
Forest of Everlasting Darkness

After resting up Maescia and her group continued to travel the forest with Seiyana leading them. Along the way they saw many Demonic Beasts and encountered some that they defeated and those that they could not defeat they ran away from.

A few days have past since the day they lost the Basilisks. In these few days they have communicated with Rona's group using a [Messenger Stone] and found out they were safe to the relief of everyone in this group. They also heard how they managed to obtained the body of the Basilisk and a Black Tiger and praised them for their courage and quick thinking.

The group said farewell to them and hoped that they would be safe as the two groups head to the meeting point.

These past few days Maescia was getting more used in real combat and for some odd reason she was doing some unknown nostalgic and familiar moves.

How do I know these different techniques and moves. I haven't been taught by them before... it's like I used them before as well as they have a hint of nostalgia.

The others in her group especially her sisters was suspiscious of her as they also know of the techniques passed down their family but just thought of it as Maescia's self taught technique.

The group continued to travelled along the forest. Maescia also learned of survival techniqued besides fighting ones as she traveled with her sisters and emily. Sometimes at night while she was asleep she saw visions of a castle, a golden throne and battlefield and all sorts of vision.

There was one time she saw herself standing in the middle of a thousand corpses, but strangely she felt calm in this situation like shes used to it.

Maescia just thought of them as her weird dreams and took no notice of them. She just attributed it to her getting used to fighting and her excitement to going to the majestic academy.

Today was similar as well Maescia and her group have just fixed up their camp and stored the demonic beasts who were killed by the person who stood guard(they alternated in teams of two) throughout the night.

After finishing breakfast the group proceeded to travel to the meeting point with the use of their map and compass both magic tools that show where they are and direction their in.

As they were traveling they heard a hiss and saw the Basilisk from a few days ago find them again. It seems that it was persistent and was tracking them down these past few days!

"It's back!" Leiliana exclaimed as she saw the familiar basilisk from a few days ago.

The group immediately prepared themselves for combat and ran out as they know they won't stand a chance without their full party as they are not with Rona's group and they know that they won't stand a chance without their full party.

They were chased by the Basilisk as they ran along the way they tried to delayed it with various Artes and Spells but to no avail the Basilisk tanked the damage like it did a few days ago.

As the group ran they eventually reached an open area and saw a cliff ahead.

"This is bad... everyone prepare to fight!" Said Seiyana as they know they have no chance to escape as if they do fled towards down the cliff their chances of survival are dim.

Towards Seiyana's word the whole group prepared themselves to fight to the death.

Shortly after the Basilisk then appeared from the sea of tress in the forest it was dark and menacing. Emily immediately chanted a spell similar to Leicia's [Holy Sanctuary] but it could be seen that the effect was weaker compared to Leicia's Spell a few days ago. But nevertheless it helped with the pressure they felt from the Basilisk and negated the [Petifying Gaze] of the Basilisk.

The group quickly gathered all the [Mana] and [Prana] they can muster as preparation to fight.

As the Basilisk attacked Seiyana met it head on with her sword she striked with her sword clad in [Prana] and side stepped to dodge the incoming blow from the Basilisk.

Maescia similarly clad her sword in [Prana] and striked the basilisk using an arte of her own.

"[Heavenly Blade Strike!]" (Maescia)

"[Sky Severing Strike]" (Seiyana)

After hitting the Basilisks with their own techniques they dodge the incoming blows using [Flash Step] and prepared to strike once more.

""[Flash Step!]""

Behind them Emily and Leiliana was providing support through arrows clad in [Prana] and Spells.

Each shot made by Leiliana were fired off using several Artes and accurately distracting the Basilisk long enough for Seiyana and Maescia to get out of dangerous situations.

Emily on the other hand is also using magic and also firing off magic similar to Leiliana giving the two, Seiyana and Maescia more room to dodge. She was also proving shields using barriers although not as powerful as Leicia's Shields it was still better than nothing.

The battle was in a deadlock for a while when Seiyana was sent flying and hit a tree.

The basilisk then similarly hit Maescia towards Leiliana and Emily but unlike in Seiyana's case she was able to nullify most of the damage with the help of some mysterious technique she used subconsciously along with Emily's barriers

"[Impact Nullification] [Counter Arts: Redirection]" (Maescia)

Maescia was able to nullify most of the impact using the No-Attribute magic, [Impact Nullification] unbeknowst to her that she used [Mana] subconsciously, and using [Counter Arts : Redirection] redirected most of the force used.

"That was close..." Maescia mutter as sweat fell from her forehead. She then turned her gaze towards the incoming basilisk

Maescia then had thought of a similar scene subconsciously. She then saw a girl similar to her in this scene with black hair in contrast to her silver hair.

Her body then subconsciously moved to re-enact that scene. As her body moved everything was in slow motion she then sidestepped and clad her sword in [Prana] and slashed beside the basilisk.

The force made her back a bit due to the weight and speed of the basilisk when it charged to her. She then kicked it with her foot clad in [Prana] she then charged forth once more with Leiliana and Emily providing support to her.

As they were fighting the tail of basilisk theb hit her once more and she was sent to the side as she used the two techniques earlier to negate the damage to a minimum once more.

While she did negate most of the damage it did give an opening to the Basilisk who charged towards Leiliana and Emily.

The Basilisk quickly targeted Leiliana who tried to dodge. It was a grim situation as Leiliana knew she cannot possibly dodge the oncoming blow and she would get an injury that would let the battle flow into the favor of the basilisk due to her unable to provide support making it harder to fight the basilisk in even grounds.

"I won't let you..." (Maescia)

but before the basilisk could hit Leiliana .Maescia used [Flash step] to reappear and blocked the attack the basilisk and stabbed the hand of the Basilisk as they fell off the cliff when she pushed Leiliana out of the way.

As they were falling the basilisk managed to stab her using its claw which resulted in her injury on her stomach.

"Little Mae!!!!!" (Leiciana)

"Maescia!!!" (Emily)




As Maescia was falling and losing consciousness due to the injury she got when she fought the basilisk. She then heard a voice that carries warmness mysteriously.

Let me take over for a bit little one...

Maescia subconsciously agreed she felt that she could trust the voice






Information corner ^_^

[Messenger Stones]

> Messenger Stones were an item created by the Heavenly Sage of Wisdom who cultivated both [Mana] and [Prana] , he made it so that it could be activated by either of the two energy and it was well received by the people as it made communication between people easier along with his other inventions that made people's life better. Although it was used for war it was nonetheless a useful invention.