
Rise of Lexi

Lexi a 24 year old has been keeping up with her husband's character for a long while until he finally tries to kill her While Chris Morgan a ruthless billionaire sees her and saves her from the clutches of death and decides to make the fair skinned Lexi his own What will become of Lexi will she agree to Chris request Read on

leeyarhwrites · Urban
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10 Chs

I'm in money

"hey honey" Morris said grunting softly as Alice was massaging his shouldered

"Yes" a woman's voice sounded at the other side of the phone 

" Guess who I did business with" he said now telling Alice to remove her hands from his shoulder as he was getting distracted

"Oh who"

" Chris Morgan he bought some shares for 7 million Yaun baby we are rich he said he would keep investing in our company baby" he acted likya child

" Wow hunny,wow that's..that's good news I'll be back this evening you do know I have missed you right wow so dinner tonight baby"she replied changing her tone completely

" Of course tell me where you want to go" he said grinniyanf feeling proud of himself

" " Of course baby I'll send you the location do you book a suite down for me" she replied and hung up while Alice continued her massage

" Alice my wife is coming back soon and then do maintain your distance okay" 

" Okay she grunted" 

Knock knock

"Who is it"

" Sir Mr Fang from the Morgan enterprise is here" the person said 

"Okay let him in" he said removing Alice's hand from his shoulder roughly and telling her to hide under the tay,he didn't want Mr Fang to have any bad impression about h since the first time he came he saw Alice and didn't want him to see her with him again meanwhile Alice quickly crouched down to get under the table

" Mr Fang" Morris smiled as he stood up to give him a handshake

" Mr Yue" Ryan replied the handshake and sat down

" I believe you are here for the contract" Morris said smiling

" Yes of course, why else would you be here" Ryan said readjusting his glasses

Morris opens one drawer and brings out the contract that looylike his whole life depends on

" Here it is" he said handing it over to Mr Fang

" Thank you" he said and made to stand up

" No refreshments" Morris offered

" No thank you" he said opened the door and left

Such insolence from a mere secretary I know I'm richer than his whole family and with this additional 7million I am untouchable"Morris grumbled

" Sir is he gone" Alice voice resonated from under the table

" Of course now get out" Morris said 

" Alice rolled her eyes and left unhappily promising herself not to fall for her boss charms again

A text message entered his phone and he saw the message was from his wife

,She sent where I should book huh,the pentecostal hotel is she crazyyyy;!!

What why that place the suite is one million Yaun just because I made free money" Morris angrily said and switched off his phone after saying dinner plans was cancelled.

Morgan enterprise

" Did he sign appropriately" Chris asked his eyes not leaving the computer for once" "

of course Boss I don't think he read the last part well if not he would have seen Lexi haung as the buyer sir" Ryan said

" Dumbass he only cares about the money" Chris chuckled

" Sure we caught a spy at miss Lexi's grandfather's house and we have brought him to the layer for an interview"

" Oh let's go there now I have a meeting in 40 minutes I can make it back and we are taking my wife to the mansion today tell the maids to clean the other rooms" Chris ordered as he stood up and buttoned his suit

" Yes boss" Ryan took out his phone to complete the task given to him

At the layer a guy is tied down to a chair unconscious with a lit of bruises on his face and arms he is wearing a leather jacket and looks like a thug most especially with the large scar he has on his face

Chris enters and scans tge man now taking off his suit leaving his black tee shirt and black trousers

"Wake him up" he commands and then a bucket of ice water is poured on the man's head which immediately wakes him up

" Let me go you bastards my boss will....." His words got stuck in his throat as he recognizes the demon in front of him

"So who is your boss" Chris says as he tests comfortably on his chair

"Me no... no I don't have a boss. I'm a single man" he stutters

"Who sent you"Chris asked again his voice now lower and deeper causing the room to plummet In temperature

" I.i..its.." the scar man didn't talk

"Kill his son"Chris said to his right hand man Sam

"Yes boss" Sam said and left

" No no no I'll talk I'll talk it's not my work it's for my boss it's for Mr Morris he asked me to check if I'd find any corpse in the house that's all please don't touch my boy"scar man pleaded

"Oh it's too late I don't take back my orders Mr Clint" Chris said grinning

" But I already told you he is just 6 please don't touch him he has nothing to do with this don't harm the innocent have some heart" scar man said hoping he would change Chris mind

"Heart you say,do you have one last year you killed a pregnant woman and her two year old son in the Philippines and you ran hear just to escape punishment and you killed them because of their loud prayer" Chris said

" How did you know about that noone saw me I'm positive" scar man 

"Anyway your son's dead now and so are you you'll see each other in hell"Chris said and left the room 

" Kill him" 

Do you think he would kill the boy??