
The Mad Reaper

Ryker and Ming sat across one another in the dining.

They ate in silence without uttering a word.

Ryker would peek a look at Ming who was concentrating on her food.

"Spill it?" She said without averting her gaze from her plate.


The android sighed. "I know what's going on in that thick head of yours," She pointed at him with her fork. "How can an android eat?"

She had always noticed Ryker giving her looks whenever they ate together. The white-haired man had always wanted to satisfy his curiosity.

Ryker coughed. "I mean, it's not like I don't want to know..." He glances at the android.

Ming placed her hand on her chest. "The Astro rock inside of me is like a battery." She stated. "By eating, I can recharge the said battery. I also have a taste sensor in my mouth which allows me to perceive the taste of the food I eat. Is that all?"

"Wow, The people who made you are amazing. I've met a couple of androids in the BSA but none like you."


"They're also less annoying though."

"Go to hell."

Ryker chuckled. "Anyways... What's next for my tra-"


Before he could finish a loud explosion occurred in a section of the cruiser.

"What in th-"


Another explosion occurred, this time it was close by.

Suddenly, the room they were in started shaking, then, with a violent jolt, it stopped.

Ryker scanned the room in fright. He saw Ming getting up and offered a hand.

"We're under attack, quick, let's go!"

The android silently nodded and they rushed to the cockpit.

Looking over one of the monitors, they spot a mini-cruiser firing at them from behind.

Ryker clenched his teeth as he recognised the logo on the body of the cruiser. It was the logo of the Bounty Hunters Association.

"These bastards!"

"I don't understand," said Ming. "Why would the BSA send a single mini-cruiser after us?"

"That's because one person is enough." A voice answered from behind them.

The two gasped and turned around.

Ming hardened her gaze. "Who are you?"

"Hmm, is that a way to treat a guest?" The man said spreading his arms apart.

"Guests don't try to blow up the cruisers of their hosts. And if anything, you're an unwanted guest." Ming snarled.

The man laughed sheepishly as he scratched his head.

Ryker scanned the man from top to bottom. "Sleek body, a scythe that's as tall as him..." He gasped.

"Yo-you're S-Grade hunter, Vincent Kinkaid!"

The scythe-wielding man laughed maniacally.

"And I take it you're the one who survived?" He asked tilting his head.

"It was reported that you possess Black Astral no?"

Ryker gritted his teeth. Ming could sense whatever emotion Ryker was feeling at the moment.

It wasn't like the time he fought the B-grade hunters. It was not rage.

'Ryker... You're afraid?' She noticed his hands trembling.



"Huh?" Kinkaid tilted his head in confusion. He just witnessed Ming smack the back of Ryker's head.

"What do you that for!?" Ryker snapped at the android.

"Who decided that you can express fear in this cruiser?"


After a brief pause, Ryker smiled. "Sorry."

"Good." Ming smiled back. "Now," She cracked her knuckles. Her astral skim completely enveloped her. "Let's take out the trash and get on with our training."

"With pleasure." Ryker activated his astral skin in turn.

"Ohoo," Kinkaid exclaimed rubbing his chin. "This is the famed black astral skin?" He smacked his lips and wore a malicious smile."

"What's with the crazy smile, you creep?" Ryker snarled.

Kinkaid breaks into an uncontrollable stream of maniacal laughter.

His antics made the two of them uneasy.

"Does the BSA have more weirdos like this guy?"

"I've never seen him in person. Only heard stories. Believe me when I say this. He's a loose screw. A person who takes pleasure from pain and gets a kick from inflicting pain onto others. He has taken over a thousand bounties and none were completed with a capture. He would return with the heads of his targets as proof... They call him the Mad Reaper."

They hardened their gaze at the maniac in front of them.

"He's the worse of the worse. Unpredictable and unstable. Be careful, this fight won't be easy."

Just then, Kinkaid paused his laughter. His head tilted, he stuck out his tongue and licks the blade of his scythe.

"My scythe has never tasted black astral before. So I say this now because I won't have a chance to once your heads are rolling... thank you for the meal!"





Jackal was seen walking through the streets of a bustling city. Elfiem, the city of Elves was a major tourist attraction sight in all the cosmos.

It had several erect and futuristic looking buildings. Its most noticeable landmark was a tower whose height was unmatched by the other buildings. Stated in the middle of the city, it was nearly impossible for anyone to miss the sight of the tower.

"My, my," Jackal said admiringly. "This place had gotten busier since the last time I was here."

He paused in front of the tower. A sign which reads "Elfiem Magic Tower" was visible on the sides.

"Well, here we are." He grinned. "Time to go see how Kris is doing."





"Ahahahaha! More! More! More!"

"Tck," Ryker sweatdropped. "I can barely keep up with their movements."

Ming was engaging the Kinkaid.

The Scythe wielder laughed maniacally as he swings his large scythe around to cut the android.

Ming's metallic body proved useful in blocking his relentless attacks.

"They're too fast."

Ryker on the other hand ended up becoming a spectator.

The ex-hunter gritted his teeth over his helplessness. "We were supposed to fight this psycho together." He muttered to himself as blurs of the two fighters moved around the room.

"Yes, that's it! Give me more! Show me more! Your power, I can feel it. You're hiding your powers!"

So far, Kinkaid had been on the offence since they began their clash. Ming looked calm as she avoided and blocked his scythe.

Suddenly, the scythe wielder paused. Looking disappointed, he tilted his head.

"Hey, bot. Are you mocking me?"

Ming responded with silence, she had her guard up the entire time.

Kinkaid struck the floor with the rear of his scythe.

"I can't have fun if all you do is block my attacks." He pouted.

This time around, it was Ryker's turn to tilt his head. "He's like a little kid..."

"Ryker," Ming turned to her crewmate. "I want you to watch our fight and observe. You still haven't finished your training, this will help."

"It's not like I was doing anything else in the first place." He regretfully admitted. "There's no point in being arrogant here, I'm too weak. I could barely keep up with you two."

"You're not weak," Ming turned her gaze back to Kinkaid.

"Finally," The S-grade hunter smiled. "You're going to get serious." He smacked his lips.

"You have unrefined power. Use this fight as an opportunity to learn!"

Leaving Ryker with that, she charges forward at Kinkaid.

"Going on the offensive? Hahaha! Good. There's no point in killing prey that won't fight back!" He raises his scythe above his head.

"Your scythe is a deadly weapon..." Ming stated.

"But, it takes a while to pick up the momentum you need to launch an attack. In combat, a second is all it takes to deliver the decisive blow."

She disappears just as she got close to him.

"Huh? A feint."

"She vanished!" Ryker exclaimed.

"Above!" Kinkaid shouted as he looks up to see Ming descending. She stretches out her palm and the mid-section opened splits apart to reveal a cannon.

"Arsenal Bombardment!"

She fires a beam of light that rained down upon the hunter which resulted in a loud smoky explosion.

Ryker dropped his jaws. "Scary..."

Ming landed beside him.

"That's an application of astral projection. I'm able to do that much because, well... I'm an android with ample astral energy coursing through me. Are you following?"

All Ryker could do was silently nod his head.

They turned their gaze to the smoke created by the explosion.

"Is he...?"

As if to answer his question, Kinkaid bursts into a stream of diabolical laughter.

The smoke settles to reveal him getting back to his feet. Blood dripping from his head, the S-grade hunter wiped off the blood on his face. Grinning widely, he licks his blood and glances at the two.

The sight of this made Ryker wear a nauseating look as he covered his mouth.

Unfazed by the hunter's questionable actions, Ming smirked.

"You blocked the attack at the last minute... Impressive." She pointed.

"Hahahahaha! Yes! This is exactly what I signed up for! The tension, the rush, the blood, the adrenaline! I want more." He spreads his arms apart. "Come, bot feed me more! Satisfy me!"

Clenching his scythe, Kinkaid dashes forward laughing uncontrollably.

"Reaper's Storm!"