maescia's ,in this one Anastasia was looking at her fallen people,her comrades,her family,her tribe,her love ones they were all dead when she arrived at the battlefield. Similar to Maescia's case Anastasia asked who they were but it was cryptic like the first one.

The scene changed once more this time it was Laura, what happened before happened again. Time and time again repeatedly Maescia was shown this scene in each of her past lives. In each time Maescia felt her heart breaking slowly.

As she was falling into despair a hand was put in her shoulder, and in this moment she heard a voice,"Do not into despair, if that is fated to happen then let us break the chains of despair!"

Behind Maescia were countless people. Maescia recognized Anastasia, Laura and Skye were among them. She looked at the hand in her shoulder it was Grimelda's.

The cycle of despair was broken, cracks slowly appeared in the once dark room pouring light into the darkness. The next thing Maescia knew she was in a room and in front of her was the Insignia of Tristitia.

She then reached out and touched it, the insignia resonated with her and in her hand appeared the Insignia of Tristitia. Knowledge on how to use it immediately flowed into her mind.

So thats it's ability...


