
Hundreds of Dao.

The first thing Luo modified in 'Fake Heart, Real Heart' is the fact that the real heart takes over the fake heart, even though to have the most real experience of the Dao, the real heart must experience the Dao.

In reality, when Luo got this art, he felt it instinctively that this art was incomplete, Luo had read so many arts that he developed instinct within it, as long it's an art he can quickly deduce and perfect it by instinct. Since he was curious, he used his instinct to slowly immerse himself in a semi-enlightenment state that he created to complete it. The art completed was already unmatchable by the previous version of the art.

But he never thought that the art that he completed was this crazy. So, he modified it even more, so much that the creator wouldn't recognize this art because Luo added his own experience, the experience of a semi-Enlighted Half-Step Universe Dao Realm old monster.

Luo made a safer version of the art to begin, he didn't want to more bad surprise, he had enough already. Luo slowly created a fake heart, His real heart slowly darkened, the concept of mind represented by heart was already abstract but since Luo got into lucky enlightenment when he completed this art, he was extremely familiar with the way this art worked.

Luo's eyes slowly opened but they were different, like really too different, it was as if it wasn't Luo anymore. Because the eyes that opened were just too young. It was the eyes of an inexperienced youth.

The experienced eyes of Luo were replaced by inexperienced, the feeling Luo gave off before using the art was simply too different. The real Luo had a natural oppressive air, even when Luo was a child in the Gaza Empire's imperial road, everyone felt an arrogance of noble emitting from Luo's body, but right now the feeling disappeared.

Right now, the icy cold expression of Luo's face was replaced by a slightly confused expression. But then the icy cold expression returned even though the aura accompanying the icy cold expression was absent.

'Weird, the art worked but I don't feel much change, but I am sure that the art worked' Luo slowly got up, Luo's current body had an extremely pale complexion, the robe that Luo currently wore was slightly loose and we could define bone, yes defined bone, not muscle.

Luo's body was so skinny that the bones were clear. Luo got up slowly, his steps were steady even though just getting up made Luo even paler. The wolf outside the cave got up and it seemed that the three other wolves returned since the sound of them getting up could be heard outside of the cave.

The night was dark, a bit later a fire was made with the bunch of wooden twigs that the wolves brought back, and Luo roasted the meat a bit before wolfing them down.

As Luo slowly ate the meat, he felt extremely weird, it was as if everything was clear and unclear.

'Dao of Eating', 'Dao of Breathing', 'Dao of Walking', 'Way of the Wolf'

'So, there is even Dao which are this useless, well maybe if I ranked up these Dao at the Universe Dao Realm by undergoing the World, Galactic, Cosmos, and Universe tribulation they will become a bit more useful but right now, I can't even use these Dao to refine my own body. Maybe the Universe Dao of Breathing can be capable of cutting the breath of every single being in the Universe but right now it couldn't be more useless'

'But it still feels wrong, even though these Dao can make the brain feel heavier it can't make me go crazy' as those thoughts ran through Luo's brain, Luo's eyes widened as he saw the fire roasting the meat.

'Dao of Roasting', 'Fire Dao', 'Dao of Burning', 'I understand, I understand, I just have to see something to understand a minor concept, but these concepts are near infinite, until now I only have gotten up and walked up to the fire and ate but I already understood seven Daos.' A chill went down Luo's spine as Luo thought about the only the number of actions he made and the number of Dao he comprehended.

Luo slowly moved his head toward the dark forest. And immediately his brain froze, and a bit of blood came out from his nose.

'Dao of Trees', 'Dao of Forest', 'Dao of rock', 'Dao of the eye', 'Dao of Roots', 'Dao of Darkness', 'Dao of shadow'…

Immediately Luo shut his five sense but the Dao that got inside himself in that short glance still slowly made its way toward his heart. 'Dao of Wind', 'Dao of light mist', 'Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao'…

Luo slowed down his breath until his breath was non-existent.

A few hours later, Luo opened his eyes, 'just a glance, a single glance, and more than hundred Dao came toward me, I even felt those Major and Minor Dao, even the Dao that are ranked up in the bottom of the Minor Dao'

'Let's understand all those Dao, one by one'

Luo opened up his five sense and immediately he ordered the 4 wolves to hunt down food, then Luo slowly meditated, Luo spent at most 1 hour with his five sense opened up.

Luo simply didn't dare to open it more. Luo's daily routine consisted of eating, sleeping, then comprehending Dao for the rest of day. Luo was still mortal so sleep was primordial, the more he used his brain, the more sleep he needed.

And this routine continued for two years, and slowly Luo understood a lot of truth he didn't understand before, and Luo's control over his domain increased.

'Dao of rock, Rock can be heavy or light, but as long as it exists its unmovable, a light rock needs a heavy strike to be destroyed and heavy rock need a heavier strike to be destroyed, the rock can be slowly destroyed by a lot of light strikes if the light strike is accompanied by time. Rock endure the light of the sun and the darkness of the night, they endure both wind and rain.'

This was the daily routine of Luo for nearly two years until he understood most daily Dao, even though Luo felt that if he was in another place he would need to do this once again.

Luo felt that he can undergo another year of meditation but he would still have a lot of Dao to understand. But today something weird happened one of the wolves that accompanied for almost two years came back with an arrow pierced on his stomach.

Meh, an arrow, Meh, WAIT, Humans?

1/3 guaranteed chapter of the week

ZeXSeroscreators' thoughts