
rise of the cold empress

a girl betrayed by her loved one gone to a country unfamiliar to her but what she doesn't awaits her is loving brothers and bestfriends along with a sweet and caring husband. a new life, a bright life

misakibunny · Fantasy
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51 Chs

back to the past

"you forced her to left her home. I thought u trusted us but you... you are one of the reason she went to country A .Now enjoy Your life without your son just imagine you never gave birth to me.I am also going After her. Now she is my only family member I love her alot".

Ye Xiao left his parents home and Went to County A.They thought that he will forget WeiWei. without money he will come back what they didn't guess was he had his secret buisness of computer and technology which was already established in country A.Now it was only time for him to show the face of the 4th king of business in country A. he was secretly sighing in relief to see that her love went to Country A. Now he can marry her there and they will live happily ever after.

knock knock.

a knock on the door pulled Ye Xiao out of his thoughts ." sir these are the recent activities done by the bei family..it seems they are trying to fine mistress's whereabout ". "understood I won't let them hurt her more.. assistant li its almost time for flight prepare the car"


meanwhile in country A weiwei was getting ready to go to airport when she was interrupted by the phone call of his third brother, he is the king of business in his own way the owner of company which deals with construction of plots and investment, also she very close with her brother yang Feng owner of yang corps.

"to what do I owe the pleasure of the great king of business to call me in his busy schedule sir.." weiwei asked smiling.

"wildcat do u want to get beaten. Why can't I call my sister I only Have One Sister And One wife my wife is getting tense because of u" he said coldly. "Mr yang tell your wife I'm perfectly alright.oh! and one more thing my sweet husband is coming back today come home for dinner please feng ge. that is an order" " ok captain I will also tell others wild cat".

she ended the call and went home to get the limited addition buggatti.as she cares about his husband's face alot so she choose the most expensive car for the king of business. as it suits his personality.

she arrived quickly at the airport and saw his Prince charming exiting the airport she was so happy that she wanted to jump out of the car to hug him but due to his reputation she resisted the urge to jump.

he got in the car and hugged weiwei tightly she was really happy she hugged him back and bit him on the shoulder he laughed as he remembered it was her way to express any emotion.

during the ride she chatted happily with him and told him about all her days like a little child.Ye Xiao smiled thinking how she is just a little spoilt kid in front of him. If he hadn't seen her working with his own eyes he would have never believed that the girl in her embrace is the same arrogant woman as the tabloid says.

thinking about her he unconsciously kissed her on the forhead she looked at him shocked. but the way Ye Xiao was looking at WeiWei made her embarrassed seeing her reaction he laughed at the little tomato in his embrace.

After a while they saw a sweet shop on the way, being a sweet tooth WeiWei couldn't resist the temptation of chocolate and asked the driver to stop the car. she stepped out of the car and went into the sweet shop and bought chocolates when she exited the shop, She suddenly got surrounded by some smalltime gangsters. wearing a light yellow sundress with a straw hat and long hairs she was looking just like a cute little girl. the leader of the gangster saw her appearance and licked his lips he said " hey little girl have you lost your way home..come with me I will give you a bigger home and more chocolates" hearing his words WeiWei's aura turned cold she looked him in the eye her dark eyes made the gangster shiver and cold sweat ran down his spine.she said coldly"who do you think you are calling little girl only my brothers have the permission to call me little girl old man" the gangster felt frightened by the way she talked but alas! he still was an idiot he still tried to provoke her and grab her by force all the gangster surrounded her.

seeing the commotion the driver said to Ye Xiao whether he Should call the bodyguards He just smiled and said "let her have a little fun"

meanwhile one gangster tried to grab her hand a little while later they heard a scream all the gangster were shocked, the girl who looked weak broke the hand of there fellow with just the flick of her hand. Now they only felt fear Ye Xiao looked at her proudly she stared at them and one by one they all ran away she happily entered the car and said " thank god my baby chocolates are safe or else I would have killed them" "well they still have to pay the consequences of touching my wife dear" YeXiao said dotingly. she smiled back at him.