
Rise of the Demon Girl

Yelena Abaddon has been an orphan since her parents died when she was 3 years old. She has been living in an orphanage since. Due to her being shy, she hasn’t been able to make friends and has always been isolated from everyone. She was known to never talk nor get close to anyone. The orphanage was next to a school and everyday she would look at the students with their parents. She longed to have parents but they were no more. One day when she was 10 years old, she begins to hear a voice in her head. The voice kept talking to her and became her friend. But that friend was malicious giving evil ideas. The voice a year later, told her to kill everyone that she was jealous about. The next day she went to the school and trapped everyone inside and burned the school killing dozens of students and teachers. This incident, put her into an asylum for years. Until one day, she escaped thanks to guidance of the voice. But as she about to be free from this prison, she got shot and dies. Jealousy was in her last gaze. But fate had another plan for her. After that incident, everything changed for the better or worst.

redblue · Urban
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8 Chs


I taking a break on this novel and won't touch it for about a month or more. Don't worry I won't dropped this novel.

I'm just working on my main fanfic so this one won't be unpload.