
Chapter 36: Mana Veins, Acupoints, and Mana Cores.. Oh my

Tormund began his explanation. "So, every person is born with mana veins, everyone's mana veins are dormant until they 'unlock' their Mana Hearts. As I said before all natives on this planet are born with their mana hearts active, now of course people cannot use mana until a certain age as if we had a bunch of toddlers running around slinging fireballs it wouldn't be good."

"Everyone has proficiency in at least one field of magic, 80% of people have a proficiency in only one of the 6 main elements of Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Dark, and Light. 15% of the population have only a single proficiency in an element related to one of the main 6, these are called intermediate elements. Some examples of these related proficiencies would be lava, metal, ice, and sound. The remaining 5% of the population might have one of the basic or one of the intermediate elements along with what is considered an advanced proficiency. Some advanced proficiencies would be Death, Life, and Blood for example."

Rosario interrupted. "Can someone with the wind proficiency steal air from around me making it harder to breathe?"

"They can, however its not as easy as you think, they would need to utilize their mana constantly to bring the air away from you and somewhere else, once the air is removed more will move in, so they have to constantly expend mana to keep a void of air around their target. Also, this would be where your proficiencies and mind capacity partially come into play. Someone with a higher proficiency in their own element and has a higher mind capacity would be able to assert control over the mana around them and keep an air or even water mage from affecting their bodies."


"Our bodies are made up of 70% water are they not? Water mages can control water, it would only make sense they can control water in someone's body."

"And Blood?"

Nodding his head Tormund confirmed. "Correct some blood mages are able to control others using the persons own blood against them or even just stopping blood flow in their body and killing them. However, for any one of these mages to get to the level of being able to affect your body this way their proficiency in their element has to be at the Grandmaster or higher level. It is because of this that you shouldn't worry too much about these things as you shouldn't run across a Grandmaster too much. Of course, the world has changed since I was last in it so I could be wrong saying that. Anyways, by the time you meet someone at the grandmaster level like that you yourself should be proficient enough in your own elements or have a high enough mind capacity to resist or counter."

"What are the levels of proficiencies I can see I have a couple beginner ones?"

Raising his brows Tormund replied. "Oh, a couple elemental proficiencies huh? If you don't mind me asking just how many elements do you have?"

"I have 6."

There was a prominent silence between the two of them as Tormund waited for Rosario to say he was joking.

"Your serious…?"


"Don't tell others that, most people would just try and kill you from jealousy. The most anyone has ever had was 5, there was only one in known history. There were only 17 of those who had 4 elements, and those who had 3 were under 1000 in history. 96% of the population will have only 1 element."

"The fact that us turning into Celestial Asuras allowed us to learn the Dark and Light elements on top of the elements we already had is a massive boon to our race and should be kept a major secret. We basically are a race with even the weakest having proficiencies in 3 elements. That unheard of."

Seeing Rosario nod Tormund asked.

"If I may be so bold as to ask, what are your elements?"

Rosario contemplated not saying but decided to open up to Tormund. If he couldn't trust his main advisor he was in for a massive problem anyways.

"I have the Celestial Asuras Light and Dark elements; I also received the Death and Life elements.."

Before he could continue Tormund jumped up and interrupted him. "You have both life and death elements!?"

Rosario calmly nodded his head. "Yeah, are they that big of a deal?"

"A big deal? A BIG DEAL?! Yes, they are a big deal! Life and Dark are extremely rare elements to own even one of them, let alone both. Above the advanced tier elements are the Epic tier. Life and Death below to this class. Having both of them is amazing."

Rosario confirmed in his heart that he definitely would not reveal his elements to others.

"Can I continue now, are you calmed down."

Seeing Tormund nod to him to continue, Rosario stared at him skeptically, seeing the bouncing knee and how Tormund was literally on the edge of his seat making the chair tip forward slightly he didn't truly believe Tormund was fully calmed down.

"My last two elements I received from my innate traits I received, both my traits gave me the elements of void and chaos."

Seeing all movement on Tormund's side pause as if he was frozen in time Rosario waited for Tormund to process what he had just said.



After a prolonged silence Tormund's voice was just above a whisper.

"I have never heard of those elements, but just knowing what they are I can only imagine they would put any Epic element to shame. I am sorry that I keep asking this but what were the innate traits that gave you these elements."

"Its fine, I will just share my screen with you so you can see my traits."

[Blessed Primordial of the Abyss I – Your body is an extension of the powers of the Void and Chaos. Your proficiency in using Void and Chaotic powers will grow unhindered by anything. You are now a Primordial and are able to fully use the essence of the awakening crystal that was left in your body.

A physique that is a combination of the Abyssal Body and the Radiant Vessels Body combined with the Physique of a Primordial. You are the Void and Chaos. Your proficiency with Void and Chaos will increase with no hinderance. Your Regeneration and Stamina are enhanced greatly. You are able to refine your body to higher degrees. To refine your body, ingest 10 evolutionary materials of the X rarity or higher. (0/10 Ingested) NOTE: The same evolutionary materials can be used more than once.]

[Current Level: Blessed Primordial of the Abyss I.

+100 all body stats

+40 all mind stats

Next level: Blessed Abyssal Body II (Consume 10 X Evolutionary Materials)

+200 all body stats

+80 all mind stats]

[One with the Void: Your affinity with the elements of the Abyss is unmatched. Learning and controlling the Elements of Void, Darkness, and Chaos will be as easy as breathing.]

Rosario shared his trait screen with Tormund who read through it. It took him a few minutes because he read and reread the descriptions a few times over.

Sighing Tormund finally spoke. "I should have known not to be surprised, you were too powerful when you were only level 0, I should have known you had a Body Cultivation. Yours is even an innate one that fits perfectly with your body."

"We have majorly gone off topic here though. Before you give me a heart attack let's get back to mana. Where was I? Oh yes, everyone has at least one element."

"When you unlock your mana heart, your body begins pumping mana from your open acupoint, through your mana veins into your mana heart. Form your mana heart it is refined and purified and then sent throughout your body to nourish and saturate every cell in your body."

"Once every cell in your body is saturated you begin sending all that mana towards your forehead where after gathering it all there and constantly compressing the mana into a ball you will eventually create a mana core. Form this point on you can store and refine your core, there are another 10 levels to core refining, but we will get into that once you create a core."

"One of the major ways of getting stronger with mana is opening acupoints, the more you open the better your base is. When you create your core your mana is exponentially increased based on how many acupoints you have opened. This means that acupoints are your foundation for getting more powerful the more you can open before creating your core the better. Another benefit of acupoints is the more acupoints you open the faster you can absorb mana from your surroundings, once you create your core you are unable to open more acupoints."

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