
Rise of the Cursed Lord

“The Wheel of Fortune” can decide what man you are born, but not what man you become. Though I was born twice, both times I was cursed to the absolute bottom. But even then, I had a blessing that made me want to thrive. Use before you get used. Gain power before you find yourself powerless. By any means necessary, that is what it means to truly survive. On the floating islands of Sanctum, knowledge is one’s most powerful weapon, and at the same time greatest vulnerability. The web of lies and deception spread far in this world, some even weaved and hidden by the very gods. The abyssal mysteries— those who near them get swallowed within the endless fogs that speak tales of Sanctum’s inevitable doom. For the sake of the world I envision, this won’t do… ************** IMPORTANT AUTHOR NOTE! This post was made by #NoHaremGang! The Novel's MC will not be a very moral guy. He is the farthest thing from hero and will value his own ambitions. The way he sees the world is very unique. Btw, this is totally NOT author Drip

SecretDrip · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Glass shattered in all directions as he leaped through the jagged remnants of the broken window, his clothes snagging on the sharp edges, tearing skin and fabric. 

Crimson lights flooded his vision flashing to the beat of the wailing sirens that now filled the air, yet all seemed nonexistent as his eyes darted, fixated on the glint of shiny golden metal on the counter ahead.

His movements were swift— dodging chairs and gliding through countertops, and with a final lunge he seized it.

A hint of relief washed over his face as he clutched the necklace in his hand, turning around to face the exit.

It was in clear view— so close… His eyes brightened ever so slightly. 

But that was when his gaze suddenly lowered…

Lower… Lower… Lower…until…


Before he knew it, all that his eyes now saw was darkness. His body unable to move— like a flattened insect, as though the weight of the world had all at once toppled on top him.

His mind raced with questions, yet reality did not allow a moment of pause.

Abrupt sharp, heavy pain showered from above like falling rocks. Instinctively, he held his arms up to block the rain, the necklace still tightly gripped with his right.

Looking up through the slits from his arms he saw nothing but thick shadows and darkness through the crimson flares.

All sound was muffled by sirens and the odd static oozing from his mind, his heart pounding the walls of his chest was what rang clearest. He gritted his teeth and tightened his defence, yet it would not take long for things to crumble. 

Blood splurged out of his mouth as the pain began reaching spots outside his guard. He could not last much longer, his eyes darted frantically looking around seeking a way out, yet there was no escape.

That was when his gaze returned back above, and a glint of gold shined in his eyes.

A shriek wreaked with desperation rang through the air, and with one quick motion, he hurled the necklace he had clutched so tightly at the figure above.


For that brief instant, the rain of blows subsided.

Seizing the opportunity, Joseph took a sharp piece of broken glass and threw it with all his might at the shadow above… 


A sharp wale split the air as the rain of blows completely halted. 

Sounds of tumbles, crashes and broken glass filled the space, and the incessant screaming seemed everlasting.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT! AGGHHH!" Clutching his right eye, the figure paused, gasping for breath. 

Looking around with only his left, all he bore witness to was the destruction inflicted upon the store along with the chaos of red flashes and wailing sirens.

The figure of the brat who was once there was there no more… He had escaped into the obscurity of the night…


Loud pants echoed through the darkness, each breath forming a misty cloud in the frigid air. A single flickering streetlight revealed a limping boy in a snow-filled alley. The irregular crunch of snow beneath him and the distant cries of sirens and scurrying rats were his only companions until he abruptly stopped.

Skyward he gazed, catching the light of the full moon, the clouds so thick he could barely make out its form. 

With a long, stuttering breath, he pulled off his mask. the boy's face was a brutal tapestry of blood and sweat. Cold crimson dripped from his cheek, leaving a stark contrast against the pristine snow, but his bloodshot eyes barely seemed to notice.

His ragged clothing, wet and torn, bore evidence of a harsh encounter. Deep bruises and fresh cuts were laid bare. The wind howled, but he stood, seemingly immune to the cold, staring desolately at his empty hands.

Joseph had managed to escape, but for what? 

The crescent-shaped marks of his nails dug deep into his skin, leaving angry red imprints, the memory of the recent events flashing bright in his mind.

In those last moments, he ran.

The golden necklace, which he had hoped would be their salvation, became nothing more than a brief distraction, a tool for him to buy time. After he hurled the glass shard, he could have grabbed another piece of jewelry, anything to ensure Nina's well-being. 

But he didn't.

He had forgotten his purpose.

All that consumed his mind was the pathetic, desperate need to escape, to breathe, to live.

Realization struck him like a tidal wave;

He was a coward… 

A fraud…

A liar… 

A weakling…


"DAMN IT!!!!" 

He slammed his fist against the brick wall.

Why did he flee? After all his promises, all he'd endured, why end here in this blizzard?

"What am I supposed to do now!? Pray to god!? Like hell! Just give up!?"

Pain surged as the adrenaline faded. His hands shook. Every suppressed injury remerged slowly on his body—a stinging reminder of his failures. The night's cold was brutal, but his heart felt colder.

He had vowed, ever since the day before his parents' death, to be Nina's shield against the world. But his promises rang hollow now.

'What a shitty shield…'

Guilt and regret bore down on him. The wall at his back felt like the only thing keeping him standing, but even that was temporary.

As his strength drained, he slid down the wall, every scrape a burning sensation on his bare back. He crumpled to the snowy ground.

Weak... fraud... liar... coward...

His head drooped, shadows obscuring his face. The surrounding world dimmed, and the night's sounds faded into distant murmurs until all was black.

But then there was light.

'Big brother… Joey… '


The brilliant image of Nina's angelic smile appeared in Joseph's mind, a beacon of hope amidst the overwhelming darkness.

Her eyes sparkled with innocence, her cheeks bright red, and her lips curved in that familiar, comforting smile that had always been his solace. 

But quickly, that light began to wane…


It was the image forever scarred in his mind.

The radiant glow faded, replaced by the harrowing image of her pain and suffering. The once bright eyes now filled with tears, her cheeks hollow, sunken like craters, and her smile replaced by a grimace crying in anguish.

"Bring it back…" He once again whispered those words under his breath…

"Bring it back…"

"Bring back her smile…"

Fire had once again reignited within Joseph's heart, burning with a fierce intensity unlike ever before. 

His eyes, once filled with despair, now blazed with determination seething yet cold like that of a demon. His guilt, and the pain, all transformed into fuel for his burning resolve. 

Slowly, he rose, every muscle in his body protesting, every joint aching. But he wouldn't be deterred.

Nina had always been his guiding light, the fire that kept him warm in the darkest of times. She was the embodiment of purity and innocence, an angel in a world filled with demons.



For the longest time, those were the labels placed upon him, labels that he had intensely rejected. But if it were for the sake of his sister, he would accept them with open arms. If he had to become the fiercest demon in this world, then so be it. 

Now looking back at his trail of footsteps nearly covered by the blizzard, he took his first step. Back to the center of the downtown city; back to finish what he started.

But when he did, he was met by yet another hulking figure blocking his way…

He must have followed his footsteps…

It was not the authorities, nor the same man as before, yet that was all he cared enough to realize…

"You're trying to go back there little bo—" The unknown man began, but his words were cut off short by a sudden kick to the side from Joseph. 

Though caught off guard, he easily blocked.

"Wow, wow, little man. No need to be—" He tried to speak again, yet the boy could not care less as he delivered yet another kick. 

He was nothing more than a mindless beast, and as such, the man decided to deal with him in such a manner.

With one swift swipe of his hand, he grabbed Joseph by the face and slammed him into the hard, snowy ground.

"It's proper etiquette to listen when a man speaks… Have your parents taught you nothing?" The man whispered, leaning in toward Joseph's face, his breath visible in the cold air. "You've got some power for a child… A feisty one… But you're dead if you go back to the jewelry store… You've got potential, so don't go around throwing your life away…"

"YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!" Joseph continued to shout and struggle, his voice muffled by the snow and the man's grip.

"You're more persistent than I thought!" The man laughed, pressing Joseph's face harder into the snowy pavement. "You're looking for money, right?"

"Money…" Although Joseph's voice was barely audible, there was a clear change.

"Well, I can give you money! All you need to do is help me out with something! I think I can make some use of a small skinny brat like you! What do you say?"

For the first time, Joseph took a good look at the man's face, barely visible in the dim light— the lit cigar hanging from his mouth helped illuminate his visage. 

He had a rugged appearance, with a thick beard that had streaks of gray, a scar running down his right cheek, and piercing blue eyes gazing unusually wide, as though evaluating every move he made. His black hair was unkempt, and he wore a suit jacket that had seen far better days.

The gears of logic in Joseph's brain resumed once more. He didn't know who this man was, or what his motives were. If he rejected his offer, he may kill him… If he let him live and he returned to that store, he would get arrested or even killed… If he returned home, nothing would be solved, and Nina would still be in pain…

If there was even a slight chance of success, he would take it.

There was only one possible reply.

"Sure… I accept…"

I'm a new rookie author, and advice and feedback would be much appreciated!

Love, NotDrip <3

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