
Rise of the Champion

18-year-old Adrian Parro and Martin Cambio graduated high school and is working on their goal to be successful MMA fighter to make a better situation for themselves, but when their boss has a shady past. It makes having their dreams come true harder than expected.

APbeans · Sports
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21 Chs


It was a warm summer day. Two guys were walking along the streets of their busy city, both holding big duffel bags. One guy that looks massive in comparison to all the people who walked beside them. People would often stare up at him with faces of fear and awe as they gazed upon his strong muscular tanned skinned body that doesn't appear to have any fat on it. Other noticeable features were his long thick mess of curly black hair, the scars that are over his hands and arms. The other man was shorter than him, still bigger than an average person but not close to the goliath standing next to him. He was a thinner man with a whiter complexion. He has a cleaner set of brown hair, not in terms of smell more of appearance. Other things about him were the scar near his left eye.

"Martin, are you sure this place we are going to is good?" The giant asked Martin, the smaller man next to him. "We've been walking for like 30 minutes to look for this damn gym."

"Patient, Adrian," Martin said to Adrian as he was looking at his phone for directions. "We are like a couple of minutes away and I heard from Tyson that the place is good."

"You are talking about the same Tyson that would send a photo of him butt-ass naked showing his fucking ass in the wrestling team's group chat," Adrian says in a more serious tone..

"He is just a weird guy but I trust him and I at least want to try it," Martin exclaims. The two men kept walking till they found the area they looked for as described by Tyson. An alleyway in between the Saint Maria's coffee shop and the local bar of the area, the sloshed shell. Through the alleyway was a set of stairs that led to a door and on the front was a sign that said "The Iron Warrior's Mixed Martial Arts Gym".

"Is this the place, Martin?" Adrian asked martin as he begins his descent to the door.

"Yes, Adrian this is the place," Martin said as he was opening up the door. Inside of the place were an assortment of lifting equipment like bench press, racks for squats, and a variety of dumbbells all in decent quality. In the back was a caged fighting arena exactly like the ones found in professional MMA fights just minus the logos found on one. Around the places is an assortment of people of all ages and body types, using the equipment. In the center, there is a crowd of people around the cage yelling and cheering for one of the two men fighting, they heard one strong hit and the thud of someone hitting the ground. Cheers echoed through the building as people were saying the name of someone who was familiar to the newcomers. It was Tyson, the one who told them to come. The younger man walked through the door of the cage and went over to Adrian and Martin with a goofy grin on his slender face as his long dirty blonde hat bounced with every step.

"Adrian! Martin!" Tyson says in a happy tone as he goes in to dap up with his friends. "Glad you can make and I was happy you got to see beat that dumb motherfucker over there," Tyson said pointing to the guy that hobbles out of the cage appears to be cursing at the group in a foreign language. The man appears to be slightly smaller in comparison to Tyson, his appearance reminds them of a rat. He was wearing a pair of shorts that were bright green, his hair was done in braids and his facial hair looked patchy and off-putting to the group. The man walked to the group with anger on his face.

"Fuck you, Tyson, I would have beaten you." The angry rat snarled.

"Alright MyCockacola, whatever your name is, you're mad because you lost to a guy that barely started learning about MMA." Tyson began with a grin on his face towards the already pissed-off man. "You did it for three more years than me yet I still beat your ass."

"It is Mykola, you uneducated fuck," Mykola stammered out. "You know what, FUCK YOU!" Mykola yelled as he tried to throw a punch at Tyson. At that moment, Martin stepped in and grab the rat's fist. Mykola looked like he was in pain as he tried to wiggled 1his fist out of Martin's grip. Martin's looks calmed but yet still had a stern face as he continued to grip the wrist.

"Let go of my wrist, my problem is not with you, asshole," Mykola grunts through the pain looking at Martin with a glare.

"Apologize for almost striking my teammate," Martin says in a strong tone, visible anger towards the assailant.

"He was talking shit to me fir…," Mykola grunts out as Martin tightens the grip around his hand. "I am the best fighter in this gym, you know, that bitch just got lucky that is all."

"If you are the best fighter, then how come you haven't broken my grip yet?" Right when Martin got done saying that Mykola got closer to attempt to kick, but to a man like Martin it was predictable. Martin swept at the feet knocking Mykola on his butt and started stomping on the smaller man. Martin got more into the little scuffle and started throwing punches at the downed target. A crowd started forming cheering for the entertainment provided until some shorter man walked forward. Tyson noticed the man and immediately tried to separate the two. Adrian joined in too. They got the two away from each other, Tyson getting Mykola in a headlock pushing him back, and Adrian picking up Martin in a bear hug to walk him off with ease till Martin calmed down. The short man walked up and was clapping about the display he just witnessed. Everyone looked confused about the gesture.

"Tyson, are these the two teammates you were referring to?" The short man said. Adrian and Martin got a better look at this man. He was a short stocky collared shirt wearing guy that looks like he had been through a lot of fights given the variety of scars across what the two teenagers can see.

"Yeah Mr. Syvone, these are the guys, that one is Martin Cambio," Tyson said as he points at martin being let go of by Adrain. "And the big fella helping to separate this fight is named Adrain Parra." Tyson continues.

"Well, I would be mad for having random people walk in and started a fight with one of my fighters but from what I can tell Mykola started it, so I won't be mad. I am sorry about that," Mr. Syvone said. "Please come with me to my office, Tyson that includes you, I heard a lot about you two and I have an offer that would be hard for you two to refuse." Mr. Syvone turned around and gestured towards the three teammates to follow. They did so with curiosity and walked past the crowd staring at them walking closer to the back door of the gym past the fighting cage.

End of Prologue.

If you guys want an audio version I got the thing for you, on my YouTube Channel, you can listen to me read this chapter and all future ones


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