
Rise of the Black Jade's Sword [Wuxia]

Cheon Daiyu, the Ninth Princess of the Demonic Cult was the illegitimate child of the Cult Leader, making her the target of bullying and ostracization by his many wives. Confined in the Black Jade Palace, Daiyu discovers a strange violet marble in the forest one day after running away. 'You must swallow it.' Daiyu ends up eating the strange marble she found accidentally but it turns out to be carrying a fragment of the Fourth Heavenly Demon, Cheon Haoran's soul. The once feared Lord of the Demonic Cult materializes in front of Daiyu as a spirit and makes his decision. 'I'll make you the strongest Heavenly Demon in the Cult's history. After me, of course.' The strange relationship between the young princess and the most revered Heavenly Demon of all time begins! It is time for the Central Plains to witness the rise of Daiyu's sword.

mochilailah · Eastern
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24 Chs

The Orthodox-Demonic War

The Great Orthodox-Demonic War that took place 200 years ago went on for five years. The Justice Alliance, which was made up of twelve Great Orthodox Sects and fifteen smaller sects, had rallied against the Demonic Cult . There were countless losses on either side and the Demonic Cult ended up signing a non-aggression pact with the Justice Alliance after they lost the Fourth Heavenly Demon.

"The truth?" Daiyu furrowed her brows. It was well known within the Cult that the War broke out because the Justice Alliance was wary of the Fourth Heavenly Demon's powers.

"The people don't know the full story. They think the Demonic Cult attacked the orthodox sects which instigated the war. The Demonic Cult believes it was because those orthodox bastards were wary of me. But neither is fully correct."

Was there such a story that was hidden from the entire world?

"Around 30 years before the war broke out, the world was busy fighting against another enemy. It was called the Northern Heavenly Alliance, the one that spread extreme terror throughout and even beyond the Central Plains. They had influence in Mongolia and Goryeo. They followed the Heavenly Dark Martial, a man that was heavens beyond heaven. He had a very particular martial art that they believed was superior to any other martial arts. Even though he was not the kind of man who wanted crazy bastards destroying the world in his name, his disciples were way up their ass with their superiority complex." Haoran paused and rubbed his hand across his face.

"Is that battle not well known?" Daiyu had never heard of such a thing before.

"I'm sure there are people who know about it but it has been buried for good. The people were happy forgetting about it, considering how many lives had been destroyed. Think about it as forgetting bad memories to focus on a happy future." He leaned his back against the chait and continued.

"I had just kicked my father out and won the fight to the throne. The Justice Alliance approached me and the Unorthodox Sect leaders, asking for cooperation. Since those Northern Heavenly Alliance bastards were also targeting the Cult, I agreed to cooperate. However, do you know what those filthy self-righteous bastards did with our soldiers?" Haoran's face twisted into a sneer and Daiyu could see the remnants of extreme anger burning behind his eyes.

"They threw the Demonic Cult and Unorthodox Sect members in the frontlines and used them as meat shields. They wanted us to wear the enemy down so they could swoop in at the last moment and deliver the final blow. At first, I had no idea what was happening because I was also at the front lines. I believed that they were taking charge in other places. But when the Nokrim King approached me and told me about how his men were thrown to the wolves, I finally realized what they were trying to do."

Daiyu couldn't believe what Haoran was saying. She had always thought that the Orthodox sects were self-righteous but they also valued justice and truth. However, the story did not end there.

"I pulled out of the battle and sealed the Cult's door for the next three years. The Justice Alliance finally won but they ended up suffering great losses after the Cult and the Unorthodox Sects left the battle. We focused on beating the enemy when they came at our front door but because the Justice Alliance was hunting them down like dogs, they couldn't move freely."

Haoran paused and rested his chin on his palm. She could tell that he was lost in his thoughts. No one had heard of this. It was shocking to learn that such a vile act had been done against Demonic Cult.

"After the war was over, the Justice Alliance was quiet for some time but they soon began plotting their move. They were obviously angry that we abandoned them but they also grew to be wary of me in particular. They used the internal conflict between the orthodox sects as an excuse and pushed the blame on the Demonic Cult. It was mostly plotted by the Wudang Sect, Southern Edge Sect, Namgoong Family, Shaolin Sect and Peng Family. The others had no clue but they believed the words of those five sects and came at us with pitchforks. We had no option but to retaliate since our attempts at conversation and negotiation had failed."

"What…?" Daiyu could hardly believe it. Even her father probably had no idea about what was the truth.

"But why were there internal conflicts in the Justice Alliance?

"Because they are all bastards. The Peng Family did not like Shaolin being the one in control of the alliance and the Leaders had some kind of clash. Shaolin also took the divine weapons and elixirs they found in the Northern Heavenly Alliance's base. They thought that they might have a chance since a lot of great monks from Shaolin died in the battle but the Shaolin Sect wiped out the entire army. Then they attacked the Peng Family. Well, the Wudang Sect intervened and made them sign a truce. It was nice for them because now they could use it as an excuse to incriminate us. The Beggar Sect kept a tight lid on information and rumors so no one knew what really happened." Haoran snorted and stood up from the chair.

"That was basically it. Well, the Mount Hua Sect and the Tang Family aren't all that bad though. They did leave the Justice Alliance and sided with us. I think we still have an amicable relationship with them."

Daiyu felt a little odd now that she knew the truth that had been buried for centuries. She wondered how Haoran felt, after getting cornered by the Justice Alliance just because they were wary of him. She also knew that Haoran wasn't telling her the full truth. She could tell that there was something more to the story that he had skipped.

"Don't look at me like that. Just go to bed. We will resume our training tomorrow, you slacker." Haoran walked over to Daiyu and put his index finger on her forehead. Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light and Daiyu fell unconscious. That night, she had uneasy dreams about plum blossoms and a man she had never seen before.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next day, Daiyu woke up and headed down to the hidden basement of the Azure Protection Hall. The Second Heavenly Demon's beloved wife was a martial master so he had a secluded training hall constructed for her in the basement. Daiyu decided not to press Haoran for answers considering how he knocked her out the moment he felt she was going to ask something. The path to the basement was narrow and Daiyu took the lead while Haoran followed behind her.

The training hall was well-equipped and luminous stones had been fitted in the ceiling to brighten the place. Daiyu picked up a sturdy wooden sword and walked to the training podium.

"Let us begin with the Twelve Movement Violet Equilibrium Sword Technique." Haoran stood with his arms folded in front of his chest. Daiyu recalled the last time she performed the technique and the massacre that followed it. Something tightened within Daiyu's heart but she gritted her teeth and decided to push through it. She was angry. She was frustrated by her own weakness.

With those thoughts in her head, she raised her sword to perform the first movement. She could still see the lines that connected each movement to the next one. However, something was different about them.

'Downward Slash'

The fire in her heart was swallowing her up.

'Diagonal Slash.'

Anger and vengeance pushed her sword harder than ever.

She could see the lines twist and turn, reflecting her inner turmoil. After she was done, Daiyu stood still and a new feeling surged within her.

The path of her sword was still the same. It was her will to protect the ones she cherished. However, she could see her thirst for vengeance being reflected as well. The thirst to seek justice for herself.

"I like your spirit, kid." Haoran smirked. "But don't let the anger consume you. Once you get lost in the inferno of vengeance, you get burned as well. Now, let's do that again. Your lower body is still not stable enough."

Daiyu gave a short nod and raised her sword once again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Are you saying that not only did you create a ruckus, but you also failed to kill that peasant girl?" Ah Duo threw the fan she was holding at the man who was kneeling in front of her. The fan struck his forehead and blood started trickling out of the wound.

"There was someone guarding her. Someone very strong." The man didn't care enough to wipe the blood that was now dripping down his nose.

"The Lord placed her in the Azure Protection Hall. Isn't he warning us not to make a move? The Princess's status has shot up within the Cult now that the Lord has publicly acknowledged her." Ah Duo grabbed her forehead. She could feel her head throb from anger and anxiety.

"Lady Ah Duo, the Princess will have to come out one day. I'm sure the Lord is not planning on trapping her in there forever. We will wait and look for an opportunity to strike her at the right moment." The man had to get out of this situation. He knew Ah Duo had a nasty temper and she wouldn't hesitate before cutting his head off.

"I'm giving you six months. Kill that little mutt within six months, or I will make sure your head will roll on the floor." Ah Duo turned around and walked away without a second glance.

"Mother?" She heard Cheon Yichen call for her and turned around to see him leaning against the wall.

"Why are you going so far to take that peasant girl out? It's not like she can master martial arts. Even if the Lord cherishes her, he can't make her the heir." The young boy had a steely expression on his face. He was the fourth Prince, who had just turned fifteen. Even for his age, his martial prowess was quite well known within the Cult.

"You must always be prepared for any variables, my son. You will understand one day." Ah Duo gave his son a tender look before walking away.

"Why does she care more about that girl than me?" Cheon Yichen muttered under his breath as he watched his mother's back get smaller and smaller.