
The Journey to Eldaron Begins

Qanar sighed and nodded, knowing he couldn't argue with Nicholas. He went to a chest and pulled out two small devices that looked like crystals.

"These are the best I have, they'll conceal your rings from the arrays, don't get caught with them in your possession, and if you do get caught, you got them from the black market, understood?" Qanar said as he handed them to Nicholas, who passed one to Lyle.

"Thank you, Qanar, and the supplies?" Nicholas asked.

"Wait here," Qanar said as he left the room briefly, returning with a bundle of supplies that included potions, rations, and other essential items.

"These should last you a while, consider the supplies a gift for Plotoya's return, you only need to pay for the devices," Qanar said with a smile.

Nicholas paid for the devices and then turned to Qanar with a serious expression.

"Now, about the information, what's the latest news from the Isles?"

Next chapter