
Rise Of The Broken Sun

“Dada, the sun is rising again,” “Uh? Oh, it always rises,” “Won’t it get weak and broken?” “I don’t think so,” “I wonder what happens if it gets broken?” “Well, I think it’s going to rise,” “What?” … Hiro wakes up on a battlefield with no memory of anything. He manages to survive but ends up extremely wounded. Adopted by the Lu family’s patriarch, Hiro gets to have a family. A father, a mother, a sister and a grandfather. When he meets Seraphina, a phoenix that takes him as her parent, he becomes a father. Her growth surpassed that of any phoenix. “Wasn’t she just a four year old? When did she…?” He became friends with Tanji, who unknown to him was living his second life after dying years into the future. Shin, a talented boy in the way of the sword and Mia, a member of Tanji’s household. Somehow she has a relation to Hiro’s past and it is by no means in a simple way. “Long time no see, hus…” His origin beckons him and with that comes a threat to his life and that of his new family and friends. As time goes on Hiro’s memories slowly returns and he realizes his origin isn’t as simple as he thinks. Was it possible to be born twice? It wasn’t, right? “It means none of these were placed in here by someone else. These two set of memories belonged to the owner of this soul space, you.” Several great evils seek his life for reasons unknown to him. “Find Me, Before They Find You!” When, faced with both old and new threats to his life, Hiro is determined not to let them prevent him from achieving his goals. He seeks immortality, total strength and honor to his family. He was going to get them no matter what, those were his goals. Well, it was easier said than done.

_King_Ace · Fantasy
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71 Chs

60. Glib Tongue

"Can they all speak my world's tongue like you?" Tanji asks.

"Except most of the children, everyone else can understand. Only half of that can speak properly."

"That's good then," Tanji says and clears his throat. "The first wave of the great tide will soon arrive, the good news is, we have the strength to face it. However, the bad news is, only a few will survive if Cha Chaila doesn't arrive before the first wave. Now there are two options, plead to Gamiga to send him early or increase your strength to face the great tide, what is your decision?"

"Our fathers and mothers didn't teach us to overly rely on others," the huge man said.

"A champion can protect the village but he can't protect everyone. Only one's strength can protect oneself," someone voices.

"We choose to increase our strength," a few chorused.

'We choose to increase our strength,' the others roared.

Tanji bends to the ground and places a pouch bag on the ground. He opens it and takes out a barrel. The barrel stood at twenty-six inches tall. He takes out another and another and another. When he takes out the last one, someone came up to help him.

Eun Ji who was seated could only wonder what the five barrel beside him contained.

Tanji turns to the chief. "I'll leave this to you. If you need more let me know, but that doesn't mean it should be wasted."


"The two peak kings take top priority after you. After them, the other kings, followed by the next stages. If there are any whose speed is above the average, grant them the same priority as the other kings."

"As you wish."

Tanji sighs and smiles. "We are going to get through this, in a better way," he thought.

"You are finally up. I thought it would have taken longer but you only slept for a day," Hong Xi's voice sounded.

Hiro the person who he was talking to, held his head and furrowed his brow. His head ached and so did several parts of his body. His vision was blurry and he could feel something weighing his body down but he couldn't tell what it was. This wasn't the first time he felt this. He had felt this before while he was at the body tempering stage.

"I have to say this, you are the first human to make me so perplexed by your actions."

While Hong Xi kept talking, Hiro checked his realm. "Ninth stage," he says in his head. "Is this speed, okay? My foundation wouldn't be affected right?"

"How did you pull so much energy toward yourself while you slept?"

At Hong Xi's words Hiro got a grasp of what happened. What had happened at Tanji's place the night before they entered this inheritance realm had happened again. He had got hurt pretty bad and his body had pulled energy in order to heal.

"You are one strange little boy."

Hiro closed his eyes and he slowly fell into a deep sleep.

Shin bit his lower lips and sighs. "I should probably give up on it," he thought. "I should talk to the senior, perhaps he can help me."

Shin picked his spear and got to his feet. Almost immediately, Hong Xi's voice sounded. "Is something wrong little one?"

"If I may be so bold, can I have an audience with senior? I want to seek guidance on something."

"Hmm, alright."

A hand tore the sky and grabbed Shin. It retreated into the sky and placed Shin upon the clouds. The graceful movement of the hand looked slow but it was fast. Faster than Shin could take. He bent down and…


He threw up on the clouds beneath his feet. "Sorry senior," Shin muttered when he was done.

"That's alright, what guidance do you need from me?"

"Well, before I seek the guidance, permit me to ask senior, do you have anything on the dao of swordsmanship and the dao of spearmanship?"

"You want that instead?"

"I don't think the dao of space and time is for me."

"It's only been a day, don't you think you are rushing things."

"Maybe I am, but this is an opportunity to learn something I know I am proficient in. I rather not miss it for something uncertain."

"I understand. When you know yourself well, you will know what to improve on."

"Yes senior."

"I have some things on the those two daos. Compare to the other daos I have, they are a bit lacking, but they should be very useful to you."

"Thank you senior."

"So what guidance do you need?"

"Right, ever since I was six, I have loved to use the sword. I find it very easy to grasped sword techniques and skills, but there was an issue."

"And that was?"

"I can't use sword techniques for long. I easily get exhausted when I use them, and in a fight that becomes a big disadvantage."

"That's why you are using a spear."

"Yes senior. Is there a way to deal with this?"

"Hmm, there is and it's quite easy. If my guess is right, when you use a sword technique, the result is greater than the average result by others. And the difference in the result isn't small, right?"

"Yes senior."

"Then all you have to do is strengthen your body."


"The reason you get tired quickly is because your body isn't strong enough to handle the toil your sword talent places on it. You are lucky though, you only get tired. I have seen similar people who get severe internal wounds. Some died because of it. Well, yours is in the early stages so for now it's not serious."

"How can I strengthen my body senior?"

"There are multiple ways, hmm… you can't find those methods now. Hold on, there should be a place in my world for that. Let me check it out."

"Okay senior."

"Not here, not here. Hmm, this is the beasts cage, it shouldn't be here. Not here either, not here too. All these people got into my world? I should gather them together before they get killed by the beasts. Hmm? This tribe is still here, I thought they died out centuries ago. They should have something you can use. Let's see, hmm, there we go, they have a lake that can help you strengthen your body."

Shin smiled wholeheartedly. He didn't fully understand Hong Xi's murmuring but he was glad that what he needed was available. He just couldn't wait to get started.

"Hmm, what do these people call me again? Gami… Gamida, hmm that's wrong. Sleeping too much wasn't good I guess. You know what, take this, show their leader, if anything their leader should know this."

A light shot from the sky and landed on Shin's back hand. It was a symbol of a cross.

"These are the jade slips relating to the dao of sword and of spear."

A set of three lights flew toward Shin, this time they landed on his palm. When the light faded, three jade slips appeared in his palm.

"Thank you senior."

"Senior," Mia's voice sounded. "Can I get something too?"

"And what does the little girl want?"

"I study the dao of array, so if it's okay, can I have the slips you suggested to my friend, Hiro?"

"Alright, I'll give you that. And for the wonderful tea you made for me I'll give you a set of lovely materials."

"Thank you senior. You are as wonderful as a loving grandfather, hehe!"

"Little boy, did she always have a glib tongue?" Hong Xi asks Shin.

"Not really, I think. She likes senior a lot."

"Ever since I took her, she has been raining praises on me."

"Of course, senior deserves a lot of praise. You are a one in a trillion genius, if someone doesn't applaud you, then every human is a fool. Your very existence is a blessing to the world," Mia voices.

Shin smiled wryly at Mia's words. He wasn't sure, but he believed Hong Xi blushed at her words.

"Ahem, alright. Little boy, why don't you stay two more days, who knows an hidden talent may sprout."

"I will do as senior says."

"Very well. I shouldn't be biased to you two alone."

Shin frowns at Hong Xi's words. He didn't understand what he meant. But his eyes widened as four light shot down from above, penetrated the clouds beneath him and continued down. Hong Xi had giving the four others who had greeted him first alongside Mia and Shin, a gift.

"Time to return down, prepare yourself," Hong Xi warned as a hand appeared and grabbed Shin.

"Right, senior permit me to ask," Mia says as the hand returns Shin.

"Go on."

"Why wasn't I allowed to join them?"

"You can say it's because of my mentality. In my era and the era after, women were inferior to men in everything, well except cooking."

"Hmph, senior is being too biased to the boys. In this era there are lots of women who are better than men in everything."

"Hehe, I didn't know."

"Wait, senior lived for two eras?"

"Yes, but that's a story for another day."

"Okay, but senior has to make it up to me for being biased."

"Huh? How?"

"Senior should give me some pointers on cultivation."

"Hmm, I guess one or two pointers then."

"Thank you senior."

"Welcome. Let us begin."