
Rise Of The Broken Sun

“Dada, the sun is rising again,” “Uh? Oh, it always rises,” “Won’t it get weak and broken?” “I don’t think so,” “I wonder what happens if it gets broken?” “Well, I think it’s going to rise,” “What?” … Hiro wakes up on a battlefield with no memory of anything. He manages to survive but ends up extremely wounded. Adopted by the Lu family’s patriarch, Hiro gets to have a family. A father, a mother, a sister and a grandfather. When he meets Seraphina, a phoenix that takes him as her parent, he becomes a father. Her growth surpassed that of any phoenix. “Wasn’t she just a four year old? When did she…?” He became friends with Tanji, who unknown to him was living his second life after dying years into the future. Shin, a talented boy in the way of the sword and Mia, a member of Tanji’s household. Somehow she has a relation to Hiro’s past and it is by no means in a simple way. “Long time no see, hus…” His origin beckons him and with that comes a threat to his life and that of his new family and friends. As time goes on Hiro’s memories slowly returns and he realizes his origin isn’t as simple as he thinks. Was it possible to be born twice? It wasn’t, right? “It means none of these were placed in here by someone else. These two set of memories belonged to the owner of this soul space, you.” Several great evils seek his life for reasons unknown to him. “Find Me, Before They Find You!” When, faced with both old and new threats to his life, Hiro is determined not to let them prevent him from achieving his goals. He seeks immortality, total strength and honor to his family. He was going to get them no matter what, those were his goals. Well, it was easier said than done.

_King_Ace · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

29. My Pills Can Not Be Included

"I was wondering how I'll safely sell pills, who would have thought an opportunity will come knocking so soon," Tanji thought as he made his way to the stairs. "Mia, I don't want you to say anything when we get up, is that understood?"

"Huh? What did I do?" Mia frowns but got no reply from Tanji. "Okay, elder brother, I won't say a word,"

"Thank you,"

He led her up the stairs as quickly as he could. They came to a well decorated hall, with shelves of jade bottles, shelves of herbs and walls with artifacts hung on it. And several counters that contained ores, ornaments, gems and more.

To their surprise the hall was almost empty with only four people present; Bi Lin and three others who seemed to be workers.

"This is so annoying, elder sister is going to be pissed. I don't have a third grade alchemist and I'm about to loose my third grade artifact refiner," Bi Lin's voice sounded. She was seated on a chair beside one of the counters.

"Elder sister Bi Lin, why didn't you sell the reserved pills?" asks one of the workers who stood beside her.

"The official ranking competition for the foundation realm disciples is coming up soon. Everyone of them will want extra pills, so they will buy more than usual. It's best to sell the reserved then, so we can earn more,"

Bi Lin turns to Tanji and Mia and squints her eyes. "What are those three downstairs doing? I thought I said I didn't want anyone coming up?"

"Sorry ma, I'll handle it," the worker nearest to Tanji replies and turns to him. "Good morning, please this floor is currently closed, kindly come back later,"

"I would like a word with senior Bi Lin…"

Bi Lin smiles at him as the worker interrupts him with a whisper. "Call her elder sister! Calling her senior makes her angry,"

"Oh, please forgive me, I meant elder sister Bi Lin,"

The smile on her face became brighter and warmer, and for some reason Tanji felt the atmosphere in the hall become lighter.

"What does this junior brother want to talk about?" Bi Lin asks.

"It concerns what you just announced…"

"You are a third grade alchemist?"


"Usually, good third grade alchemists are either on the ninth stage of the foundation realm, or the first stage of the core formation realm. Well, if his success rate is twenty percent I can manage him until I find another," she thought. "What's your success rate?"

"Thirty percent,"

"Well, I expected… did you just say thirty percent?"


Bi Lin frowns a bit. "What's your name?"


"Hmm, what pill are you best at?"

"From best to least, foundation pills, healing pills and energy replenishment pills,"

"So the three basic pills. Hmm, Yi'er take ten set of herbs for each of those pills and take him to the pill furnace room,"

"Okay ma," the worker, who had talked to Tanji, answered.

"Did you have any plans for today?" Bi Lin asked.

"I did have a plan for noon,"

"Then we should do this tomorrow,"

"No it's alright, I think I can meet up,"

"This way please," Yi'er said.

"Mia wait for me here," Tanji instructed and Mia nodded.

"Get her a chair to sit on," Bi Lin said, and one of the workers rushed away to get one.

Tanji followed Yi'er to the back of a shelf, where a door was hidden. She opened it, and they went through, only to arrive in a hallway.

The hallway had six doors, and at the end was a small staircase that led down. Yi'er opens a door and steps in, leading Tanji inside a room.

The room had only three furnace and nothing else in it. Yi'er arranged the materials carefully beside the furnace before turning to Tanji.

"So as not to disturb you, I'll be outside. Do call me if you need anything,"

"That's good, I thought she was going to stay with me," Tanji says in his head as he nods at her.

She steps out and Tanji turns to the herb. "These are nice quality herbs, hehe," he smiles as he sat down and takes out a bottle from his pouch bag.

"Elta if you feed Hiro anymore, he will puke or explode," Ming Lu says to Elta, who held a bun in hand, intending to feed a stuffed Hiro.

"Hehe, is it too much?"

"Very," Enji said.

"If I fed you like that, I'm sure you'll nag me," the old ancestor said.

"Oh, sorry little brother,"

Hiro raises his hand and gives her a thumbs up as he continues chewing, stressfully. His mouth was stacked full, and he had a hard time chewing.

The family of five were on a grassland at the foot of a hill. With clear sky, lovely breeze and lots of snacks and food, they laughed together and enjoyed each other's company.

"When is he going to school?" Elta asks.

Hiro finally swallows and replies. "I wanted to head out today, but it seems it will be tomorrow,"


"You want to go tomorrow?" Ming Lu asks.

"Yes mother, the sooner I get there the sooner I will have a footing. I don't have a foothold here, and I want to establish one quickly so I can support Elta in six months time,"

The old ancestor looks at Enji and Ming Lu and shook his head slightly. Enji nods and said.

"If that's your decision, but I don't see what a few days difference would do,"

"Do you still want to set out today?" the old ancestor asks. "At top speed I can get you there in a few hours. Besides, I need to talk to the emperor,"


Hiro looks at the old ancestor and then at Elta. After that he looks away and picks up a cup drinking its contents.

"Fine, you can go today!"


"Hmph, do you want me to change my mind?"

"Absolutely not! Thank you elder sister,"

"Hehe, you are welcome little brother," Elta rubs his head as the elders watched them speechlessly. "Right, have you gotten everything you need?"

"Izuhi took care of everything, right Izuhi?"

"Yes young master,"

"Father, if you are taking him there, what about the carriage we prepared for him?" Enji asks the old ancestor.

"I don't think he needs one, but even if he does, Izuhi can buy him one,"


"When we are done I'll take him over,"

"Thanks father," Ming Lu says.

"Thanks grandfather!"

"But Izuhi and Aki aren't following you," the old ancestor took a sip from his cup and continues. "You want your own foothold, then build it without any help,"

"Father you mean?" Enji asks.

"Just like how the children of the Lu family are sent out with almost nothing, he'll be sent out the same way,"

"Grandfather!" Elta cries out.

"How much is given when they are sent out?" the old ancestor ignores Elta.

"Five thousand gold," Enji replies.

"Good, that's what he gets. He can pick three items from the gifts he got from the party,"

"Father I don't think it's okay sending him like that,"

"My decision is final,"

"Yes father,"

"Speaking of gifts, for you two. So sorry it's coming late," Enji says and stretches his hands towards Elta and Hiro. Elta got a sword and Hiro got a small wooden box.

"No way, no way!!!" Elta screams. "It's that sword! Thank you! Thank you!"

Hiro stares at her, wondering why she was so happy. She got on her feet and drew out the sword. He felt an aura wrap over him, protecting him as a strong pressure descends from the sword.

Elta holds it parallel to herself and smiles at it. After a while she sheaths it and the pressure disappears.

"It's mom's sword," Elta says to Hiro. "I've been asking for it for a almost two years now,"

Hiro blinks at her as the aura that wraps him recedes. Elta bent down in front of him. "Right, we haven't told you yet. Mom has a title for being ruthless and it was with this sword she got the title,"

"Elta!" Ming Lu calls out as Hiro turns to look at her. How on earth was the sweetest person he knew ruthless?

"Elder sister must be joking, right?"

"I'm not, ask mom and dad,"

"She's right, I'm known as the 'Ruthless Ming Lu' by many," Ming Lu says.

"Hmm, but I think you are kind and sweet,"

"Yuck, you are sounding like dad," Elta snorts.


"Never mind, open your gift let's see,"

"Okay," Hiro opens the box and was greeted by a pair of daggers. His eyes sparkles and his lips parts as he smiles. "Thank you!"

"Welcome," Ming Lu smiles.

"A level three artifact? Is that okay?" Elta asks.

"He is still at the first stage of the foundation realm, that's the best he can use," the old ancestor replies.


"Izuhi, are the gifts from the party with you here?" Enji asks.

"Yes sir," Izuhi walks forward and stood beside Hiro. With his hands stretched out, several gifts appeared at his feet.

"All these…?" Hiro mutters at the pile before him.

"Yes sir,"

"Let me choose for you little brother. Grandfather, you said three, right?"

"Elta, don't pick things that won't be useful to him now," Ming Lu takes a sip from her cup.

"Yes mom," She moves to the items and closes her eyes. After a while she frowns and turns to the old ancestor. "Grandfather, most of the things here are things that are used by nascent soul realm cultivators. Giving Hiro any of these will only put his life in extreme danger. If it's okay, can we give him the corresponding money for these?"

The old ancestor squints at her as she continues. "Or we can just give him something around thirty thousand to fifty thousand gold,"

"If I may be so bold to intrude, I think this will be beneficial to him if he carries it with him," Izuhi says and takes out an orb.

"Thirty thousand, the orb and what else? What's the third thing?" the old ancestor asks.

"Hmm, a level four defensive artifact," Elta replies.

"Alright, Izuhi will get you one,"

"I have one present," Izuhi says and takes out a light black shirt and a light trouser. "I advise young master to wear these beneath your clothes,"

"Okay, thanks,"

"Izuhi you are pretty thorough. You had a customized artifact made for him," the old ancestor said.

"When did you get his measurements?" Ming Lu asks.

"I got it from the tailor ma,"

"It must have cost a lot more,"

"Almost twice the price of a normal level four artifact ma,"

"Thank you for your amazing service,"

"It's my honor to serve, ma," Izuhi bows and steps back.

"Does that mean he can't carry this with him?" Elta asks and points the wooden box.

"This girl! That's not a gift from the party, so it's exempted," the old ancestor replies.

"But that orb wasn't a gift from the party too."

"Elta, that's enough. Stop asking for a hand after receiving an arm," Ming Lu says.

"Okay mom."

"Grandfather, I have one question," Hiro says.

"What's that?"

"Do I have to leave my pills behind too? I really hope not, or I'm not going!"




"Little brother,"

"What?" Hiro asks as Enji, Ming Lu and Elta laughs. "My pills can not be included in the restrictions,"

"Haha, this boy!" the old ancestor sighs.


