
rise of the cold empress

a girl betrayed by her loved one gone to a country unfamiliar to her but what she doesn't awaits her is loving brothers and bestfriends along with a sweet and caring husband. a new life, a bright life

misakibunny · Fantasy
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51 Chs


soon they went to eat dinner and after dinner gulf ,jin and WeiWei went to kitchen to clean things while the others went to the study.

" who was it " it was taehyung's voice his whole aura changed from a cute little one to a hot dangerous being, now he wasn't asking as. a singer r a rightful citizen but as the right hand of jungkook known as jk in the dark world. of south Korea a gang named Dragons making everyone in the world fear them. with

RM ,V ,Suga ,Jimin as their main in command.

now the study room was filled with the dangerous murderous aura the 3 biggest gang leader of the world were there.Dragons, Tornado and Destroyers. Lead by jungkook ,mew and Ye Xiao respectively.

"I hacked the computer it was none other than him, I never told her you know how she gets" Ye Xiao's eyes darken.

"don't worry Xiao nai we will catch them.just don't stress your self" jungkook told him but he knew not anyone of them.can get away from.the stress not unless their princess is safe.

"we have to take matters in her own hands they are here" namjoon said.

"me and jimin also got information from are man that someone's keeping eye on us" suga said and jimin nodded.

"even I had to kill one of them" hobi said that was no surprise as the main assassin of dragons, it was no surprise he killed someone.

"we will proceed to make our plan but first we have to do something for her safety" Xiao nai said.

just after sometime the door got opened revealing a smiling weiwei. her smile was enough to brighten the atmosphere of study room.

"what happened princess" Mew asked caressing her hair as she came in between him and Ye Xiao. holding both of their hands.

"Can I Go to the mart o want to buy something. of my skincare and you know I can't sleep without them" she looked at Xiao nai as she spoked to Mew who was eying the others. as if taking the hint taehyung said "I wanna go too I want chocolate milk " he pouted he knew that she never rejected him when he pouted " I wanna go to I want banana milk and I can't live without my baby even for a. second " jungkook said grabbing tae by waist.

she looked at both of them with a poker face and turned around signalling them to come the did the woah sign behind her back.and followed her out.

"seriously a singer and a mafia leader, you should act like one" she said rolling her eyes.

at which jungkook laughed.
