
Chapter 4/Interlude 1

POV Melissa

"I wonder what happened to Ryuu-chan," she wondered. Ever since her precious baby got hit on his head by those abominal simmering pots, he's been behaving rather odd.

Even now, three years later, she still has no clue just what happened to her beloved child. But whatever it is that changed him, she was grateful to it.

Ever since they moved into the new Leviathan manor six years ago, Ryuu has been more withdrawn. The once energetic boy was a shell of his former self.

Gone was the sunny smile, the curious eyes that held a spark of passion in them and the happy tunes he would humm along the way.

As one would've expected the death of his father left a mark on him. It was right at the end of the civil war. Only a few more skirmishes were fought at border villages. Remnants of the Satan army that just wouldn't accept their loss.




Melissa, Ryuu and her husband once used to live in such a village. It was located at the borders of the Sitri family. Living a quiet, yet content life was everything she could've asked for.

With her loving husband and adorable little boy she thought she had it all. Happiness seemed to accompany them whereever they went. But it didn't last long.

It was as if she jinxed herself. The majority of the remnant army apperantly decided that this village would be the perfect outpost for their "war" and ordered all the villagers to comply with them.

Being frightened out of their wits all the villagers came together and served them as they wished. They were just weak common devils, what else could they've done.

It continued like that for two weeks until one of the commanders demanded Melissa's services and with services he meant warming his bed. This lead to her husband banding the villagers together for a final stand.

He promised that the women and children will have a chance to run, but the males most likely wouldn't make it. He then explained his plans. He had gathered a variety of herbs that would act together like an untracable poison.

Noon was coming and the soldiers were demanding food. The villagers went ahead and served the poisoned food. Shortly after the soldiers kept falling down like domino stones.

Signaling the children and women to run, the men of the village took justice into their own hands and killed as many paralyzed soldiers as they could. But as always things didn't go exactly as planned.

The affected soldiers were low level grunts. Scum even among their own army. One of the commanders found out what they'd planned and made use of it as an oppurtinity to clean up. Though as one would expect from those sick ba*tards they had planned even further ahead.

One of the last ultimate class devils was cutting off the runaways. He didn't bother with them and just started killing everyone except for Melissa and her child. They were dragged back into the village where they saw a scene of carnage.

Her husband was on a burning cross, badly mutilated yet still alive. His gaze empty as if he couldn't even perceive his families presence anymore.

Melissa and Ryuu just watched sobbing miserably. That didn't stop the soldiers from approaching them. It was clear in their eyes that there intentions were anything but kind.

At this point they didn't even bother resisting anymore. Their gazes dead, matching her husband's. She was just going to wait until they kill her so her family could once again unite in the afterlife.

It was then she heard someone scream "Celsius Cross Trigger!"

Everything was over in the blink of an eye, the burning village, the corpses and the soldiers all turned into ice statues. It was as if someone just summoned a winter wonderland into the underworld.

"Are you alright," a rather anxious voice brought her out of her reverie. She just stared into the twin-tailed woman's blue eyes and gave a wordless nod. She recognized her as Serafall Sitri, one of the underworlds heroes.

"Fuhh, that was close, huh" Serafall said and gave a bitter smile. Melissa just gave another nod. It was then she remembered her child. She practically catapulted herself up and screamed "Ryuu-chan!"

She looked anxiously left and right until she saw him passed out on the floor. She went to him and hugged him for dear life sobbing. Serafall just stood there and allowed her to vent. It wouldn't do her any good to keep bottling up those feelings. That day she lost her husband and part of her child, but gained a new friend and guardian.


Flashback End


Those memories brought back a lone tear in her eyes. She just smiled and wiped it away. Melissa understands that the past cannot be changed. One can only work towards a better future. Which her son seems to be doing very well.

Seeing him working so hard, she too began training. Being a common devil she had no talent to speak of but that didn't seem to stop her son so she wouldn't give into these limitations either. No matter how little progress she makes, as long as she's alive those little clumps will eventually become a mountain.

She even went as far as to ask her son if he could teach her his Clone technique so that she can work and train more efficiently, which he did with a huge smile on his face.

Melissa felt as if her old child was back. His energy was overflowing, he was always on his feet even when he went into the manor's library to study.

And most importantly he began humming and singing again. English songs she had never heard about before, but enjoyed regardless. It just showed her once again how special her precious gem is.

While she was seemingly lost in her thoughts Ryuu came and asked "Mom, do you want to listen to another song?"

Hearing his voice brought her back to reality. Seeing a mandolin like instrument on her son she just smiled and gave him a nod. Ryuu smiled back before sitting down and starting to play.

The song Ryuu was playing was unlike anything she ever heard, but what truly astounded her was his singing. Not only did he have a very well developed voice, but the lyrics is what really fascinated her.

Ryuu was singing a song he called "If We Have Each Other" a song that fits their currently situation perfectly. It showed her his appreciation towards her and gave her encouragement to continue forward.

At the end of the perfomance she couldn't hold herself back and just embraced him sobbing with a smile on her face and muttering "thank you"s. Ryuu could feel the tears on him but didn't bother pushing his mother away. He just embraced her and said "you're welcome".