
Rise of the Devil's Soul

Prepare to be swept off your feet and transported to a realm of magic and mystery, where the ordinary laws of nature bow to the extraordinary. Meet Xu Kai, a charismatic earthling with a comedic flair and a talent for sports, whose life takes a dramatic turn after a heart-wrenching tragedy. Left orphaned and unable to pursue his passion for archery, he finds himself on the brink of despair. Just when all hope seems lost, his soul is whisked away to a mystical universe where mythical creatures are not just figments of imagination but cohabitants of the world. Here, ranks determine power, and hidden treasures await those daring enough to seek them. Embark on a thrilling adventure with Xu Kai as he navigates this enigmatic world, unearths its secrets, and discovers his special destiny. Along the way, he forms unlikely alliances and learns about the true strength of the human spirit. But the question remains: Will he be able to complete the mission that destiny has chosen for him and return to his universe? . . .

_chikuo_ · Fantasy
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109 Chs

Streets of Qintai

After their leisurely tea break, the trio ventured back to the academy, strolling through the vibrant streets of Qintai. The sun was beginning its descent, casting a warm golden hue over the city and creating a picturesque scene. Minjun, with his lively demeanor, entertained Dan and Wu Xie with tales of his escapades in the Mermen Clan, his animated gestures drawing amused glances from passersby.

The city was alive with activity as merchants called out their wares, and the enticing aroma of street food wafted through the air. As they reached the grand gates of the academy, the bustling energy of the city gave way to a serene calmness that enveloped the campus.

However, their return was met with unexpected remarks from a group of students lounging by the tranquil lake. One student, with a smug grin, remarked, "Oh, Wu Xie, you seem so chill, like you're ready to leave already."