
Rise of the Black Jade's Sword [Wuxia]

Cheon Daiyu, the Ninth Princess of the Demonic Cult was the illegitimate child of the Cult Leader, making her the target of bullying and ostracization by his many wives. Confined in the Black Jade Palace, Daiyu discovers a strange violet marble in the forest one day after running away. 'You must swallow it.' Daiyu ends up eating the strange marble she found accidentally but it turns out to be carrying a fragment of the Fourth Heavenly Demon, Cheon Haoran's soul. The once feared Lord of the Demonic Cult materializes in front of Daiyu as a spirit and makes his decision. 'I'll make you the strongest Heavenly Demon in the Cult's history. After me, of course.' The strange relationship between the young princess and the most revered Heavenly Demon of all time begins! It is time for the Central Plains to witness the rise of Daiyu's sword.

mochilailah · Eastern
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24 Chs


A council of three elders from Wudang sat in a circle with grave expressions on their faces. 

"So you're saying that she is the daughter of the Heavenly Demon?" Jin Gang, the great elder of Wudang, looked at the one who had shown up with the letter with a bitter expression.

"Yes. This is the letter we received from the Crimson Dragon Guardian, who was there while everything happened." 

Jin Gang closed his eyes and tried to take deep breaths to calm himself down. Demonic Cult had very little contact with outsiders so most people had no idea how the Heavenly Demon and other Cult members looked like. That was why no one was able to catch Zihan, who was sitting with the Tang Elders. However, the fact that the Crimson Dragon Guardian had sent a furious letter was a matter of great urgency. It was well known that his power and influence within the Cult was only second to the Heavenly Demon himself.

"We need to placate the Heavenly Demon." Jin Gang sighed. It was true that a disciple from the Wudang Sect had tried to kill the Heavenly Demon's beloved daughter in a disgraceful manner. Not just that, she was also the Tang Family's guest which made things worse. Of course, the Tang Family was going to use this opportunity to push back the pressure they had been putting on them to join the Justice Alliance. 

"Send Jin Hyun to the Crimson Dragon General and ask him to do what he wants with him."

"Senior Brother!" Jin Zixin yelled in protest. How can they send one of their best third-class disciples to the Demonic Cult for execution? Weren't they the great Wudang Sect?

"Silence. I don't want to hear it. Do you think it will be fine if we make an enemy out of the Demonic Cult? We may have the Justice Alliance with us but do you really think the other Sects would come out to assist us if a war breaks out? Especially because it was technically our fault?" Jin Gang banged his fist on the table to silence the protestors. Even he hated the idea of being complacent to Demonic Cult's demands but they had no way to salvage this situation. Hundreds of people witnessed Jin Hyun use a concealed weapon after losing to Daiyu. 

"Great Elder, I respect your decision. However, there must be some other way to placate them? Perhaps we can give a serious punishment to Jin Hyun to show that we are serious about making amends? After all, Jin Hyun is a talented child. Even if he made a mistake, isn't it too harsh to kill him because of it? He is someone who can bring great honor to our sect. People will forget that this ever happened soon enough. It is not like others are aware about who that girl is anyway." Jin Wei stood up and spoke with a soft voice. His reasoning sounded fair and precise. Losing an asset like Jin Hyun over such a mistake was a bigger disgrace to the Sect.

"Even the Sect Leader has asked to make sure Jin Hyun comes back alive." Jin Wei passed on a letter that had been delivered earlier this morning to Jin Gang. The Wudang elders had sent their fastest disciple to deliver the letter to the sect leader the moment everything had transpired. It had only been three days since Daiyu was sent to the infirmary.

"I see. Let us make sure that Jin Hyun doesn't fall in their hands." Jin Gang nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the hall and someone kicked the door open with a bang. 

"How dare you! Insolent fool. Do you know what you're doing?" Jin Zixin immediately got up and started screaming at the intruder. How had he immobilized all the guards outside and come in anyway? 

"Oh, I know what I'm doing. However, I fail to understand what the Elders of the Wudang Sect are doing." Zihan approached the table where the elders were sitting and banged his palms on it.

"I told you, either kill that bastard who dared harm our Princess yourself or let me put a dagger in his back and see how it goes. Why do you need to think about it so much?" The elders glared at Zihan, who was giving off a heavy killing intent.

"We need to handle our sect matters ourselves. An appropriate punishment will be given to the young disciple, Master Zihan, so please rest assured." Jin Wei bowed before Zihan as if to show his respect and Zihan scoffed.

"Unless the punishment is death, it would be severely lacking. The life of our Lord's potential heir was at stake. How can anything else be an appropriate punishment?" Zihan scowled and dragged a chair out to sit on it.

Jin Zixin's fist shook in anger but Jin Gang spoke up before he could get a word out.

"I hear your request, Crimson Dragon Guardian. How about we let the Princess decide the boy's punishment?" Jin Gang swallowed dryly. If it was a young child, he was sure that Jin Hyun's life would be spared. 

"Hmm. Well, the Princess is awake so let us settle this matter right away." Zihan spoke while hiding his smirk. He knew what those old bats from the Wudang Sect were trying to do but it seems like they didn't know the nature of their princess very well. There was no way she was going to let him go.


"It doesn't hurt much." Daiyu spoke as she flexed her arms and shoulders. She recalled being awake till she was taken to the infirmary, all while seething in anger. How dare a stupid bastard like him try to kill her? It was only after Haoran, who couldn't take it anymore, placed his finger on her forehead and knocked her out.

"Tch, just go to sleep you stupid girl. Ah, seriously, why is this brat still awake.'

That was the last thing she heard before she fell asleep. She could tell that Zihan was fuming in anger. It was understandable, considering she wanted to break that Jin Hyun's neck with her own two hands.

"It was just a single stab wound. Back in my days, I used to slap some salve on my wounds and go back to fighting immediately. The kids these days have no grit." Haoran clicked his tongue while lounging on the bed next to Daiyu. 

"That reminds me. How do you plan on dealing with that Taoist brat?" 

"I'm sure Zihan is sorting that out right now." 

"Yeah, yeah. They are going to come crawling in here anytime now, asking you to pass the verdict." 

"Why in the world would they do that?" Daiyu's face crumpled up at the thought of dealing with sly old men. 

"Eh, they probably don't want to give up that little fucker but they don't want to create conflict with Demonic Cult either. So they will just ask you to settle it. They think if that punk grovels in front of you, he will probably live to see another day. Ah, you're so generous, Princess." Haoran smirked while thinking about the Wudang Sect.

"Ah, there they are."

"Princess!" Zihan entered the infirmary along with the three Wudang Elders and a sullen Jin Hyun trailing after them.

 "Master Zihan. Are you the elders from the Wudang Sect?" Daiyu asked the men that were standing behind Zihan.

"Yes, young princess. We apologize for disturbing you when you've just woken up but there are matters that only you can settle." Jin Gang shoved Jin Hyun in front of them as he spoke.

"This child has committed a grave crime against the young lady of the Demonic Cult. We believe it is only appropriate that you pass on the punishment to him. What do you think?"

Daiyu cocked her head and looked at Jin Hyun, who had gone completely pale and was trembling like a leaf. He did not even raise his head to meet her eyes but instead, prostrated himself in front of her without a word.

"Please forgive me! I have sinned against you as a martial artist. I beg you for mercy, Princess."

"Ah, punishment?" Daiyu hummed a little and looked at Haoran, who pretended to look away disinterested.

"Well, sure. So you agree that the sin you committed was grave? Especially as a martial artist?" 

"You are right. However, I regret my actions Princess." Jin Hyun continued to speak without raising his head from the floor.

"Well, since you tried to kill me, I guess I should have you executed. After all, I'm the daughter of the great Heavenly Demon. You have committed a grave crime against our lord and our entire Cult," Daiyu spoke in a clear voice and the elders standing behind Zihan froze.

"P-princess! Jin Hyun is still young. Please allow him a chance to redeem himself." Jin Wei spoke nervously. 

"Ah, you're right. I guess killing him is too much." Daiyu nodded, as if she was acknowledging the elder's words. The Wudang Elders visibly relaxed when they heard her. There was no way a little girl like her could ever order his execution.

"However." Daiyu spoke in a bored voice, something that she had picked up from Haoran. It was his most annoying way of speaking so it was sure to do wonders.

"Why should I?" 

"What?" Jin Gang asked with a blank expression. Had he heard her correctly?

"I'm asking, why should I spare him? His so-called childish mistake could have cost me my life. The only reason the Cult is not going to war with you is because I managed to come out of it alive."

"P-princess! Please! Please spare me. I beg you for mercy." Daiyu couldn't see his expression but she could tell that he probably looked like he was going to wet his pant any moment.

"Ah, fine. I'll be benovalent and merciful. After all, it would be nice if the Cult can have an amicable relationship with the Wudang Sect." Daiyu smiled at the elders who bowed before her once again.

"You are truly wise, young princess." Jin Gang spoke with a smirk on his face. It was awful, sucking up to a damned Demonic Cult brat but he had to make sure Jin Hyun remained alive. It was the orders from the Sect Leader himself. They couldn't afford losing a talent like Jin Hyun just because a Princess from the Demonic Cult got injured.

"So here is what I've decided. Since the elders have asked me to show mercy, I will not have him executed. Instead…" Daiyu dragged her words in the most possibly annoying manner. She could already see the old bats from the Wudang Sect gnashing their teeths.

"Have his dantian smashed." She spoke with the sweetest smile on her face.

"Hah. You're so cruel. Oh dear, I must say I didn't expect that." Haoran began laughing and Daiyu continued to smile brightly at the Wudang elders, who had an angry and shocked expression on their faces.

"Princess! How is that merciful? If you break a martial artist's dantian, his life is as good as over." Jin Gang yelled out in anger. What the hell was this brat talking about?

"He will be alive. Isn't that being merciful? He can just live his life as an ordinary man. If he is dissatisfied, he can just kill himself instead. Why must I care about how the bastard who tried to kill me after losing a fair match feels? Have the elders from Wudang Sect gone senile, or do you just refuse to see the situation for what it is?" Daiyu sneered at the elders, and their expression contorted with each word she spoke.


"Shut up!" Daiyu screamed and cut off Jin Gang as he was speaking. "You asked me to give him a punishment, and I've done as you requested. If you think it is unfair, feel free to write a letter to the Heavenly Demon, explaining exactly what happened and why it happened. However, I can't guarantee that your necks will be safe after that. After all, it is you bastards who broke the non-aggression treaty first. Who cares if you weren't aware of my identity? At the end of the day, I was hurt and it is a clear violation of the terms." 

Daiyu turned her head to look at Zihan, who was smirking with satisfaction. "Take this thing away and smash his dantian to pieces. Now, leave. I wish to rest. I feel quite tired after almost being stabbed to death." She clicked her tongue and lay down to show that she was done talking.

"You…" Jin Zixin gnashed his teeth and a great wave of anger surged within him. How dare a little brat like that insult an elder from the Wudang Sect.

"Now, you heard her. Best not to do something you will regret, elder." Zihan put his hand on Jin Zixin's shoulder to warn him against trying to do anything stupid. 

Zihan dragged away Jin Hyun, who had completely frozen over after hearing Daiyu's words along with the indignant elders of the Wudang Sect. 

"Hah, that was tiring." Daiyu sighed and looked over at the sunlight streaming through the open window. 

"What a great performance. Our little princess is growing up, huh?" 

Haoran laughed again while shaking his head. Things had gotten a little more interesting today.