
Chapter 39: Smash n Grab

Rosario and his followers began making their way to the mine that Ivana's group found the day prior. They began their journey towards the mine while the sun still had yet to rise, they moved in a single file line keeping the person in front of them only about 5 feet away.

Rosario had Ivana lead the way, by the time they arrived at the mine it was just as the sun was beginning to break over the horizon. Rosario and the other hid on the forest edge looking out into the clearing where the mining camp was coming alive.

They watched as the goblin guards herded the humans into the pitch-black maw of the mines. They carefully counted the number of guards and where they were stationed around the mine.

About 10 guards had accompanied around 5 times the amount of humans into the dark depths, Rosario assumed these to be the overseers for the humans. They all had coiled whips attached to their belts and wielded what looked like truncheons and cudgels.

Observing the camp, they could see a few decent buildings that the goblins were moving in and out of, looking closely they ere able to determine these were the mess hall, a barracks, and the manager's office/house. They noticed several large cage structures that had a very thin stick roof over them, looking closer a couple goblins could be seen dragging a couple things out of these cages.

To all of the observer's horror Andromina revealed what the goblins were dragging.

"Its bodies, that's people, those are people."

The atmosphere which already had been quite solemn and serious, was now oppressive as each of them began unconsciously unleashing their aura after the discovery.

"Calm Down."

Upon hearing Rosario's voice, the remaining 11 all immediately controlled their aura and emotions.

"There is nothing we can do for them right now, and I don't prefer getting caught and joining them, so lets not act irrational and finish scouting and observing what is going on. We will figure out a plan once we have an idea on what their numbers are."

The group of 12 spent the next 2 hours observing all the details about the camp and the inhabitants therein. They had found an area with crosses where some humans had been tied and left to the elements. There were a couple whipping posts and what looked like torture tables set up near where the crosses sat.

After observing for a couple hours, they figured out that there were around 60 goblins in the camp that were not currently in the mine. They decided the best course of action would be to split into 4 groups: Rosario by himself, 2 groups of 4, and 1 group of 3. They would sneak into different portions of the camp and eliminate all the goblins that were in areas not easily observed. Once that was completed they would all approach the open forum like area where there was no cover.

Communicating using gems that could reflect the light they would attack the open area simultaneously.

Rosario moved to his side of the camp and began slowly making his way into the wooden walls of the camp. Thankfully it was mostly just a bunch of logs dug vertically into the ground and there were no walkways for guards to patrol. Instead, the goblins relied on two guards sitting outside the gates for security.

Slipping into the camp between 2 of the poles that made up the fence Rosario found himself close to the barracks. The walls were made of wood and from inside he could hear as goblins cackled and spoke with each other. Quietly making his way to a window he slowly peeked inside. From what he could see there were 8 goblins in the barracks, 3 were sleeping and the remaining 5 were sitting around a smaller table drinking something and counting silver nuggets from a pouch.

Moving back away from the window Rosario decided to use his sword for the coming fight, he needed to learn how to wield his spear without using too much power and completely piercing his enemies through. Now was not the time though.

Rosario moved around the building making sure to keep an eye on his surroundings, the last thing he wanted was another goblin sneaking up on him. Finally, he reached a door, the building was a rectangle, and the door was at one end while the goblins counting silver were at the other. He would have to run through the entire barracks before engaging with the 5 awake ones. Running through the barracks would place his back to the 3 sleeping goblins, it was something he wanted to avoid; however, the barracks were essentially one long room with beds spaced evenly apart.

Steeling himself Rosario took a deep breath, threw the door open, and shot into the inside of the barracks.

It only tool Rosario 1 second to tear through the entirety of the barracks and reach the now stunned goblins. Before any of the goblins even began reaching for their weapons Rosarios horizontal slash had sliced one goblin's head off at the neck and another halfway up its head, all that was left was its mouth.

As the remaining 3 goblins exclaimed in shock Rosario grabbed the table and flipped it at the goblin opposite him. The goblins that had been on either side of the table had to jump back giving Rosario enough time to lunge and stab one through the gut, as it doubled over clutching the wound the split its head vertically. Spinning he deflected the wild swing from the other goblin with his back hand and brought his left arm in a haymaker to the goblin's face.

The crack of the goblin's cheek was audible as his head was thrown sideways. Rosario used the momentum of the punch to bring his sword arm around and swinging upwards delivered an uppercut to the goblin's face, with his sword. A quick backhanded slash finished the agonized goblin off.

Turning towards the goblin he had flipped the table on he found it had gotten from under the table and was just standing up. Not giving it even enough time to turn and face him, his sword burst out of the goblin's chest with parts of its heart attached.

Swinging around and highly aware that there had been 3 sleeping goblins he found one still trying to untangle from its blankets while the other two seemed to have just gotten their weapons and were now charging at him. Grabbing one of the now vacant chairs Rosario whipped it at the two goblins as the aisle between the feet of the beds was only about 5 feet wide. Hitting one straight on and knocking it bac Rosario only had to face one at a time now.

Rosario and the goblin threw all defense to the wind as both of them swung full force at each other. That was until the goblin saw Rosario raise his left forearm like he was going to block using it, but instead a rectangular shield appeared on his arm blocking the blow. The goblin barely had a chance to change its expression from hate to shock before it was cut in two from the shoulder to the waist.

Darting past the shocked goblin Rosario used his shield to ram into the one who had been hit by the chair. The goblin went sprawling out onto its backside where its head was sliced vertically from its chin as Rosario barely lost any momentum running by it.

The third goblin that had been tangled in the sheets had gotten itself out but, instead of attacking it had run for the door. Rosario whipped his sword at its legs, when it connected the blade cut deep into one leg while the sword as a whole tangled the legs of the goblin enough to make it stumble. Rosario caught up to it and slamming his shield on its back he shoved the goblin forward until he rammed it into the wall next to the door.

Smashing his shield against the back of the goblin's head and shoulders repeatedly the goblin finally slumped to the ground where Rosario used the edge of his shield to crush its skull. After killing the last goblin Rosario looked around the barracks, there were goblins and blood strewn all over the floor.

Quickly looting the 8 corpses Rosario retrieved his sword and stored his shield back away. He smiled upon realizing the hard work of trying to learn how to manifest armor from his ring, almost like an equip button in an RPG game, paid off. With one last look at the carnage, he wreaked, Rosario moved out of the door and onto his next target unseen.