
Rise of Kingdoms

Uclid · Others
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6 Chs

War is not an option

Without any hesitation i said "PREPARE FOR WAR!!". They looked at each other and after a brief moment Sun Tzu asked "Whats the plan sir?".

After he said that I paused and started thinking. I was so anxious that I forgot to make a plan. "I..I.Dont know".

Seing me lost in thought Tomoe Gozen ordered them to start making a plan for the upcoming war. She also ordered the maids to make me tea.

After I called down I joined them in the discussion on how we could fight this war. We are strong enough to defend ourselves but we arent that strong that we can fight in a prolonged war, especially since we havent recovered from the previous war. The lack of resourcess wasn't helping either.

Sun Tzu said in a very serious tone "We will lose this war!". It shocked everyone, Sun Tzu that was never afraid to fight a war is saying we will lose it before it even begun?

Minamoto no Yoshitsune asked "Could it be because we are low on resourcess and cant fight a prolonged war?".

Sun Tzu shooked his head and said "If only it was about resourcess we can just ask Cleopatra, Seondeok, Matilda of fladers, or Constance".

I was puzzled by this, if its not about resourcess then what was the problem? I looked at Tomoe Gozen and she also had a puzzled look.

Then suddenly Charles Martel clench his fist and said in a defeated tone "Yeah...your right..if only"

Baibars said in a confused tone "If its not resourcess whats the problem?". Sun Tzu looked at him and said "Commanders....whats the use of an army if theres no one to lead them?".

He was right Hermann is retired Lancelot and Tomoe Gozen isnt experienced in leading an army. We only have 4 commanders available and its not like we can send them all to fight, who will lead the garrison?

Suddenly Lancelot had a looked of realization "I think I know who can join us as a new commander!"

Whats better? using their full names or only their first?

Minamoto no Yoshitsune - Minamoto, Tomoe Gozen - Tomoe, Charles Martel - Charles?

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