
Chapter 27: Magic

As Rosario led the way out of the cave he pondered over the last problem he currently had and how to go about asking it. His mana was at 0, how did he get mana what did he have to do to gain it.

After everyone got back to the one tent camp they had been using so far Rosario asked for Sigurd, Tormund, and Ivana to come to the side as he had a few questions.

"Okay so I can see I have mana as a stat on my screen, however the stat is showing as 0 no matter how high my mind capacity and mind processing are. Do any of you know why?"

The 3 of them all looked at each other and seemed to communicate with just that glance. Sigurd cleared his throat and was the one to answer Rosarios question.

"Cough, I believe that is an easy question to answer my liege. It is because you are an outsider. To put it bluntly you are not one of us. Yes, you might have become a Celestial Asura however that does not make you a native of this planet."

"What does being a native to this planet have to do with getting mana? Are only natives able to have mana? That's some bullshit."

"Mana is not exclusive to natives however we are able to unlock our mana naturally without trying or reaching any special conditions. For us mana is unlocked at birth on this planet no matter the species. Currently the only ones who would be struggling unlocking their mana would be the outworlders that were brought here, such as yourself."

"That's good to know. Do you know how I would unlock my mana?"

Seeing Sigurd's scrunched face after the question Tormund stepped in and answered Rosarios question.

"Sigurd would not be able to answer this as with most of the summons they only have so much information from their previous lives. I on the other hand seem to have been allowed to know more as I am your first summon. So basically, for you to unlock your mana you have 3 different ways."

"The hardest way is for you to meditate and feel the mana in the air around you."

"Are mana and the essence in the atmosphere the same?"

"No, they are not the same. It is what makes this way even harder. You will need to learn what the essence feels like then feel for the mana that is intermixed with the essence. Once you do that you have to begin attracting the mana into your body and letting it build until your body cannot hold anymore. Once your body is saturated you will have to meditate to look inside your body for small veins that will lead around your body to your major organs. These veins will currently be closed and unused, you will want to direct the mana you collected to these veins and direct them to begin moving about your body. Eventually the mana will begin circling through your heart and will begin to refine it into a mana heart that is able to pump mana and blood around your body."

After finishing his long-winded explanation Tormund glanced at Rosario. To his consternation, seeing the look in Rosarios eyes, Rosario had long since spaced out during his explanation. Releasing a sigh of exasperation Tormund continued with explaining the other 2 methods.

"The second way to "unlock" your mana heart is by using a treasure, these treasures can be anything from a flower to the heart of a powerful beast. It's obvious the pool cannot be used for this as you have entered it at least twice and you did not unlock your mana either time. All you need is a treasure that is extremely saturated with mana and to absorb that mana into your heart directly where it will be partially absorbed into your heart and then spread around your body through the mana veins."

As he was giving this explanation Tormund saw Rosario had given him all his attention this time. Rosario seemed to be thinking about something, but Tormund continued with his third explanation.

"The last way to unlock your mana heart and seemingly the most inevitable is by reaching 100 points in both Mind stats. From what I am remembering most outworlders like yourself unlock their mana this way. Usually, it takes till after their second evolution that they achieve this as they only get so many stats per level up and not many people are concerned about a stat that does not get them immediate benefits. Most would rather place their stats into their physical attributes than placing them into what they deem useless mind attributes."

Finishing his explanations and making eye contact with Rosario, Tormund could see a shine in Rosarios eyes that was not there before. After about half a minute of Rosario staring at him Tormund got uncomfortable.

"What? Did I say something bad?"

Tormund could hear the grin in Rosarios voice as he replied to Tormund.

"Oh no, on the contrary my friend you have given me fantastic information, I really appreciate it. Let's get back over with the others, I would like to set up two teams for hunting and building."

After reaching the others and getting everyone's attention Rosario explained the plan he had for everyone for the next few months.

"Alright everyone, now that all of you have leveled up and taken a dip in the pool it is time to start grinding some levels. We are not going to do it the way we did before where we are all in one group though, I am going to split you into 2 groups, one led by Bolog and the other led by Ivana. As we have 24 hours in a day with about 15 hours of it being daylight we will have one group go out in the mornings to hunt, level up, scout resources, and gather resources. The second group will stay at the base and work on using any extra essence stones to begin building structures where Sigurd designs them to go. At noon the teams will switch, this will allow all of you to begin getting used to fighting, at least against beasts. Sigurd whichever team you join will begin tomorrow at the base to allow you to begin marking where structures should go. I know we only have so many blueprints currently, but we are sure to get more so please just mark off where you think things should go in your plans and as we get blueprints we will build them there."

"If either of the teams run into another humanoid other than a beast, or even an intelligent race of beasts DO NOT engage them. Instead mark where you saw them on a map and return here immediately. I plan to invest a lot into you and do not plan on losing any of you because you decided to be heroes and investigate on your own. Come back immediately."

Making eye contact with each of them as he emphasized coming back to base in case of an encounter, Rosario made his point very clear.

"As for me I will be going out hunting alone. It was clear to me in the first hunt that we had that I am just going to get in the way of you all learning how to fight or getting back into fighting shape. I will hunt alone throughout the day. By the end of this week, I want each of us to have a private residence of their own along with primal walls and a night watch. While you are out there look for deposits of resources such as iron, precious metals, precious stones, and even animals we can look to domesticate. Oh, and each team pick a person on the team that can work on making a map as you travel, id like to make a crude map of the area by the end of the week also."

"Lastly I want all of us to go through our first evolutions within a months' time and before I use the vellums we will be collecting to summon more citizens. I want them to be awed by your power when they walk out of that portal. Until we hit our first evolutions I will ask that you all give me any summoning related items that you received on your hunts. Also, all essence will be placed into a shared pile, including the essence I collect until we reach our first evolutions. Once you all evolve the first time I will not ask for your spoils anymore however I do hope you will be open to allowing me to trade for the summoning items you collect."

"This lack of taxes will only apply to you ten, the originals. All others who join our clan will be subject to a 10% tax on the essence crystals they obtain while hunting as citizens of our clan."

Pausing after this last part Rosario smiled behind the mask. "All others who we catch hunting in our lands will pay a 90% tax."

Clapping his hands Rosario finished up what he wanted to say.

"Bolog and Ivana, create your teams now, we have about 2 hours of daylight left so maybe learn some of your teammate's strengths and weaknesses. We will begin our sprint to the first evolution and a decent looking layout of a city first thing tomorrow morning, so be sure to get your rest."

Beginning to walk away from the others so he could meditate Rosario stopped and called back.

"Also remember the team without Sigurd will be the first to head out to hunt in the morning."