
Demonic Techniques

As Lucas continued feel and draw on the negative energies around him he began to feel more sensitive to the energies and was able to feel even the subtle amounts left behind from past deaths and even the extremely low residual energies from simple arguments or fights the had once occurred in the area. The feeling began to get overwhelming as it felt to him the the surrounding temperature had dropped at least 50 degrees! The next moment all he felt was the side of his face going numb and as he opened his eyes he realized he was on the ground and struggled to get up. Artemis quickly helped him back to his feet.

"Sorry about that, but it was for your own good, you were going much deeper than your ready for."

Lucas still slightly in a daze nodded his head lightly as he clenched his fist realizing he had gotten much stronger than before. Noticing this Artemis nodded his head in satisfaction before speaking again.

"At the beginning demonic power strengthens your body and prepares it for the time when it will be a conduit allowing to store or allow the surrounding negative energies to pass through you being converted to demonic before being released allowing you to manipulate your surroundings, you will know you have reached this stage when the current of negative energies becomes comfortable making you feel as if you are taking a hot relaxing bath. During the initial transformation the current should be scalding hot as a sort of test of your endurance"

Hearing this Lucas looked up at Artemis with a puzzled expression. Seeing this Artemis continued explaining.

"Judging from the fact that your giving me that look along with all that shivering from before, my suspicions are confirmed. The reason you felt cold was because of the nature of demonic cultivation combined with the fact that you are part human likely multiplied the effect by many times, but in the future you should not feel this effect at all or at most maybe a slight chill from your human side. Normally one would a demon would work their body to the brink of destruction before circulating the demonic energy, the reason for this is this, as you may know when when humans do heavy amounts of physical labor their muscles break down before forming again but stronger as a way of adapting, but when demonic energy is introduced it changes.

The demonic energy infuses with the muscles as they reconstruct as when they finish it forcefully destroys the muscle again forcing the body to create new muscles again but the key change is the body is no longer doing it to adapt to labor but to adapt to pure power, this cycle repeats 5 times in one sitting for most demons. Due to the fact that my blood is flowing through your veins it should happen around twelve to thirteen times instead, the point being that when you go through this due to the nature of what is happening you will feel extremely hot and itchy. The reason for it feeling cold should be the fact that this time was a test to be sure you would be able to pull on the energy immediately after working your body. Each second you rest without circulating your power is lost potential so you must circulate your power the moment you begin resting without a seconds delay, understand?"

Lucas shook his head slightly as he was thinking about what activity Artemis would have him do to get his body to such a point of fatigue. Although Lucas could be considered weak when looked at from the perspective of high level demons regular demons and warriors would have a hard time dealing with him as a result of the training he was already put through with the church. He could already run, jump, and practice swordsmanship or other martial arts for hours if not an entire day without feeling tired let alone fatigued.

Noticing Lucas's concern Artemis laughed before speaking up once more.

"Although you have already built up above average strength you must remember that such a thought is from the perspective of only average and ignorant people. Demons are naturally born stronger than humans and know how to train their strength from the moment they exist, the demons you have faced in the past are demons that were not trained by anyone of higher level resulting them being stuck at that strength but naturally there are many ways to continue breaking down muscle to increase strength, one simply had to join one of the many clans in the underworld, even small clans would have such techniques. With me being the strongest demon to have ever lived I naturally have the strongest ones and since you are my son I will also naturally pass them to you."

Hearing this Lucas became very excited and looked at Artemis with an eager expression waiting for him to continue speaking. Seeing this Artemis smiled looking very satisfied at Lucas's eagerness before turning serious.

"Listen to me very carefully, if you go too far with this your body may be seriously and permanently damaged."

Thank you for reading and giving my story a chance! Please comment if you see any mistakes I missed while editing, it is very much appreciated.

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