
Rise of the Black Jade's Sword [Wuxia]

Cheon Daiyu, the Ninth Princess of the Demonic Cult was the illegitimate child of the Cult Leader, making her the target of bullying and ostracization by his many wives. Confined in the Black Jade Palace, Daiyu discovers a strange violet marble in the forest one day after running away. 'You must swallow it.' Daiyu ends up eating the strange marble she found accidentally but it turns out to be carrying a fragment of the Fourth Heavenly Demon, Cheon Haoran's soul. The once feared Lord of the Demonic Cult materializes in front of Daiyu as a spirit and makes his decision. 'I'll make you the strongest Heavenly Demon in the Cult's history. After me, of course.' The strange relationship between the young princess and the most revered Heavenly Demon of all time begins! It is time for the Central Plains to witness the rise of Daiyu's sword.

mochilailah · Eastern
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24 Chs

Secret Alliance

"So you're telling me you fought with your half brother?" Haroan received a huge shock when he finally woke up. He had never expected someone to actively come around seeking a fight.

"Uh huh." Daiyu muttered with her eyes fixed on the wall behind Haoran. She had a feeling that she would get a beating if Haoran could actually physically touch her.

"You do know that you won because he was surprised, right? The next time he comes looking for a fight, you might end up on the ground instead." Haoran sighed and shook his head. He had never thought that the young princess was the type to fall for cheap provocation.

"Well, I doubt he would do that." Daiyu made an awkward face and tried to avoid looking into Haoran's eyes. She could tell that he was mad at her.

"You doubt that? Are you stupid? He will definitely come back and he will be prepared when he does." Haoran screamed in anger and sighed again. Daiyu had never heard him sigh so much ever before.

"Ah, to be young and hot-blooded. Well, what's done is done. You can't go back now. But the next time anyone comes looking for a fight, just run away. Honor? That's a load of bullshit. You can get your honor back if you stay alive. Dead people are just dead people. There is nothing such as an honorable death. You hear me?" Haoran clutched his forehead and sighed for the tenth time in a row.

"He was not all that strong…" Daiyu pouted and mumbled in a low voice. She felt hurt that Haoran thought so less of her.

"It's not about being strong, you fool. Throwing dirt in your eye and having someone stab you from the back while you're distracted doesn't take strength. It just takes enough hatred and pettiness to accomplish that. You would still end up injured or dead, even if the opponent is not all that strong. These brats and their mothers are out to get you, you know that right? They wouldn't hesitate to use underhanded tricks to beat you. So it's better you avoid people like them for now. You may be strong but you aren't invincible."

As someone who had experienced the cutthroat politics within the cult himself, Haoran knew exactly how low those people could stoop to get what they wanted. That was all the more reason why he was so concerned about her. He knew that they wouldn't simply let it go without retaliating back.

"Agh, just get strong already, you brat." Haoran huffed and plopped down on his favorite chair by the window. He was the only one who ever seemed to use it.

"Strong huh?" Daiyu mulled over Haoran's words in the bed as she drifted to sleep.


A loud noise rang through the Garnet Palace. Yuanjun stood in front of Lijing who slapped him across the face over and over agin.

"You're telling me you got humiliated by that peasant? You useless brat. Just live like you're dead if you can't do anything. Those bitches will never let me live it down." Lijing's fist shook with anger and humiliation. When Yuanjun had asked her for that particular hairpin, she was certain that he was going to successfully crush Daiyu's spirit and have her back off from learning martial arts.

Instead, she lost the one thing she had managed to take away from that woman and got humiliated instead. It might looked like just another luxurious accessory on the surface but that hairpin held way more meaning than that. It was the gift that the Heavenly Demon had personally given to Hongnan. It was something that signified the fact that Lijing would never have her husband's affection.

"You were wrong, mother." Yuanjun spoke with a soft yet clear voice. "That girl is stronger than you think and she will come for you one day. It is best that you avoid instigating her any further, if you wish to spend the rest of your life peacefully that is." He turned around and closed the chamber doors behind him as his mother screamed profanities at him and her fate. A childhood memory flashed in Yuanjun's when heard his mother's familiar screams.

His mother had her fingers wrapped around his neck and she was crying while strangling him.

'If you were good enough, he would look at me instead of that servant.'

Those were the memories of his five year old self, who would only helplessly cry and hope that his mother would let him go. Nothing much had changed since then, after all.


"Princess, someone has… come to see you." Soso anxiously whispered to Daiyu about her unexpected guest.

"Who is it?" Daiyu was curious about who could make Soso so nervous.

"It's Prince..Yichen." Soso's whisper could hardly reach Daiyu even with her improved hearing.

"Show him in." Daiyu waved his hand and an incredulous expression colored her face. What was Ah Duo's son doing here? As far as she could remember, he had never bullied her directly. In fact, he barely ever showed himself in front of her. So why had he come seeking her now?

Daiyu entered the reception room and saw his familiar cold face. She had never seen him make any kind of expression before either. His icy blue eyes were piercing, almost as if they could look into her soul.

"What brings you here, big brother." Daiyu didn't pay any respect but asked the question directly. She didn't believe that false courtesy could help anyone now.

"I came here to talk to you. You don't have to be so wary of me. I don't wish to insult you or instigate a fight. I just have something I must tell you." Yichen's words took her off-guard. She was still wary of the Prince but took her seat and asked him to proceed.

"You are in danger. My mother, as foolish as it may be, is planning on having someone ambush you and Master Zihan when you leave for the Central Plains. I believe the man is called the Dual Sword Martial, who holds a grudge against the Crimson Dragon Guardian." Yichen spoke in a crisp and concise voice but Daiyu could hardly make sense of anything. Why was he telling her about his mother's plan in the first place? Was he trying to fool her as per his mother's instructions?

"And why on earth would you tell me this?" Daiyu asked the most obvious question. She had no idea what he was planning.

"I'm telling you this because first of all, I have never looked down on you or thought you were any less because of the circumstances surrounding your birth. I always found it absurd when others did that. And most of all, I have no interest in Cult politics. I do not wish to be the heir. Of course, my mother has different intentions but…" A nervous expression flickered on his usually composed place.

"I don't know what you're planning… but I know that you will not spare any of us when the time comes. So I'm requesting you. If you let me and my mother live, I am willing to work for you as your agent. You can throw my mother in prison or exile her somewhere, but please just consider sparing her. The real person who has been filling poison in her ears is my Uncle. She is just foolish enough to fall for it." Yichen bowed before Daiyu and she had no way to respond to that. She had never imagined that the son of the haughty Ah Duo would be humbling himself in front of her in such a manner.

"How can I trust you?" Daiyu was not foolish enough to trust him just based on his words. He had to show his sincerity and prove his loyalty.

"I prepared this in case you said that." Yichen took out two small glass jars from his sleeves and kept them on the table.

"Oh, my word. This kid isn't joking around. They are a pair of poisonous insects. The bigger one is the one who gives commands and the smaller one is a servant insect." Haoran, who was quietly watching the situation, responded with genuine surprise.

"What?" Daiyu accidentally spoke out loud due to her shock. She instantly stopped herself and looked back at Yichen who was looking back with a calm expression.

"If you swallow the bigger one and I swallow the smaller one, I would have to unconditionally obey your commands. If I try to disobey, the insect will take my life. I am only proposing this because I don't wish for my mother to die a fruitless death because of my uncle's greed. And I certainly don't wish to get caught up in the battle for becoming the heir. So, what do you think? Can you believe me now?"

"What if I ask you to do something you don't want to do. Like killing your own mother and your family?" Daiyu couldn't understand why he was placing his life in her palms.

"Then it would be your loss. It would ultimately mean I would choose to die and you would lose the only ally you have in this den of wolves. It is a bit embarrassing to say so myself, but I have a decent information network and spies working for me within and outside the Cult that are not affiliated with my family. I can help you reach your goal as long as you can give me your word. I don't care what you do with my Uncle and grandfather, but I only ask you to spare my mother."

"Why are you so certain about my goals? What if I can't reach them?"

"I think you will reach your goal, Princess. After all, I don't believe anyone else is as desperate for it as you are and as far as I am aware… Didn't you use the Thirty Two Movement Violet Butterfly Sword Technique on Yuanjun? Not many people know about this technique since mostly women used it but I could tell the moment I heard the description. The fact that you can use even a part of this technique after just a year of training is an amazing feat in itself. In terms of talent and determination, no one can defeat you. And father also favors you, more than he has ever favored us. I'm not jealous about the fact, but it is a mere observation. All the odds are in your favor. You just need to play your cards right. I can help you do that."

Even though Daiyu hated Ah Duo, she could always punish her without killing her. After all, Yichen was only asking her to spare his mother's life. She could deliver any other punishment that wouldn't be a threat to her life.

"Are you certain you wouldn't regret this decision? If you don't wish to sit on the throne, what else do you want?" Daiyu asked the last question that could determine the fate of this alliance. She had to know what Yichen truly wished for to the extent that he was willing to dance in the palm of her hands if necessary.

"I just wish to lead a normal life, get married, have children and retire peacefully. That is all I have ever wanted." The answer was quite simple and straightforward. She had never expected the son of the most vicious woman she knew to have such simple goals.

"Alright then." Daiyu looked at Haoran who had been silently watching everything. "If your words are true, then I will not hesitate either. I don't trust you enough to forgo swallowing the insects, but I hope we can form a bond out of genuine trust one day."

"Sounds fine to me." Haoran shrugged with a bored expression on his face.

Yichen silently opened the jar containing the small insect and swallowed it without saying anything. His actions spoke volumes in the first place. He then opened the other jar and handed it over to Daiyu, who swallowed it with a grimace on her face. The sensation of swallowing a live insect made her want to throw up but she held it in. Once it was done, the two exchanged a meaningful look.

"I will be in your care from now, Princess. I shall send my hawk or spies to deliver any urgent messages."

An unusual alliance between Princess Daiyu and Prince Yichen was secretly formed that day.