
chapter1: Betrayal

"hey reo,keep up" said the girl with blue hair

sorry,just gotta tie my shoe lase,reo replied to the girl with blue hair who was in front of him."forget about him" a cruel sinister voice replied.the girl named mia replied we still need him.the stunned reo couldn't believe what he was hearing

well your right said the cruel voice .reo

quickly stood up and his friends.

The trio were supposed to hunt a mid-tier lion beast according to what the info an unknown misterh gave it lived in the deepest part of the devillion forest

there were supposed to bring it's head and claws.

the trio arrived at the front of a cave when the boy who cruelly hated reo but didn't say anything to him used search magic (a beginner class magic).it's there the boy replied turns his murderous eyes to reo.

the trio were already in its depth mia and the boy who hated reo whispered,

reo could only just look sadly as the entered deep within the cave

A loud roar was heard mia quickly draw

her sword, a creature which looked like a dragon that had six eyes appeared ,the trio was frightened as they instantly saw it was a Tier 5 monster

The creature looked at the trio as it could see it's dinner, reo not waiting to no what come next shouted run

With no one tell them what comes next started running , the boy who had a sinister voice from before called jake quickly turned back ,drew his sword as a slashed reo legs .

reo couldn't believe his friend could do this as he plead for help.

Mia sneered and and ran away with Jane

The creature who saw what what happened

couldn't help but look at reo as he was unfortunate

reo could feel it's aura and pressure and plead as tears formed on his face

The creature murmured silently what a pity you die as it open it's mouth before devouring reo

human rank-f,e,d,c b,a,s,ss,sss,x,xx

beast rank-tier 1=f


tier 3=d

tier 4=c

Onuabuike_Davidcreators' thoughts