
Rise of the Business [Class]

Rise of the Business [Class] is a story about a world where humanity ended up fleeing Earth through space, after suffering several great disasters at home. Book 2 chapters available on R Road

Zalut · Fantasy
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7 Chs

6. What a Knack

Harold had almost forgotten Kalle was waiting in here as he got back into the routine of his mundane existence at the inn. But Kalle's expectant look made it clear he was far from done, although Harold couldn't readily figure out what more they needed to talk about.

He was not usually a morning drinker, but now he grabbed another mug of his own in preparation before he sat down heavily and leaned his head back to relax the neck before he started speaking. "So, uhm, what's up? I made it pretty clear I don't mind keeping your secrets." It seemed Kalle was still thinking of what to say, so Harold went on. "I appreciate it, but you didn't need to tell me that much about your Class and Skills, even if I agree magic is a fascinating subject and all," Harold said.

That finally prompted the determined stranger to speak up again. "You are right, it is. But do not neglect the fact that yours is clearly magic too. With that in mind, how about I repeat the question from yesterday." Kalle finished with his best Dunner-voice. "So kid, any plans?"

When Harold looked just as hesitant as yesterday Kalle kept talking. "How about we start by figuring out that weird Spell of yours?"

"True, it is pretty weird. I guess I still don't really know what it does exactly. First my dad and I tried it on the brewing vat, figuring we could put some chaos in the liqueur," Kalle gave Harold the blankest look. "I suppose yesterday was the first time I drained the full mug, to the point of passing out… So to speak," Kalle actually chuckled at that, which made Harold relax and take another sip.

The mug, is that supposed to be his magic? "Okay, alright. But let's back up now, first things first and all that," Harold waved for him to go on, finding it easier to be questioned. "How did you even get a magic Class in the first place?"

"Oh, right. I got it from Bertrud, she lent me her wand for a night back in early spring, after I just turned sixteen." Harold followed the words with a casual shoulder shrug.

Kalle's left eyebrow started twitching. "She lent it to you? She wouldn't lend it to anyone, I was trying to get a magic class for a whole year with no luck,"

Harold had to hide a smirk with his mug after hearing that; it was not the first time. "Well, you've only been around for what, four years? No offence, but she was like 95 years old I think, probably considered you a stranger."

Another blank look. "No man, obviously I checked, she would not even lend it to her grandkids, told them all to become [Farmers] and [Scarecrows] for all she cared." He crossed his arms like Harold was holding out on the real reason.

"Look, I am not sure what to tell you. She caught me talking to one of the animals, told me I had the knack, and lent it to me, but then refused to teach me anything after I came back and told her the enticer-Spell I got. She was drunk off her tits when she first gave me it, if that helps. But then she took the wand back quick as well, told me 'A real [Druid] does not need it' when I dared complain."

Harold's most innocent look was doing wonders, and recalling how clueless he had been the night before, Kalle supposed it did seem to add up.

"What were you talking to an animal for?"

Harold looked embarrassed but eventually caved. "It was a kid-goat, bullying the other ones... Not like it even listened to me, what a knack..."

Kalle had to suppress a laugh at that but he got them back on topic. "Okay, so what were you actually using the Skill for last night?"

"Uh, well I got it to work on the chickens first. I used it and focused on my want for more eggs and then they just started laying more first thing next morning. It seemed like luck at first, but the effect was there to stay. So, again, yesterday I was rubbing the apple twigs like I did the chickens." Kalle was still nodding along.

"So, I'm guessing next season, or after whatever an apple tree needs, that's the equal of a chicken getting a good night's rest, two or more apples should show up where there was only one before." Harold nodded too with his final words, happy with his conclusion, but Kalle was no longer looking so agreeable. In fact he was rubbing his temples.

"No Harold, obviously not, you used the Skill on the trees when you went on a pall before, right? The trees last night had their apples regrown in minutes, and then some," Harold was still looking clueless. "You must have changed their fundamental nature somehow, empowered their path. With a Spell guided by willpower."

That widened Harold's eyes considerably, but he still wasn't getting it. "Yeah, I guess I have, but I never returned to the trees I picked, I was moving on to the next and high-bolting it out of there first thing, once the sack was full." He remembered again that Kalle lived at the place he had been burgling. "Uh, sorry again."

Kalle was too deep in thought and hardly noted the words before he waved it off. "Don't worry about it, they just think it's funny,"

Before Harold had time to get into what that meant Kalle continued talking. "We'll need to try it out some more, once you're rested, I bet we can make it do all sorts of things if it's truly guided by your will!"