
Chapter 3: Catalogue

"Ah shit, I had way more questions for her."

Mumbling to himself about rude cyborgs that pop in and out whenever they feel like it, Rosario looked next to him on the desk. Part of the desk was lit up with writing and looked like a sci-fi computer screen. On the screen currently there was an image of a book with CATALOGUE written in gold on the cover. Under the name a highlighted rectangle had the word open. Rosario tapped the open button and watched as an animation of the book opened flipping pages. Jumping off the desk he pulled the leather chair back around the desk and got comfy sitting up staring at the now opened "book". With a smile he rubbed his hands together and began his search.

When Rosario had hit open, the "book" had flipped open to an index page. It had multiple tabs: Weapons, Food, Supplies, Items, Luxury, Recommended. Selecting Weapons Rosarios mouth hung open at the sheer number of weapons listed in front of him. Taking a deep breath, he began scrolling through seeing what was offered.

After looking through hundreds and hundreds of all types of weapons he exited the Weapons tab and went back to the main screen to select the Recommended tab. On the recommended tab there was everything on there from resources to build an entire house, a weapon based on his strengths, supplies to fill the house such as pots and pans, and water and dried food rations that would last almost 6 months. These could be stored in the house's basement according to a note on the tab.

Suspiciously Rosario looked up how much it would cost for the "Recommended" items and unsurprisingly it was the exact amount that is shown at the top of the page under balance. Looking at the 5000 points Rosario was tempted to take one of the recommended bundles, especially when he took a deeper look at the house. He had no idea how to build one and was curious as to why anyone would be so stupid to get it unless they knew how to read blueprints and build it. After some reading of descriptions and the basic information of one of the recommended bundles he found that one doesn't need to know how to build a building themselves but if they have a blueprint, they can build the object using their mana.

As the humans from earth are all new to mana and do not know how to use it the house comes with a small crystal that would be broken to release the mana contained in it near the blueprint to be absorbed. After the blueprint absorbs the mana, a hexagonal grid would appear allowing for the person to arrange where they would want to place the house by rotating it 30 degrees at a time. Of course, the said person would also need to have the resources nearby, if there were not enough resources the mana will burn out the blueprint and both will disperse into the atmosphere.

Before making any final decision Rosario went back to the main screen and selected Supplies. He was met with another long this, this one consisted of items such as pots, pans, fishing poles, flint and steel, and such to help with basic necessities. The number of different types of flower smells for soaps was just ridiculous. Shaking his head, he took a look in the Food tab. In it was everything from a feast of kings to squash seeds ready for planting. After skimming over all the food types, he switched to the Luxuries tab.

As he looked over the luxuries, he couldn't help but wonder who would decide they need a throne made up of pure gold with lion heads on it. Sure, it would look cool but that would be the most uncomfortable chair to ever sit on. He would take the current leather chair any day over that. Also, what the heck is someone supposed to do with a Golden throne when they are in uncharted territory and don't know who is an enemy or who is an ally.

After perusing the luxuries and seeing many objects that he would have loved to own he went to check out the last tab: Items. Looking through the list he found that these were items that were useful but didn't seem to have an impact immediately.

For example, there was a blacksmith anvil and tools. This would be great but who is carrying that around to begin with until they are settled and even if you do choose an anvil and tools are you guaranteed to have a blacksmith join you? Eventually, yes, most likely a blacksmith will join you BUT how long till they join?

These items were definitely valuable to be used but it would all depend on where you were in the world or who you would encounter.

Also in the items tab were thousands of blueprints, they showed everything from wooden palisades, to soaring proud stone walls. He saw castles, barracks, farms, ranches, blacksmiths, tanneries, and so many other blueprints. There were even some that were listed as wonders. Seeing all this Rosario was amazed, there were so many blueprints he would love to have. He also noticed that some of these blueprints definitely were not buildings and such from the human species but other species. Buildings that were specifically meant to accommodate larger and taller species and trees grown with houses in them were just a couple of these different blueprints.

As Rosario scrolled back to the top of the list there was an item that caught his attention. It didn't stand out because it was flashy or anything like that, in fact it was the opposite. It was a simple copper arrowhead on a leather cord made as a necklace. What caught his subconscious attention was the fact that he had seen many necklaces in these lists but all those were under the luxuries tab. Why was this necklace under the items tab though?

Selecting the item and choosing the details option he was given a little information.

{Copper Arrowhead on a leather strap. Permissions not high enough for further information.}

"Welp, that was helpful."

Rosario mumbled sarcastically to himself. Exiting out of the items tab he paused to take a little bit of time to think of what he was going to choose. After thinking it over he decided he did not want to get the recommended items and he would choose what he wanted himself. Starting with the Weapons tab he started scrolling to add weapons to his "cart". For just 5 points he was able to get a footlong Bowie Knife, and for another 5 he got a skinning knife. With a total of 5000 points, he figured he was doing good so far. After grabbing the knives, he went to a weapon that had caught his eye earlier. 


PrimordialGiocreators' thoughts