
Rise Of The Chainguardians

This story is about a boy who lost his parents by the hands or claws, of a race of supernatural creatures . This boy is a rare breed amongst his kind and or people. He is not only a guardian but also the savior of his people. This is Flectures story and how he saves his people from extinction and all the trials he has to go through along the way to find the one royal that he needs to protect above all others, his dragons other half. Find out if the Chainguardian race survives or dies... A/N: *This novel will contain graphic male x male actions as well as romance. If you are homophobic, then please do not read this. *This is my first novel, so please try to keep an open mind. My grammar and spelling are not the best, therefore I apologize for mistakes. *This novel will also contain dark themes and bad triggers. So again, if you can't handle that then please do not read. *for those who decide to read, thank you. it would mean a lot to me if I could get feedback on my novel, I know how to take criticism, so please don't be shy.

dragonsblade1793 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: new power


He woke up, its dark once again! The smell of pine and oak as well as the smell of dried leaves and the distant sent of grass fulled his sences. I look down and notice I am in a very large hollowed out tree that I found a few hours back. "I must have dozed off for a while" I mutter to myself taking a look around as my eyes begin to adjust to the darkness from the now setting sun.

"Flecture there are hunters fast approaching let's get a move on!" My dragon informs me through our mind link. "Shit." I jump down from the tree and start running boosting my speed with the energy I had gained from the sun. I Bob and weave through fast approaching branches. I continue up to a large waterfall and jump off the cliff putting my arms to my chest crossing them and making my body as straight as possible while plummeting down the steep cliff. I close my eyes as I feel my body slam into the water, I am dragged with the current as it moves me to the shore. My head reaches the surface and the cold air rushes into my lungs as I begin to take deep breaths. I swim to the shore and lay on my back taking heavy unsteady breaths. 'That was too close don't you think kion?' I ask my dragon through our mind link. 'One of these days you are going to get us killed with your late reactions." Kion says with anger in his voice.

'Well if you would warn me sooner then we would have more time to get away.' I say to him with a slight hint of annoyance.

'Just shut up and let's get moving!' Kion says rather rudely.

Without saying another word I stand up taking my now wet shirt off and running it out to try and dry it off as much as possible. I put back on the cold shirt and start running again. 'As long as we are by water they won't follow.' I think to myself.

The 'hunters' can't stand water, i remember my dad telling me about it when I was around 12 or so.


Its a beautiful sunny day with no clouds to be see in the sky above us. My dad and I are outside walking about and talking as we always did when my dad had free time. I loved spending time with my dad he understood me better than anyone. My mom was sitting by the outside table with her paints next to her and a canvass in front of her. With paint brush in hand she painted away, every few minutes she would look up at us and smile. That warm smile that can only come from a loving caring mother, and my mom was that and more. She loved to paint and draw, but it always seemed like she was painting a picture of the two of us when ever I looked over to her and notice her eyes on me when I turn away again.

"Dad" I asked as we lay on the grass staring at the bright blue sky as a few birds flew past singing their sweet songs.

"Yes son?" He says turning his head to look at me with a smile on his face, before looking at my thoughtful expression and his smile faded as I asked him my next question.

"What are those things that chase us at night what do they want with us?" I asked now looking at his blank expression.

"They are called slayers. Vile nasty creatures that have black skin and Razer sharp knives in the shape of claws on their hands and knives coming out their elbows. They always wear a black mask and their red eyes peer out of the holes made in the mask where the eyes are. They look human other than that but we can't be sure." My dad said with that blank expression on his face as my mind began to wonder and a shiver went down my spine as he finished.

"Is there any way to avoid them other than sunlight?" I asked sitting up and turning to him.

He sat up as well and looked at me as he spoke. "Yes they can't stand water any water even rain, I'm not sure why that is exactly but its something that has saved your mothers and my life many times in our youth." My dad said standing up and holing his hand out for me to take it.

I took his hand and he helped me up with no difficulty what so ever. I dusted myself off and my dad and I walked over to my mom. My dad cupped her face and gave her a kiss. "Get a room geez!" I complained before my dad turned to me and chuckled lightly.

"Oh is that grossing you out?" He said picking me up and kissing me everywhere he could as I struggled to get out his grip.

"S-stop t-that t-tickels!" I said before he stopped and pulled me unto a warm hug and I buried my face into the nick of his shoulder and he hugged tighter and said to me close to me ear.

"I will never let them hurt you as long as I live and breath I promise you." He said kissing my neck and pulling back before saying.

"I love you son."

"I love you too dad!" I said as he set me down again.

End of flashback.

I felt tears run down my cheeks as the memory of that day played out in my mind. I quickly wiped the tears from my face with the back of my hand as I continued to run past the many trees before coming to an open field at the end of the forest. A cabin could be seen in the distance, the lights still on within the house, slowly I make my way towards it. I notice a barn to the left of the cabin and crops on the right. 'Kion is it safe?' I ask my dragon with my mind link.

'It seems that way, there are only three people in that cabin, two adults and one teen, I would say around 17 or so.' Kion says as I approach the cabin cautiously.

I step up to the porch. 'Here goes nothing.' I think before knocking three times and stepping back. About a minute later the door opens wide and a woman in a red night gown stands there looking at me I catch a glimpse of her face. She has brown hair that is tied up unto a bun and brown eyes. As soon as I look at her eyes, her eyes flash from brown to green with the patten of dragon eyes in the pupil then back to normal, my vision becomes sharper as this happens and I knew that second that she is one of my kind.

I hold my head as a piecing pain shoots through as my eyes turn back to normal again. She looks at me with worry and concern and a slight glimpse of anxiousness. She grabs my arm.

"Come in quickly!" She says pulling me into the cabin and closing the door before turning to me again. "Wait here I'll get you a towel." She says running down the hall and into a room. She comes out with a sea blue towel in her hands and raps it around me. She then looks at me with concern and asks.

"How long have you been on the run?"

I look down at my feet before answering. " a year and two months." She gasps at my words and a shocked expression makes its way on her face before asking another question. "Where did you come from and with no belongings." I look up at her before answering. "I came from Nicaragua."I say looking down again.

"oh gods you have traveled far do you know where you are?" She asked me with question in her face.

" not really all I know is that I can't go back now and I need to get away from the slayers." I said with tears in my eyes as I look at her shocked face.

"You are close to Brazil and there is no need to worry as soon as you stepped into the meadow you were safe because they can't see or smell this place, every time they come near it all they smell is water, and they can't stand water as you well know by now. My husband is a nature guardian and has put up protections around this place, only our kind can see this place." I visually relaxed at the sound of her words and collapsed on the floor as everything went black and I blacked out knowing I was safe for the first time ever since my parents died.


I called for my husband as soon as he blacked out. Nash my husband came running down the hall and stopped before me looking down at the boy.

"Dorothy what happened to him and who is he?" He asked me turning to look at me with shock in his eyes.

"He's one of us Nash, he's a guardian and a rare one at that, his blue eyes went white when his dragon came through meeting mine. Nash he is being hunted by the slayers." I said with tears in my eyes. I don't know this boy but somewhere deep down I know I need to help him.

"He's part royal, I can't believe this please Dorothy go get him some clothes and bring them to the spare room." He says as he picks up the boy. I turn round and run down the hall into my son Erik's room before turning on the light. He groans from the sudden light illuminating his room.

"Mom wha- what's going on?" He says turning his head to look at me.

"I need to borrow some of your clothes." I said walking to his closet and pulling out a pare of boxers, a shirt and a pare of shorts.

"Mom what are you doing?" Erik says standing up now and walking to me rubbing his eyes from his sleep. I turn to him when he stands next to me and look at him with worry in my eyes.

"A boy came here tonight that has been running from the slayers for a year and two months I think he said. He was wet from head to toe and he looked very weak. He has nothing with him just the cloths on his back. While I was talking to him he collapsed on the floor and I came in here to get him some clothes so that your father can change him." I said simply before turning to walk out, Erik followed me to the guest room down the hall. I open the door to see the boy lying on the bed naked and Nash waiting for me by the door. I hand him the cloths and look away as Nash puts the clothes on the boy and puts him under the covers. Nash turns to me before saying.

"He's very weak Dorothy, i don't know how he survived this long with no belongings. We need to find out more when he wakes up and see what we can do for this young chainguardian!" He said with deep concern in his eyes.

"Wait he's one of us?" Erik said from behind me pushing past me and looking at his dad with his hands on his hips and his thin brown hair hanging in his eyes demanding an answer.

Nash looked at him with his beautiful hazel brown eyes that I could just stare into all day and his dark brown hair slicked back and looking as soft as always.

"Yes Erik he is one of us and a very rare breed as well, he's half royal and half guardian. That explains why he is being hunted at this moment." He said sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose with his index and middle fingers as well as his thumb with his right hand. Erik walked over to the sleeping boy and asked.

"Will he be okey?" He asked looking back at the two of us and I turned to Nash asking the same question with my worked eyes. It looked like he understood, because he nodded before continuing

"I believe he's going to be very weak and confused when he wakes up, but yes I think he will be okey." Nash said turning and walking out the room. Erik stood there for a while before walking past me and kissing me on the cheek

"Night mom I love you." He said giving me a hug and I hugged him back kissing his forehead and saying before he walked away.

"I love you too now go get some sleep." I watch him go into his room and closing his door. I close the door slightly of the room that the sleeping boy was using and made my way down the hall and into my room where Nash was already in bed waiting for me, I climb in next to him and feel his arm wrap around my waist and I snuggle up into his embrace and drift off to sleep.


I open my eyes slowly as my eyes adjust to the light of the white room. I take a look around and see white bedding that I am comfy lying under and a soft feather pillow under my head. I slowly sit up in the bed looking at the wooden bedside table. I pick up the digital clock and look at the time and notice its 10:45 i set the clock back on the bedside table and look around the room. There is a wooden double door closet in the left hand corner of the room and a red wooden door next to it open wide to show a bathroom. I sit on the edge of the bed putting my feet down on the soft red velvet carpet and try to stand up. I mange to stand on shaky legs and slowly walk to the bathroom before standing over the basin and running the cold water. Splashing my face with the cool Cristal clear water I take a look at my features in the mirror. Sea blue eyes and dirty blond hair with black rings under my eyes look back at me, making me sigh at my weak self and look down at the cloths I'm wearing only to notice they are not mine. Just then the memory from last night comes back to me and I look over to the door to notice a man with hazel brown eyes and brown hair in a slicked back hair style looking at me while leaning against the door frame.

"I see your awake, how are you feeling?" He asks with worry and concern in his voice as he takes a step forward and I turn to him on shaky legs.

"I'm fine thank you." I say leaning on the basin to keep my balance.

"I'm Nash." He says holding out his hand in greeting.

"Flecture." I say taking his hand and wincing at his strong grip, shaking it before we both let go.

"Nice to meet you flecture. Why don't you have a shower and I'll bring you some cloths." I nod and he walks off out of sight. I look over at the shower then back to the door and close it before stripping my cloths and turning on the water making the temperature just right before climbing in and letting my sore muscles relax under the warm soothing water. After washing myself, I take the red velvet towel off the rail and dry myself off taking the cloths I was wearing and putting them in the wooden hamper by the door. Wrapping the towel around my waist I open the door to see Nash sitting on the already made up and dusted bed. As soon as the door opened he hoped to his feet and handed me the cloths with a warm smile. Taking the clothes from him, I went back into the bathroom and put the cloths on and neatly hung the red velvet towel on the rail where I found it before opening the door.

"You hungry flecture?" Nash asked me standing by the bed. I nodded and he walked to me and put a guiding hand on my back leading me out the room and into the sun lit hall. We walked down the hall and into a beautiful kitchen with black granite tables and a black granite dining room table with 6 red velvet chairs around it. I take a look at the table and notice a boy around my age with brown eyes that were half covered by his dark brown hair hanging in his face sitting at the table with a book in hand. when he saw me, he put the book face down on the table before he stood up and walked over to me holding out his hand in greeting.

"Hi, I'm Erik." He said with a wide smile. I took his hand in greeting and said

"Flecture." With that he led me to the table and I tried to take a seat next to him, but before I could however I was pulled into a tight embrace.

"Are you alright flecture I was worried about you when you collapsed like that right in front of me." I heard her voice crack at the last part and I hugged her back.

"I'm okey now thank you um?" I asked pulling back and she understood.

"Oh Dorothy is my name and you're flecture right?" She said holding me at arms length taking me in before I nodded and she gave me one last hug before letting me go and allowing me to sit next to Erik looking down at the by my standards big plate of food with eggs and toast as well as bacon and fried tomato also some fried onion on the side. I pick up the knife and fork and dig in eating as slowly as i can to mind my manners.

It was quiet as we ate and enjoyed our breakfast with only the sound of forks and knives scooping up the delectable meal. After I had my full I set the knife and fork on the plate and lean back in my chair.

"So flecture how old are you now?" Nash asks me while taking a sip of orange juice and putting his knife and fork on his now empty plate.

"I'm 18 now." I say with a slight smile. His eyes go wide as he takes in my features.

"You don't look it I must say, But then again we do age well don't we." He says with a slight chuckle before taking another sip of his orange juice. The table went quite once again for a while until Erik and Dorothy had both finished their meal, then Erik broke the silence by turning to look at me and asking.

"If your 18 then that must mean you have came into your abilities right?" He asks me with a knowing look.

"Yes but only the basics unfortunately." I say with a rather sad expression on my once blank face.

"Well I'm 17 now and I have also just come into my abilities, but I'm finding it a little hard to control at times, but I've been training every day. If your felling up to it we could spare?" He asks with a big grin on his face.

"Well I think that's a wonderful idea, but only if you are feeling up to it flecture dear. Nash what do you think honey?" She asks looking from me to Nash in question.

"Well it should be good for you flecture, how are you feeling now?" He asks looking at me with slight concern on his face.

"I'm feeling a lot better thank you, and yes I would like to learn how to use my abilities a bit better." I said looking from Nash to the now very excited Erik sitting up in his chair.

With that Dorothy stood and started collecting our empty plates, taking them to the kitchen sink and began washing them. I stood up from my chair and started walking to the door when I was stopped by Nash.

"Flecture are you sure you are up for this, I don't want you straining yourself." He says look down at me.

"I'm sure Mr.Nash I will be fine besides I need to stretch my legs." I say as I continue to the door and walk out.

The sun was high and warm as the rays touched my cold skin. I could feel myself warming up as my skin and mussels absorbed the energy of the rays that hit me. It was partly cloudy but not too bad. I looked around and saw beautiful green blades of grass moving with the slow warm summer breeze. A few bees collecting pollen from every flower and rose they landed on in the meadow. A few birds flew by singing their sweet songs. Then all of my quiet relaxing senses were ruined my the sound of Erik coming from the cabin and calling me. I turn round and find him standing a few feet away from me in a stance I have never seen before and light green scales going up his arms and into his face and around his eyes. His eyes have gone from a blown to a light green and the pupil into a dragons. His teeth have sharpened and he has small claws where his nails are.

"Are you ready?" He asks me going deeper into his stance.

I close my eyes taking a deep breath and putting my hands together. I feel my body heating up as I allow my dragon to come through. Dark blue scales cover my arms and go up around my eyes. My teeth sharpen and my nails turn into dark blue claws. I open my eyes and my vision becomes sharper and they turn whitish blue with dragon pupils. I crouch down and enter my stance before nodding.

Erik comes at me with amazing speed and agility curling his right fist he aims for my face. I grab his arm and use his own weight to spin him around and he falls with a oof on his back knocking the air out of him. He quickly stands up and in that motion kicks me in the gut sending me back and landing on my back.

"Your fast flecture, but not fast enough get up!" He says mocking me.

I stand up and spit the blood from my mouth before charging at him. I slid under him and hold myself up with one arm, in that motion kick him square in the back sending him a few meters away from me before hoping on my feet again and taking my stance.

He lands on his stomach and picks himself up slowly before standing once again.

He comes at me with his boosted strength. Almost too fast for me to see, before getting to me he slides and knocks me off my feet, while still in the air he drop kicks me with both his feet hitting me in the chest and sending me a few meters back. I land on my side and skid a few feet.

"Come on flecture can't take the heat?" Erik says standing there taunting me.

I chuckle a bit while slowly getting up.

"I'm warning you Erik don't make me angry I don't have control of my abilities yet, wouldn't want to see you get hurt!" I say the last part In a baby voice.

I hear a low growl from him before me tackles me to the ground. Throwing punch after punch at my face. Blood fly's everywhere as he breaks my face. After the 10nth punch i shout.

"ENOUGH!" My body glows a white and blue clour. My body erupts in lightning and a pulse is sent out blasting him off me and sending him flying through the cabins front door with a huge thud cracking the tiled floor he landed on.

The scales on my skin disappear and my teeth return to normal and my claws turn back into nails. My eyes go back to its blue color and I lay their on the grass, unable to move. Slowly my eyes began to close as darkness begins to cloud my vision, 'I think I took it too far.' I think to myself before falling unconscious...