

~ ZEV ~

Zev had known most of his life that he was cursed. That whatever he touched would likely fail. When he was little more than a pup, and still handled a great deal by the humans, he'd noticed a difference in their family structures. In the ways he was so often alone, while they seemed to be so rarely.

And the ways they looked at him as if he frightened them.

When he'd gotten older, the Chimera had been explained to him—how they were made, how they didn't fit in the human world. Then he'd understood. And after that, when something went wrong, or stood in his way, he'd expected it.

As a soulless creature, the Creator wasn't giving him any easy wins.

Growing up in Thana had been relative bliss compared to his first years in the human world. He'd accepted his lot here and done the best he could with it, knowing he was alone in this world—in any world—and that it was his job to use what he'd been given to make the best life he could.

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