
Rise of Roman Empire: Nero Claudius (Fate)

A tyrant, an artist, an emperor—Nero Claudius. When the twisted mind of the sociopathic genius suddenly found herself as none other than a tyrant herself, Rome will never be the same again. [Evil MC] [Incest] [Yuri] [Yandere] [FGO] [Ancient Rome]

Fourth_Reich · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Fight evil with greater evil

Lubbock, the green-haired young man, couldn't help but chuckle as he walked away from the beaten and humiliated thief. 

It was just another day in his life as a bit of a troublemaker.

He twirled the stolen dagger in his hand, thinking about what other mischief he could get into tonight.

As he strolled through the dimly lit streets, he couldn't help but remember his encounter with Leona at the tavern. 

She had a fiery spirit, and he found her punches strangely exhilarating. 

Maybe he'd cross paths with her again someday, but for now, he had more important things to focus on, like finding his next meal.

The nameless hooded figure, the so-called scumbag killer, was still out there, and Lubbock had no intention of attracting their attention. 

He knew better than to mess with someone who had a reputation for brutality and sadism. 

But that didn't mean he couldn't have a little fun along the way.

With a mischievous grin on his face, Lubbock continued his nocturnal adventures in the city, looking for opportunities to stir up trouble and perhaps find some food that didn't come from a trash can. 

After all, life on the streets could be tough, but Lubbock had a knack for making the best of it, one stolen dagger and fart-filled humiliation at a time.

Meanwhile, Acte, hidden in the shadows with the hood she borrowed from her monarch, observed Lubbock's actions in the tavern and against the thief. 

She was intrigued by his knack for sneaking between the lines of order and chaos. 

Her monarch, Nero Claudius, would surely need such a talent in her purse.

When her monarch was busy, Acte would replace her as the hooded figure and strike fear into the hearts of criminals in Suburbia. 

However, she differed from her monarch in her course of action. 

While her monarch preferred to torture her enemies physically and mentally, Acte preferred to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Despite this, the criminals were still unaware that she was just a replacement for the nameless figure they feared. 

After all, there were no high-IQ criminals like in modern times in Ancient Rome. 

Most of them became criminals due to their environment and poverty. 

They weren't like Moriarty; they didn't pay attention to such details or care who the hood figure was in the first place.

Knowing that her monarch had a grand plan for Suburbia, Acte made her presence known in front of the green-haired boy, Lubbock. 

Her hooded figure instantly put Lubbock on alert.

"Are you the scumbag killer in the legend?" Lubbock looked at Acte warily as he readied himself to fight with his broken dagger in hand.

As they stood there, a gentle breeze rustled through the air, brushing against Lubbock's trembling hand. 

With a flick of her wrist, she dismantled the fallen dagger effortlessly, as if she commanded the very forces of nature itself. 

The shards of the weapon clinked to the ground, rendering Lubbock defenseless.

Lubbock was left stunned and realized that this hooded figure possessed a power beyond his wildest imagination. 

She had disarmed him without even needing to make a single physical move.

"You should understand now that if I wanted to harm you, you would already be dead. I'm here for peace, not to hurt you," Acte said. 

"Are you interested in working for us?"

"What job is that?" Lubbock suddenly became interested in the job offered by the Scumbag Killer. 

It was better than being a swindler, at least.

"We serve the light in the dark," Acte explained. "In the darkness, we are the light, the hope for those who have none."

Lubbock's face darkened when he heard the dramatic words. 

Are you sure you're not a religious fanatic?

Acte ignored Lubbock's stunned expression and continued her explanation. "You will be the first member of Night Raid, built by Caesar herself." 

"We serve the light in the dark, Night Raid." 

"We eliminate thieves, corrupt officials, and any opposition in the dark that gnaws at Rome from within." 

"We serve the light without leaving anything behind."

"When you join us, you will not be remembered by history. Your deeds will not be recognized by the world." 

"Our purpose is only to serve." 

"We fight, we steal, we kill." 

"We fight evil with greater evil, Night Raid."

"How about it, young lad? Are you still standing there, or will you follow?"

Although Lubbock was unsure about this organization, he decided to follow. 

It was better than living on the streets anyway. 

So, he nodded and obeyed as he followed Acte from behind, hoping he wouldn't regret his decision.


In the splendid palace gardens atop the majestic Palatine Hill, Nero with her usual crimson gown reclined gracefully, savoring the delicate porcelain teacup cradled in her hand. 

The melodious symphony of birdsong filled the air, harmonizing with the lush panorama that sprawled before her.

Fountains, trees, and blossoms seamlessly melded with the garden's natural tapestry, forging a vibrant, living canvas. 

The invigorating breeze whispered secrets as it brushed past, delivering a sensation truly breathtaking.

Suddenly, the distant echo of approaching footsteps stirred Nero from her reverie. 

With a graceful gesture, she placed the teacup gently on its saucer, her gaze fixating upon a striking youth with emerald tresses, escorted by her devoted servant, Acte.

"Who's that young man you brought to me, Acte?" Nero inquired, her curiosity piqued as she gazed at the unfamiliar lad. It seemed as if she had seen him before, but her memory couldn't quite place him.

For some reason, when Nero looked at the young man, she couldn't help but feel that he wasn't someone to be taken seriously.

Perhaps he had played a comical role in an anime from her past life?

"He..." Acte began to introduce the young man but stopped short when she noticed him leering shamelessly at her monarch with undisguised desire.

She swiftly kicked his knees, causing Lubbock to grimace in pain and withdraw his gaze. 

However, Nero remained unfazed by Lubbock's brazen lust, as long as he didn't stroke her ego or get in her way. She was quite tolerant of other people's shortcomings and oozing negativity when they didn't cross certain boundaries.

Nero reserved her ruthlessness for her enemies or those who dared to challenge her ego, even if it was a minor offense. 

But when it came to strangers and friends, she was rather forgiving. 

As long as this guy kept staring and didn't act, much like most people in the tavern, she was perfectly fine with it. 

Of course, if Lubbock turned out to be like those two fools who had crossed her, she wouldn't mind giving him a taste of what it felt like to become a woman. 

"So, who's this green guy, Acte? Are you going to abandon me and date him?" Nero pointed her finger at green Lubbock with exaggerated sadness in her voice, her heartbreaking echo echoed through the room. 

In a modern world, she would surely win the award for best drama queen. 

Even Acte, who knew her monarch's dramatic tendencies, couldn't help but admire the exaggerated act. 

"I apologize, Nero, but I have no intentions of having any relationship with this guy, even if it's just for show," Acte replied with a hint of disgust. 

Previously, she didn't have any negative feelings for this green guy, but after his audacious stare at her monarch, her good impression of him was wiped out instantly, only leaving never-ending disgust for Lubbock. 

"Don't be so harsh on him, Acte, you should have your own purpose for bringing him here." Nero reminded. 

"Actually, I wanted to entrust this guy to become the next scumbag killer, but seeing that he was no different from other scumbags, would the meaning of the role of scumbag killer be only a fancy title?" Acte lamented. 

Her day is ruined. Her disappointment is immeasurable. 

"You are not wrong at that." Nero Claudius agreed, nodding gracefully as she sipped the teacup in her hand. 

She then made a decisive declaration. 

"I decided he would become the next scumbag killer!" 

"But..." Acte attempted to voice an objection, but Nero quickly silenced her. 

"No, Acte. He's perfect for this role! Who knows a scumbag better than another scumbag? Fight evil with greater evil, and fight scumbag with the greatest scumbag. This guy is the ultimate scumbag!" 

"I'm still here..." Lubbock raised his hand weakly, to increase his sense of existence and raise his objection subtly. 

"I don't think I was a scumbag, I was still a virgin, dammit."

The icy glares from the two girls shut him down faster than Zeus catching his pokemon target. 

The morals he learned from the two girls were: never argue with women, that's rule number one. 

Number two: Stick to rule number one, number three, don't ever doubt the rules, yeah, it's the wisdom that he learned from it.