
Rise of the Black Lady

After the third task, Harry awakens in the infirmary. Next to him sits his best friend and girlfriend Hermione. While talking to Hermione, there they reveal their secrets about what this will bring to their relationship. Tags:Fem!Harmony(Harry/Hermione) + Daphne, Trans!Harry, Fem!Harry, Bash Dumb,Molly,Ron, Morally Gray Harry, Morally Gray Hermione.

Ryuujisan · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: The Beginning of Summer

AN: Changes in the canon

Harry doesn't meet the Weasley family on the platform, Hermione and her parents help him across the platform (Even if Ron were first, Hermione would have more influence over Harry so she doesn't have to play the lazy idiot)

When Hermione is in bed after the many-juice accident, Harry is still with her and her Books

After waking up from petrifaction, Harry is by her side. Then she is confused about her feelings for her friend knowing she is a lesbian

Additional items were taken Ancient Runes, Divination, Care of Magical Creatures. In the middle of the fourth year, she gives up Hermione-style Divination and switches from McGonagall's subjects to Arithmancy.

He takes Hermione's side with the broomstick affair when he cooled down and had a heart-to-heart tearful conversation to further cement their relationship. In the Scabbers Affair Harry also defended Hermione

After conjuring a Patronus, Hermione kisses Harry lightly, which confuses her

After the champions are drawn and before entering the common room, Harry kisses Hermione passionately and they officially become a couple.

Hermione is Harry's date to the Yule

Harry's hostage is Hermione, Victor Luna

In 4th year Ron's friendship with the golden couple fell apart completely plus he gave a couple of scathing Skeeter quotes. Ron was replaced by Daphne and Tracey with occasional Susan

The Hogwarts Express takes about an hour Harry and Hermione are sitting in the compartment along with Daphne, Tracey, Neville, Ginny and Luna. As Ginny entered the compartment, he became a little suspicious of whether she knew about Potions or not.


Harry and Hermione sitting in the hospital wing next to him Hermione reading a book. Since they told the truth about themselves, I feel comfortable being intimate with him. Ginny entered the room, looked at their intertwined hands and smiled, "You guys look cute together, how are you feeling?" Ginny asked with concern in her voice

"The sensitivity is gone, but the muscles still hurt and I'm having cramps," Harry replies, still watching her.

Hermione looks at Ginny "Doesn't it bother you that we're together, remember how you used to look at me with hatred and envy?"

- They won't lie that I was jealous in the beginning, that's why I avoided you at the beginning to say something because of my temper that I would later regret. You're my best friend more like my sister I didn't want to lose that. I now have someone who has successfully erased my infatuation with Harry," he says, blushing slightly

-Neville? Harry immediately says, "you were with him to the ball."

"No, Luna, just don't say anything to my mother, only the twins know," she turns redder as she says this, hugs Harry and Hermione, "see you later, runs out

As the infirmary door closes, Harry says after a while, "Do you believe her or does she have something to do with Potions."

Hermione bit her lip and thinks, Yes. She once said that using a love potion would hurt her feminine pride.

Harry nods. "Yes, but it's also worth watching her closely to see if her behaviour might change."


Harry looks at his wand deep in thought - Guess I'll have to buy an extra wand - Daphne looks up - Wrong?

"Not my wand and Voldemort" - except for Hermione, everyone tensed - they have the same cores and can't fight each other, I'll spend another hour at Ollivander's

Neville chimed in. "Why do you have to spend an hour?" is it just buying a wand?

Harry narrowed his eyes. "You never bought a wand?" where did you get yours - Neville pulls out his - It's my father's wand, my grandmother gave me

Harry sighs "That's bad Neville, Oliver says the wand chooses the wizard you may be more like your mother and her wand may be better for you but it's best to have your own matched one." If my guess is correct the wand fights you when you cast a spell you look to the right and the wand to the left.

"It's not true, I'm just a Squib

"It's not true I felt your power myself when you got mad at Malfoy or Ron you're powerful you just lack self-confidence and the right tool you should have your father's wand by the fireplace as a souvenir or with you as a talisman

Neville blushed slightly. The rest of the trip was uneventful apart from Malfoy's occasional annual visit.


King's Cross station

As we walked through the station we saw Molly Weasley looking at us angrily and resentfully at Hermione still resenting the howler I sent. We are slowly getting to the parents

-MOM! DAD! Hermione jumped up and hugged her parents. "Mom, Dad is my boyfriend Harry Potter." Harry is my parents Dan and Emma Granger.

Emma looked like an older version of Hermione with the same bushy hair, Hermione's father is a 190cm tall man with short blonde hair and the same chocolate cinnamon eyes as Hermione.

Harry chuckled lightly. "Nice to meet Mr. and Mrs. Granger."

"Nice to meet you too, young man, may I ask what made you laugh so much?"

"People always said look like my father with mother's eyes, looks like Hermione's just the other way around." Dan smiled and shook Harry's hand

- Finally, I can boy from my daughter's letters, every letter mentions you, you can call us Emma and Dan - Emma lightly hugs Harry thanks to Hermione, he got used to that physical contact means pain. Hermione blushes slightly at her daughter's teasing

"Come on boy, I don't have all day!" - Uncle Vernon comes over yelling at Harry

-My relatives. It was nice meeting you Mrs.. Emma Dan - Hermione hugs Harry and gives a soft peck on the lips - take care of yourself


Hermione arrived home, the journey was pleasant and smooth. She talks about the past year and her relationship with Harry, leaving out that Harry is trans. Only her mother knows her daughter is a lesbian so she waits until they are both alone.

"So," begins Hermione's mother, "Harry knows you're gay?"

Hermione sighs. "Yeah he knows and Harry is trans we told each other at the end of the school year." I love him, mom you don't even know how weird it was for me being a lesbian and falling in love with him - she says through tears - I remember when one of your patients was trans, do you still have books on this subject?

Emma hugs her daughter - Yes, I do, you know ...

"Yes!" Hermione interrupted her mother. "The magical way is better than the Muggle way and will completely turn him into a woman."


When Harry arrived at Privet Drive

-Listen to me, boy, because of your freaks, it cost us dearly to renovate the living room. Here's your to-do list

-SHUT UP WALSE! roared Harry Vernom's face turns purple with anger, he wants to attack Harry but Dobby is hanging upside down

"Nobody hurts the Great Harry Potter," Dobby says, puffing out his chest proudly.

-Listen Vernon I know you get £500 a month for my maintenance and this house belongs to me goblins don't like thieves. Mind your own responsibilities, plus unlike me, Dobby has no limits to magic. - Dobby cancelled the magic Vernon falls to the ground with a thud, breaking his arm

"Karma's a female dog," Harry says after a while, with a sadistic smile, takes his trunk and goes upstairs


Dearest Harry

I got home safely. My mum was supportive of our relationship as I told you she knows about my preference for the letter add you some books about trans people. As you suspected, Ron sent Molly's homemade baked goods flavoured with potions of love and loyalty. I told Winky to keep them for evidence. I miss you

Love Hermione

Harry smiled at the letter and wrinkled his nose about the potions in question as he typed out a reply.

Dear Mione

I got the Dursleys upright with Dobby's help and scared them off with goblins. My food from Molly was seasoned too, I wonder how long she'd been on us. Good thing we're using house elves as couriers, two owls arrived, but they didn't have any letters. Now I'm doing Arithmancy homework to refer to Professor Vector. I miss your persuasion methods *winks* *winks*

your Harry


I was looking for a way to contact you, even sent an owl. It wasn't until Hermione arrived that she told me about the elves and warned me about Molly. Harry Dumbledore called back the order of the phoenix his headquarters is in my old house the keeper of secrets as Dumbledore I don't know why I let you live if you are safer under Fidelus than with your relatives. Our cousin Nymphadora (Dora) has recently joined the order. Tonks hates her name originally she was supposed to deliver this letter if she was worth keeping an eye on you. You can trust her when you were kids you were inseparable and after Voldyshort fell her Tonka family wanted to adopt you but they were constantly blocked from what Dora says.

Now the second thing Hermione told me about your gender problem and I don't have a problem with it. I originally wanted to write this letter asking if you wanted me to officially adopt you through blood adoptions plus additionally there is a sex change potion with blood adoption. I wanted to adopt you because I love you like my own daughter and secondly if anything happened to me, you would visit the Black fortune. You don't have to worry, you'll still be Potter, only Black will be added to your name. Potter-Black, Black-Potter as you prefer. I attach the necessary documents to the letter along with a bloody pen to be signed.


Harry was stunned someone wanted him and he could have an older sister. Sirius' adoption was a dream come true plus he accepted me for who I am. He immediately signed the papers now and started reading Hermione's letter.

My Harry

I am now the order's headquarters. Molly is so annoying and I want her close to Ron all the time. Winky swaps my food with Molly's, so the old Harpy costs her own treatment. I told Sirius about your problem right away he was willing to help I started helping him brew the blood adoption potion. By the way, polyjuice is ready. Sirius told me that the Order guards a prophecy about you and Voldemort, and only you or he can take it. Ginny is acting normal, I gave her a rinse potion just in case. Ron is still Dick. If she acts weird or wants to break up with you, force me a cleaning potion or take me to Saint Mungo's

Love Hermione

Throughout July, the three exchanged letters. He befriended Dora and became like an older sister to her. Harry envied her Metamorphmagus abilities and was very happy to have a family outside of the Dursleys. July was quiet, in early August he was attacked by two dementors in mid-August he has a trial. The Order now escorts you to the headquarters. As he barely opened the door, a bolt of brown-haired bushy hair crashed into him, wrapping his legs around his waist.

-Harry!!! I missed you." I kiss him passionately

"What are you doing, Scarlet Woman?" Molly started yelling at Hermione

-Shut up! I won't let you insult my girlfriend.

-You should have more

"Don't tell me what to do or who to date she's not my mother and you'll never be the only opinion I consider Sirius and Hermione." - Molly turns red with anger ready to launch the Banshees

- I would advise you to do this, I will not tolerate such behavior towards my godson and his girlfriend.

Molly wanted to put it with Ron, but he straightened it out simply by giving Harry a room next to Hermione's.

"Then you're ready to experiment," Hermione says seductively, pointing to a vial of cello juice.