
Special bond

She approached the front desk and asked about the details for the inteview.

Desk attendant: "Miss, please wait 10 minites. Your interview will be at 9: 00 am as scheduled".

She thanked the attendant and sat nicely on the sofa. On the exterior it looked like she was confident and just sitting normally. But, she was extremely nervous, sweat was forming on her forehead, she began to fidgit a pen in her hand making everyone think that she is thinking deeply but infact it was one of nervous ticks she had developed. All of these actions were noticed by a woman hiding in a corner, a small smile hunged on the corner of her lips. Actually, she was none other than Miss Hua. She was also here for an interview for designer. She had seen that the intended envelop had reached the target. Her admiration for Maple had increased and she longed for her to be her friend. But she was not a type to approach first, and secondly, many people before her tried to curry favor and become 'friends' to just benefit from her, which had hurt her and completely shattered the hope of ever having friends in this life. From that moment on, she had closed herself off from the outside world and had become aloof. But, now after seeing Maple her icy cold stone heart had a crack on it. But it was not enough for Miss Hua to extend the hand of friendship first towards Maple. She casually walked towards Maple and sat on the opposote side of sofa.

Miss Hua: "Aiyo, isn't this my admirer. What are you doing here?"

Maple glanced towards her. She smiled and replied, "I am here for secretary position"

Miss Hua was shocked that Maple was still smiling even after she knew that she was a vain person as she had tried to impersonate it outside.

Maple: "You are not a bad person. Why do you try to be someone you are not? To try to look cool and maybe make friends? Let me tell you, this is not the way to make friends. I honestly thought that you were a mistress, but after talking to Shu Wan, I feel like you are really a respectable person".

Miss Hua: (teasingly said) "Are you trying to extract more moeny from me by flattering me? Let me tell you, your flattery is not enough. Try harder"

Maple laughed heartily and said: " If you act as your natural self then you would automatically attract many friends that are true to you"

Miss Hua was stunned silent. She knew this, but at that moment she realized, she needed to hear these words from someone else. She was moved and there could be more cracks seen in her icy cold stone heart. She had originally come here to help relax Maple's nerves, but soon she became the one whose nerves were relaxed before the interview. As the saying goes, good intentions reap good rewards.

Maple continued: "I know you are trying to ease my nervousness and I sincerely thank you"

Maple: "By the way, what is your name?"

Miss Hua: "Try passing the interview and I will show mercy"

Maple with playful smile asked: "Is that a challenge Miss Hua?"

Miss Hua: "Take it as whatever you want"

Before Maple could say anything else, she was called by the attendant to report in a small hall.

Before she left, she turned and mouthed that she will win the challenge.

And so a special bond was formed between Miss Hua and Maple without even knowing each other's name or if they will meet each other again. Fate would decide.