
Rise of the conqueror system

Short explanation: Reincarnated in a game world with the conqueror system. As my custom character with the same abilities. My mission is to cuck the protagonist while creating a harem. failure is not an option. Long Story: Ethan was an ordinary everyday 16-year-old high schooler. One Sunday he decided to play one of his favourite games The Cardinal World. Suddenly his brain got burned by the electricity transmitted through the VR device. Opening his eyes again he found himself reborn as a baby. Tags: handsome MC, Milfs, mature women, Big Sisters, multiple women, non-blood related incest, overpowered. join me on discord: https://discord.gg/hpe4SqYZKv

TheMilflover · Fantasy
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29 Chs

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[1st pov, Ethan]

I opened my eyes and began to stretch my hands and feet glancing at those tiny limbs and the now-familiar European bedroom further verified the fact that the memories of the previous night or day were not a fantasy.

I've reincarnated as the grandson of the dragon queen Tiamat, in a world same as the game Cardinal world of gacha. t The sole difference is that the characters are genuine, and the world is also real. This is not a game, you will die if you are killed.

The game was very popular among the teens. The various heroines, life-like graphics, and real-time interactions made the game one of the best.

As a fellow man of culture, I also played the game. The excitement, of conquering and making the variety of heroines fall for me, was addictive. Eventually, I became a pro gamer, and was one of the topmost players, with a large harem, and could keep it afloat.

Here, you will get every kind of girl from tsundere, machinist, kuudere... yandere.

Fine, I like yandere's, who wouldn't love a girl who worships you, so much that she can kill a whole nation. However, when the same girl is trying to use a forbidden spell on you, to lock you up... That's when the shit hits the fan.

(Hello system good morning.)

[Good morning master, but here in the sea of stars there is no night and day.]

(He-he-he... You are right...I forgot.)

I laughed embarrassed, I forgot the sea of stars doesn't have sun.

[Looks like, someone is coming towards your location.]

The system said.

Humm... Looks like somebody is arriving to wake me up, is it my time to eat? I'm feeling a little hungry though. Well, whatever let's see how it goes I, decided to relax anyway.

Just when I was lost in thoughts, someone opened the door and it caught my attention and I directed my gaze at the door. The image of the attractive woman made me forget to breathe, in front of me is a ripe woman with light blond hair and blue eyes. She is wearing, a white long dress looking at me, with a gentle and motherly smile.

She is Apep another SS-rank capture target, in the game, she was Tiamat's eldest daughter. Her difficulty level is the same as Tiamat's. Not only she is very old, but her personality is innocent and unconcerned. It is not simple, to develop romantic feelings in her heart, alas I died just when the new season where you can travel to the astral realm launched. Well, this will be a fresh experience for me, new world different targets.

She walked up to me with soft steps, walking very gracefully.

"Ohh..you woke up! good morning Ethan. How are you?"

She said and bend over to hoist me, I can see her marvelous cleavage. Her skin is soft and almost white, she flashed a brilliant smile, so radiant that it could eclipse the sun and squeezed me, and started to carry me.

I made an effort to touch her face to get her attention. I succeeded after trying a few times, and she looked at me with a smile and said.

"What happened Ethan?"

I attempted to speak, but the only sound that came out of my lips are coherent noises. Of course, my vocal cords, are still not capable of producing proper words.


I was so, frustrated that for an instant. I thought to use super control to speak properly. But that thought vanished when the system's voice announced a notification.


Apep gave me affection points. But how can this be logical? I just made some foolish sounds why did I get affection points.

"Ahh...ahh..my so cute.."

Apep shouted excitedly, cuddling me more tightly crashing my head between her big and bounce boobs. After hugging me for a while, she smooched me on the cheeks. Then began to carry again, me happily.

A smile never left her lips, it is like her day couldn't be more wonderful. I'm still bewildered by the whole situation, even with my thought acceleration activated. Because of my confusion, it took me some time to figure out why this happened. Finally, when I realized, the reason I was excited but I have to ask the system first.

Just to make sure, my assumption is not wrong I asked the system.

(System, can relatives give me affection points?)

If relatives can also give me points, then it will be a great chance to farm points. I'm surrounded by only women, and every woman no matter how old likes, cute things and more so a cute child.

[Yes, every form of affection can give you points. It's just that the points are distributed differently. You will get the most points from a lover.]

I knew it! Just like had thought, every kind of love directed towards me will be counted as affection. Now the time has arrived, when I'll have to use the skills I've seen the kids at my neighborhood use, to obtain candies, and get people to like them.

Now the path, for my future raise is becoming clear. I'll have to act cute and innocent, for as long as I can, farm as many affection points as I can. Learn how to control my powers, and grow as strong as possible, before the main storyline commence to move.

As I was moving through my inner monologue, and speculating about the future. Apep entered a big sitting room while carrying me.

A woman is sitting on a sofa, the woman is so stunning that Apep will probably fall a bit short. Based on appearance, both are equally gorgeous but the aura of pride and indifference around, the platinum silver-haired woman made her more dangerous; yet desirable. A powerful and cold beauty, Apep with her innocent and gentle aura can't compare, in terms of atmosphere and disposition.

She is Tiamat, the dragon queen and the leader, of all divine beasts. Her porcelain white skin, long silver hair, and light slit silver pupils made her look like a moon goddess, illuminating the eternal night that covers the sea of stars. Instead, of a ferocious beast.

Apep carried me straight towards Tiamat, and she took me with a smile and made me settle, on her lap. Unlike her cold outer appearance, she is quite caring for people close to her, I know this info from one of the forums, which provided leaks and tricks for the games.

Because of my size, I was sitting in the classic, shota anime style. My head was buried between, her bountiful breasts. Her boobs were soft yet tight, I was feeling incredible. If my little brother could move, it will probably be jumping left and right. Though, I have my doubts about what will Tiamat do, with my little sword's perverted behavior.

"Little Ethan, did you sleep well?"

Tiamat asked me while pocking my cheeks.

Now let's put on the game face and start the mission 'act stupid'. I shook my head, left and right while giggling like a brain dead.

"Hii. ugh..uh..."

[+50- AP]

"Ah..how cute, looks like you are enjoying~ hehe..."

Tiamat chuckled a little, and send me some affection points. No matter how old you are, and which world you live in, girls are always attracted to cute and dumb things. Although less than Apep still, it's understandable; Tiamat is a kuudere.

"Apep, go bring me some juice of life fruit."

Tiamat ordered Apep just nodded her head, and left. Tiamat began to play, with me like I'm her new toy, I had to act childish for a while, it earned me some affection points, here and there. Apep returned soon after, she has a small bottle in her hand.

"Here, is ten drops of juice of life fruit."

Apep handed Tiamat the bottle and said. Tiamat nodded and opened the bottle and tried to feed me.

"Little Ethan, come on be a good boy and drink this aren't you hungry? It is very tasty and will make you strong quickly."

Tiamat began, to lure me to drink the liquid from the bottle. It was a white color liquid, similar to milk but transparent. It was releasing a sweet smell.

(System, can you analyze the properties of this substance?)

I was curious about the liquid, my knowledge is limited about the astral realm, so I can't recognize the liquid in the bottle.

[Yes, I can analyze. But you have to first drink it.]

I didn't hesitate, any more and drink up the white liquid. It was very sweet and tasty, but then I began to feel some kind of movement inside my body I could sense some kind of energy spreading through my body. It is very comfortable and calming like a warm breeze.

[The system, has completed the analysis of the liquid's properties...

Matching, with the information of the world...

Product identified...

It's the drink, formulated by the fruit that grows on the tree of life. It contains a dense amount of vital essence, that helps strengthen the body, and purify the body of any impurities.]

I was quite shocked, to hear the origin of this white liquid. The tree of life is the source of mana in the world, also the lifeline for the creatures of magic. The tree is spread from the center, of the world to the divine realm. It is protected by the elves, in the mortal realm and pure spirits protect, the canopy where the fruits bloom.

A single bottle of life trees root extract will cost you 1000 high-grade mana crystals, and here I am drinking the juice, made by the life fruit for fucking breakfast.

What you would anticipate, from the strongest divine beast. The wealth she has amassed throughout the years; is astronomical.

I released a mental sigh. I had to burn a portion of my monthly pocket money, to get just the root extract and, I was barely able to purchase 10 bottles. The difference is completely unfair. Well no use complaining as I'm gonna enjoy using such resources.

The feeling didn't last long, and just after the effect is gone a bunch of notifications popped up from the system.

[Vitality+ 25, Strength+5, Endurance+20]

Seems like I can wait, to use the systems resources, when the time is perfect. Let's hope to live, an interesting and meaningful life with this second chance. I thought inwardly, but my body couldn't tolerate the comfortable sensation for too long and, I ended up farting. Which earned a chuckle, from the mother and daughter.

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