
9 Thrones

Note : these two people on the throne are different from the voices the party heard last chapter.

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In another room in a dungeon two people sitting in their respective thrones. In the room besides their throne there were 7 others numbering all the thrones in total to 9. They were set in a round shape facing each other. Above each throne was an insignia that represented each member of these Overlords. Each of the insignias only have a faint glow. It was at this moment that one of the 9 insignias suddenly burst and glowed which attracted the attention of the two beings in the room.

"It seems like the Tristitia Insignia has chosen a new master." Said the hooded woman. Her entire body was clad in a cloak revealing only little parts of her body. Above her head was a floating crown with mysterious inscriptions in them. From her hood you can see a pair of horn peaking out of it.

"Coincidentally our potential successors has also come forth. " Said the other person in the room. She was a beautiful young girl (Loli) in her youth. Her eyes were crimson while her hair was golden violet on her head were a single medium size horn. Similarly she also had a crown floating above her head.

"I wonder how much of this is fate and how much of it is planned?" Said the hooded person. If someone was to look at her now you could see her face revealing a smile shown due the dim lights in the room.

" I also wondered about that. Maybe this time a person who would exceed 9 Sins Sovereign would appear and be able to reach our level. " Said the Loli as she eats a drum stick that she cooked from a cockatrice that she had slain.

"Your not hoping for someone to reach Senior Sister's level?" Replied the hooded woman.

"Well even reaching our level is hard enough. Even in the grand worlds few could match our prowess in combat more so for Senior Sister. Well maybe Lucifer could do it." Said the Loli to the Hooded Woman.

"Speaking of Lucifer I heard she finally returned into this world from another plane. She met up with an old friend of ours." (Hooded Woman)

"Oh which one was it this time?" (Loli)

"Its Fenix who broke his seal. Though he had broken it for a while, Lucifer was worried so she went to that world to meet him. As he is still weak due to being sealed for a long time. " (Hooded woman)

"I recall that during the time that Senior Sister took Lucifer as her disciple among all of senior sister's subordinates she was closest to Fenix." Said the Loli with a hint of nostalgic expression. She then continued,

"Well regardless, we still have time its also almost time for Senior Sister's reincarnation. " the Loli said with a hint of excitement.

"The others should be coming soon as well." The Hooded woman added as she glances at the other thrones in the room.

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After the voices disappeared the group finally relaxed their bodies.

"The pressure was intense. It was stronger than the one the Head Master of the Academy gave off during that one time." Said Rona eith lingering fear. She remembered the time when their school was attacked by another enemy faction. The pressure that the headmaster gave was also overpowering but Rona felt that the ones she just felt was several times more powerful and frightening.

"They were really powerful and the aura they gave was extremely powerful, are they perhaps a lingering intent of a past Sovereign?" Amity speculated based on what they saw. She couldn't think of any being that powerful outside of Sovereign class individuals.

"No, it shouldn't be. If they were really Sovereigns there would be an imperial aura added to their aura. But judging from their ability to make an intent that powerful they should be near the Sovereign Class." Added Emily who told what she thought of.

"Regardless who they were, you two what are you planning to do? Based on what they said its perhaps only the two of you who could enter and undertake these trials." Said Rona slightly worried. Based on what those two voices said earlier the trials should be quite dangerous.

"I feel like I must go. Something in there is calling out to me." (Seiyana)

"I also feel the same. Something there should have some connection to us." (Leiliana)

Seeing the two already made up their minds. Rona knew it was pointless to persuade them against it when he saw the determined look in their eyes. The whole party behind the two heaved a sigh of exhaustion.

"Well as those two voices said earlier you two should go prepare." Agreeing with what Rona said the group then discussed how they were gonna be able to help the two. But in the end they could only provide support by providing ideas to the two and some material items that would be useful.

After finally finishing their discussions the groups prepared to see them off as they sat in the coach in the room. There was nothing else more that they could provide help with it will be up to the two of them what they are gonna do with their trials. They already suggested a couple of ideas that would help the two of them. They also helped the two train these past 3 days that they were preparing.

It was finally time for the two to serparate with the group. Seiyana then walks towards the golden violet door that belongs to the dungeon of Gula. Upon nearing the doors start to open. As it opens everyone could feel the dense demonic aura in the gate.

Sinilarly Leiliana was experiencing a similar situation. The doors on the golden emerald doors opened upon her nearing and it released strong pressure towards her.

"I'll be off now" (Seiyana)

"Goodbye to all of you." (Leiliana)

"Take care be safe!"

"Good luck on your trials."

The party then said their farewells to the two who were preparing to enter their respective gates. Before the gate would close Amity and Emily tried to both enter with the two but as expected it wouldn't work. As the two voices have said only those who are worthy can enter.

As the two door closes the group then looked towards each other and asked.

"What now?" (Amity)

As the group were wondering what they should do. A voice has spoken in the room.

"I encourage you to take the 3rd door over there." A mysterious man then appeared in front of the group. His face was blocked by some interference and the group could only see a light blocking his face. But his mouth could be seen. He then pointed his finger towards a third door that manifested behind him.

The group was first quite suspicious of him but thought that he is probably similar existence like those two voices earlier. The group then looked at each other.

"Well its not like we have anything better to do." (Emily)

With Emily speaking out her thoughts everyone thought that she was right and its not like this person would scheme against them as he could just directly kill them if he wanted to. As evidenced by the aura that surrounds him. Although it was weaker conpared to the voices it was still poweful.

"Well lets go!" Said Amity with a hyper and excited voice which earned her a glare from Emily. Before the two could fight Rona already dragged them as they approached the door.

It was similar to the two other door that Seiyana and Leiliana entered earlier. Similarly as they approached it open and released a strong energy inside.

"Although the rewards isnt comparable with the ones you can get in the two other gates and it should also be harder than this place." (Mysterious Man)

Finally deciding, the group then entered the gates as it closed behind them. The room they were at returned to its state before they arrived, it was once again filled with peace and silence it once had.

This was the start of the groups journey in the labyrinth.