
Rise of the Black Jade's Sword [Wuxia]

Cheon Daiyu, the Ninth Princess of the Demonic Cult was the illegitimate child of the Cult Leader, making her the target of bullying and ostracization by his many wives. Confined in the Black Jade Palace, Daiyu discovers a strange violet marble in the forest one day after running away. 'You must swallow it.' Daiyu ends up eating the strange marble she found accidentally but it turns out to be carrying a fragment of the Fourth Heavenly Demon, Cheon Haoran's soul. The once feared Lord of the Demonic Cult materializes in front of Daiyu as a spirit and makes his decision. 'I'll make you the strongest Heavenly Demon in the Cult's history. After me, of course.' The strange relationship between the young princess and the most revered Heavenly Demon of all time begins! It is time for the Central Plains to witness the rise of Daiyu's sword.

mochilailah · Eastern
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24 Chs

Sword Butterfly Maiden

"Ugh." Daiyu groaned as she opened her eyes and an unfamiliar ceiling greeted her. Her entire body was hurting as if she had been beaten to death over and over again.

"You're awake?" Daiyu turned her head to see Haoran sitting beside her on a chair.

"Where…?" Daiyu tried to speak but even talking hurt.

"At Tang Family's infirmary." Haoran spoke and gave her a little smirk. "I can't believe you got all beaten up by a Shaolin bastard. Those hooligans just swing around their fists, chanting 'Amitabha, Amitabha' at any opportunity they get. Well, I guess they are a bit strong though."

Daiyu recalled the duel and flinched. The young disciple Daoming from the Shaolin Sect was truly powerful. She could only imagine how much stronger he would get in ten years.

"Don't get useless thoughts in your brain. Here." Haoran put his hand on Daiyu's shoulder and a soothing energy flooded her veins.

"Remember the flow and circulate your qi using this. It will help you heal faster, especially since you have learned the Harmonious Violet Breathing Technique." Daiyu could already feel the pain receding as she circulated her qi. Haoran was truly a weird guy with a bunch of tricks up his sleeves. Sometimes, she wondered why he was remembered as a tyrannical monster by everyone. In the time they had spent together, he had acted like a complete jerk but she could tell that he was a reasonable guy. Well, he was eccentric enough to create that Heavenly Seed in the first place but…

"Oh, you're awake, Princess Daiyu." She heard Tang Woe's voice as he entered the infirmary. The first son of the Tang Family's patriarch had the same sharpness to him as his father. He had an unnerving gaze that was filled with confidence and power. Daiyu could tell that Tang Woe wasn't an ordinary person either.

"Ah, yes. Thank you for coming all the way here to see me, young lord." Daiyu tried to get up but Tang Woe put his hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"No need to get up, young lady. Congratulations on your victory! The entire Central Plains has now heard of the Butterfly Sword Maiden who defeated disciples Daoming and Jin Wu with her beautiful sword. It is an incredible feat." Tang Woe's smile softened his stern face.

"Butterfly… Sword Maiden?" Daiyu asked with a perplexed expression. She recalled Daoming calling her with a similar name during their duel.

"Hoho. I guess the Princess is not aware of the title that people have given her yet."

Who the hell came up with that weird sounding title?

"Pfft." Daiyu shifted her gaze to see Haoran holding his laughter. "Butterfly Sword Maiden? Oh my dear. I guess the little Princess has grown up."

Tsk. Petty bastard.

Daiyu clicked her tongue and averted her eyes to look at Tang Woe.

"How long have I been here?"

"Only for a day. Your next match will only be next week so don't worry and focus on recovering. The Tang Family has the best doctors in the Central Plains so rest assured, you are under good care." Tang Woe smiled and bowed before Daiyu to take his leave.

"I guess the Tang Family is really nice." Daiyu spoke after Tang Woe had left.

"That is because you have something they need."

"What could I possibly give them?"

"An alliance with the Demonic Cult, perhaps?" A playful smile appeared on Haoran's face.

"Why… would an orthodox faction want an alliance with the Demonic Cult?" It did not make any sense to her.

"Because the Justice Alliance is probably pressuring them. Say, do you think the Tang Family has enough time to host a martial tournament for brats who are still wet behind their ears?" Haoran clicked his tongue, as if he was mocking Daiyu for not knowing the basics.

"They are probably putting pressure on them using the Wudang, Emei and Namgoong Family. If it is the Tang Family I know, there is no way they would give up being the rulers of Sichuan just because the Justice Alliance is hounding them. You meeting Tang Bo was probably no coincidence either. If you take up their hand, that would simply mean that they would spare no efforts in making sure you become the next Heavenly Demon. In turn, they would want the Heavenly Demon's heir's support."

"And they think I can help with that?"

"Well, obviously. It isn't really a secret that the Heavenly Demon favors you, enough to send the Crimson Dragon Guardian with you as your chaperone. From their perspective, you are someone worth placing their bets on. Of course, I am a bit happy with their observation. There is no way you wouldn't take the throne after everything I have done for you." Haoran laughed like a maniac while rubbing his finger on his nose. Daiyu already knew he was strange but it was as if he was growing stranger with every passing day. She just hoped that his madness did not rub off on her.

"Hmm. That is pretty interesting. I think I'll talk to the Tang Family's patriarch once this is over."

"That is good. I don't trust that half-brother of yours. I don't like the look in his eyes."

"I know. I can tell that he is after something. I still don't know if he is an ally or an enemy yet but… there is no way I can trust the son of that wicked viper so easily." Daiyu already knew that his excuse about not wanting the throne was bullshit. She could see the lust and ambition in his eyes. However, the temporary alliance could be good for her as well. She did not believe in relying on ambiguous methods like Poisonous Qi insects because of what Haoran had told her.

'That insect? It is a pain in the ass but I can neutralize it with the right herbs and internal technique. Eh? No way. It wouldn't harm you because it was a real pair. Well, I'm just saying. Neutralizing them is possible. You just need to know the right techniques or someone who does.'

"Heh? I'm glad to know that the Butterfly Sword Maiden is not a naive girl."

Ugh. He is so annoying.


Daiyu remained in the infirmary for another two days after the Tang Family's doctor had a breakdown when she said she wanted to leave the day she woke up.

"I'm leaving now. Thank you, Physician Tang Fen." Daiyu bowed to the physician politely before exiting the infirmary. The physician was truly talented since Daiyu could feel that she had more or less recovered from her injuries.

Daiyu remained holed up inside her room and the training hall for the next few days. She avoided going out since people would begin whispering about her and utter that embarrassing nickname whenever she came across anyone. The second round of the martial tournament began but Diayu did not have a duel till the last day. Tang Zhan had pulled some strings out of consideration for her to give her more time to recover from her last duel.

"Princess! I heard about your victory." Zihan, who finally came around on the last day of the second round, ran up to Daiyu and began praising her enthusiastically.

"Ah, I've been so worried since I have been able to teach you properly but I see my worries were futile. Our young princess is truly a genius."

"Genius, my ass. Tsk." Haoran clicked his tongue in derision when he heard Zihan's words. Well, he wasn't entirely wrong either. Daiyu was truly a genius when it came to swordsmanship. She had excellent qi control even though she hadn't been training for long and her mentality was befitting of a martial artist.

"I wouldn't disrespect your efforts by saying you should not focus on achieving victory but please be careful, Princess. Your safety is much more important than winning, at least to me." Zihan sighed and patted Daiyu on her head.

"I'll be careful, Master. However, it would be shameful for me if I didn't give it my all against my opponents. After all, I'm the Heavenly Demon's daughter."

"I suppose you're right." He chuckled lightly and sat down to watch the match progress for the day. As expected, the unorthodox faction was being slaughtered in a one-sided manner by the orthodox faction. They simply did not have the level of martial arts that could help them go up against disciples of prestigious sects.

"Are none of the disciples from the Four Gates participating?" Daiyu asked curiously.

"Eh, no. They are basically living in a world of their own. They rarely come out of their area or interact with people from the Central Plains. The Yunnan's Gate is still friendlier towards outsiders but the other gates…" Zihan made an odd face at their mention.

"They really hate the Central Plains folks. Mostly, they just hate the Justice Alliance. I don't think they will try to kill us though…"

"Ah." Daiyu nodded. The Justice Alliance was truly hated for an organization that was supposed to be the symbol of justice and goodness.

There were a lot of interesting disciples from lesser known sects like the mysterious Jaegal Clan that rarely ever left the mountains or the Moryong Clan that never became a part of the Justice Alliance.

"It's your turn now. Good luck, Princess." Zihan patted Daiyu on the back to encourage her and she felt more stable that day compared to the last match.

"My name is Luo Siyu, a third-class disciple from the Zhongnan Sect. I request the Sword Butterfly Maiden for a duel." Luo Siyu was a beautiful young girl that made her look like the herald of justice in her white clothes.

"I accept the duel." Daiyu and Luo Siyu unsheathed their swords at the same time. Until now, Daiyu had attacked the opponent first but she wanted to wait and see this time. Luo Siyu dug her heels in the ground and swung her sword at Daiyu. She parried the attack with the back of her blade and pushed Siyu back.

Siyu's sword was heavy and unpredictable, almost like the crashing sea waves. That was the essence of Zhongnan sect's swordsmanship. Suddenly, Siyu thrust her palm forward to perform a palm technique. Daiyu immediately slashed her sword to counter the pressure from the attack but she was pushed back from the impact.

It was the first time someone had used palm and sword techniques together in a match with Daiyu. She bolted at Siyu without waiting and a dark violet qi enveloped her blade. She thrusted her sword forward multiple times extremely fast which gave the appearance as if several swords were approaching Siyu. That was the Eighteenth Movement of her sword technique, called the illusionary butterfly sword.

Several streams of butterflies emerged and enveloped Siyu and before she could react, Daiyu kicked her back and knocked her off the podium. Being pushed off the podium was an automatic loss but Siyu kept sitting down on the ground with a dazed expression on her face.

"I can't get used to this even though I've seen it a few times already." She muttered and shockingly, gave a bright smile. Her eyes glowed with enthusiasm and she immediately got up while groaning from the pain in her stomach. Daiyu had kicked her a little too hard, it seemed.

"It was a good match, Butterfly Sword Maiden! I hope we can spar again sometime." Siyu spoke in a bright voice and went back to where the other disciples of the Zhongnan sect were sitting.

"Eh?" Daiyu felt a bit confused about Siyu's reaction. Most people would feel sad if they lost but Siyu just looked happy, as if she had experienced something great.

"You have improved a lot, Princess. I am impressed by your movements." Zihan nodded in approval and gave a small smile.

"I think I can begin teaching you the Seven Star Sword Technique now. Keep in mind though, it is especially hard. However, I think you will be able to learn it quickly."

A new sword technique? That made Daiyu nod with vigor and her eyes glimmered with anticipation. "I will do my best, Master Zihan!"


"So that is the ninth princess, huh?" A middle aged man spoke while looking at Daiyu, who was talking to Zihan at a distance. The letter he received already specified that she was quite talented but her swordsmanship was unique even to Jun Hie, who believed he had seen everything there was to see in Jianghu.

"Should we end this in the next match, sir?" A young boy who was barely an adult asked Jun Hie. His orders were to dispose of Daiyu but that didn't mean they couldn't have a little fun with the people here.

"No, let us wait. I'm sure the Princess wouldn't lose so easily right away. Let us wait for two more rounds. After all, I wish to see some more of that flashy swordsmanship since it will probably die with her soon."