

Suddenly liam opened his eyes slowly pain filled his entire body, he tried very hard to bear the pain the only thing that was running through his mind was where was he and how did he get here.

He stood up from the king sized bed he was lying on before, and went to the mirror he was shocked at his appearance he had golden hair and a pair of charming golden eyes with a well built body.

What happened to me? why am I suddenly different?, he said gathering his thoughts when he suddenly remembered, he had died while stopping a thief from escaping he laughed on his own pathetic fate.

If anyone told him he was pathetic he would probably agree not getting angry or arguing.

So I transmigrated into this new world as the protagonist who will rise up against all odds and dominate this world.

I guess reincarnation like those light novels on earth where real, but why didn't I get my own system don't everybody in those story die and awaken with a system why didn't I get mine.

You greedy little bastard do you know how much energy I wasted just to help you transmigrate, I still got cursed by the heavens and now you want a system.

Liam was shocked when he heard the voice talking, he looked around the room to find where the voice was coming from but he didn't find anything.

Strange I thought I heard a voice talking to me liam said as he started laughing at himself, i guess i have gone crazy from all this reincarnation stuff.

He said as he sat on the bed still thinking about the voice he heard, i must have gone crazy to the extent I think I heard a voice.

But first I must find out where I am and who I am in this world not to arouse any suspicions, and I also need to do something about that strange voice in my head.

Which strange voice your family is a strange voice, your mother is a strange voice, your father is a strange voice your sister is a strange voice, you are a strange voice not me you bastard.

Liam voice instantly turned red in embarrassment and shame, you idiot so you have finally realised do you know how long I have waited for you to come, a whole hundred years that's how long and you finally came you then address me as a strange voice.

Wait hundred years, that doesn't even make sense, I am just nineteen and how do you know about me and why won't I address you as a strange voice any normal person would think that when something is talking to them in their minds.

First of all you will address me as your queen fo you understand, and you aren't nineteen you might not know but you are actually a hundred years old, your father is the elder god and your mother is the demon queen they created two bodies for you, your human body which is your nineteen years old body on that lower realm which no body even remembers earth and your other body which they gave birth to you the demonly and godly body this body.

They sealed me inside this body until when you where ready, I have experienced everything you have experienced, seen everything you have done, I can also feel your feelings and your thoughts and would help you on your path as an awakened until you are ready to go to the higher realm and claim your right as the prince and ruler.

If you release me I promise to tell you everything about this world and guide you, even if I wanted to release you how would I release you it's not as if l know anything about this world, you can just release me by willing about it hurry up it's been long since I was out.

Liam willed that the so called strange voice in his voice was out.

Crack!! Crack!!

A cracking voice was made as a beautiful woman around her twenties appeared in front of him, she had long pink hair and a pair of horns at the top of her head, she had blue eyes and ears like that of an elf, she also had a pair of black angelic demonic wings at her back, a tiara on her head she wore a short black gown that didn't reach up to her knees, and a pair of black gloves with a furry scarf laying on her shoulder and the other part on her hands.

She wore a hook necklace and a golden crown laying on her shoulder.

Your empress is here liam was so shocked at her beauty, she was even more beautiful than any actress or model on earth, stop gawking at me what are you looking at.

You are wrong I'm admiring tsk excuses so miss demon, you promised to tell me everything about this world and make me stronger, hmmm why should I answer the orders of a human.

I thought you said I was a prince, yeah but you haven't gotten your title so I don't need to obey you.

You... fine I would only help you if you address me as your queen, my queen that was quick I didn't think you would answer anyways, she waved her hands as a large amount of information entered liam head, arghh he gritted his teeth and endured the pain.

After a few minutes the pain went and he could think freely again, that was quick any normal awakened or person would at least take an hour before the pain subsides well that should be because of your bloodline, drake had gotten all the information he knew about this place, from the information he got this should be an upper realm world higher than any mortal realm world like earth, but it was still lower than the immortal realm.

He was currently in the dark moon empire in the central continent, which controls everything in this realm and the strongest continent in the Mystic realm, he was currently in the battle sage academy the school for awakened.

Coincidentally the person body he also possessed name was also liam, and he looked a little bit like liam now the only changes was he got more handsome a lot and people won't be able to notice the changes that much, except he was just more handsome than before.

Drake was shocked at the changes himself, he was just to speechless I did tell you you had two bodies, but you didn't believe.

That aside he had already mastered everything he needed to survive in this world, you said you have a way for me to grow stronger.

You really are shameless I can't make you stronger unless we form a contract, but the contract comes with a condition of you can't make my strength grow to the spirit strengthening realm in three weeks time the contract would break and you would die.

Are you really willing to establish a contract with me, what the if your cultivation can't increase to the soul strengthening realm I would die, who made that kind of stupid rule me every awaken form a contract with what you call dieties, but every contract come with a condition.

Some diety choose to form a contract after you sell your soul to them, or they would absorb half your cultivation which makes it hard for you to have a breakthrough.

While my only requirement is to increase my cultivation is that hard to do, fine no pain no gain he said as she kissed him a load of demonic energy entered his body.

Arghhh it's eating me my body arghh... he gritted his teeth hard while enduring the pain, he kept telling himself it would be over it was to make him stronger.

His entire consciousness faded as he found himself in a dark place full of darkness, am I dead * chuckle* I knew it was to good to be true I just hope everyone is okay.

He saw the image of the demon that formed a contract with him, another load of information entered his head as he held his head and gritted his teeth trying to endure the pain.

Succubus queen those where the last things he said before closing his eyes.

He is already back already this boy had a lot of potential, he is their child what could I have expected to bad he doesn't believe what I told him.

Drake finally opened his eyes he found himself in his room, my head hurts a lot was that all a dream ''stupid liam you have been sleeping all day all because of a painless contract.''

Painless how dare you can you imagine how much pain I went through, "that's because you are weak if you were strong enough you could have beared the pain without passing out.

I think you have classes now, you have been out for three days and the academy only gave you two days leave to form your contract.

Also you got your first ability devour a smile appeared on liam face, this was the marking of a new beginning for him you should better get going before you are late.

Oh right he got up from the bed and headed straight to the shower

He showered and ate his breakfast before going straight to class, he wore the academy uniform which looked more like a military uniform.

He wore his head phones and played some music while heading towards the tall massive building which looked like a fifty star hotel.

What could he expect this was the dark moon empire, and the battle sage empire was a branch owned by the emperor he probably couldn't expect this place not to look fancy.

He got some stares both from girls and boys, the girls looked at him blushingly while the boys could only glare at him, strange did we have someone as handsome as him in the academy.

Am not sure maybe he is a new comer a really cute one, they where a lot of rumors going on about him but people still didn't suspect him to be liam.