
Rise of Idan: Nigeria's Reign

[DING!!!! CHAPTERS ARE UPDATED DAILY!!!!] In a world on the edge of destruction, an extraordinary event alters humanity forever. As the Earth shakes with an apocalyptic cataclysm, people awaken unique powers, while a mysterious System emerges to govern and rank their abilities. Meet Ebuka Olayinka, a young Nigerian whose life takes an unexpected turn when he manifests incredible powers amidst the chaos. Joined by a diverse group of power-wielders, Ebuka embarks on a journey to comprehend his role in this world-shattering event. Ebuka and his companions are thrust into interdimensional arena battles where the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. The stakes couldn't be higher, and the thrill of these epic clashes becomes irresistible. As they navigate this tumultuous journey, one question looms large: Can they unravel the truth behind the cataclysm and save not only their world but also the very essence of humanity itself? With secrets, alliances, and perilous challenges at every turn, YOU will be captivated, eagerly awaiting the explosive climax of this gripping tale. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSA 2023 Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 100=1 bonus chapter 150=2 bonus chapters 300=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week!

NPCs · Fantasy
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81 Chs

The Calm Before The Storm

Ebuka Olayinka sat diligently at his cluttered desk, the worn-out wooden surface groaning under the weight of textbooks and study materials.

The small room, located in his family's humble apartment in Ago-Okota, Lagos, Nigeria, was engulfed in a subdued ambiance.

Dim rays of the scorching afternoon sun struggled to penetrate the tattered curtains, casting long, distorted shadows that danced across the faded wallpaper.

Within Ebuka's chest, a potent mixture of excitement and anxiety churned like a tempestuous storm.

He realized that he stood at the precipice of a monumental turning point in his young life.

It was his final year, and the looming WAEC exams represented the culmination of years of tireless dedication and unyielding perseverance.

Everything he had worked for was now condensed into this pivotal moment, and the weight of its significance hung heavy in the air.

As he immersed himself in his studies, beads of sweat glistened on his forehead, a testament to the stifling heat that permeated the room.

The air was thick, laden with anticipation and nervous energy.

Success in these exams would be the key that unlocked the doors to his dreams, granting him the opportunity to pursue higher education and escape the confines of his modest upbringing.

Failure, on the other hand, would cast a long shadow of disappointment, extinguishing the flickering flame of hope that burned within his heart.

In the midst of his focused concentration, the tranquility of the room was abruptly shattered by the arrival of his younger brother, Ope.

Bursting into the room with uncontainable energy, Ope's youthful exuberance was infectious.

His voice echoed with excitement as he shared the latest news he had stumbled upon.

"Ebuka! Ebuka! Guess what? I just finished reading an article about the powers! They say everyone's going to get them!"

Ebuka tore his gaze away from his books, a soft smile gracing his lips.

The news of the powers, a phenomenon that had captured the collective imagination of society, had seeped into every crevice of their lives.

It had become the subject of countless conversations, as if the entire world held its breath, eagerly awaiting the unfolding of this extraordinary new reality.

"I've been hearing those rumors too, Ope," Ebuka replied, reaching out to ruffle his brother's hair affectionately.

"But for now, let's stay focused on our studies. These exams demand our best efforts."

Ope nodded eagerly, his eyes shining with a blend of curiosity and anticipation.

He left the room, trailing a youthful aura of excitement in his wake.

Ebuka, however, couldn't help but allow his thoughts to wander towards the endless possibilities that lay just beyond the horizon of his imagination.

Growing up in their modest dwelling, the Olayinka family had forged a bond that was unbreakable.

Their cramped living space necessitated a reliance on one another for support and companionship.

Ebuka's parents, tenacious and hardworking, had instilled in their children the unyielding belief in the transformative power of education and seizing every opportunity that presented itself.

His elder sister, Nneka, had already paved her own path to success.

Overcoming countless obstacles, she had emerged as a revered lawyer, a testament to the unwavering determination ingrained in the Olayinka lineage.

Emeka, his second-born sibling, was carving his own niche in the world of business, displaying a remarkable resemblance to their father's entrepreneurial spirit.

But for Ebuka, this moment represented a defining juncture in his personal journey.

It was his chance to prove himself, to step out into the world as an individual capable of achieving greatness.

He owed it to his family and himself to seize this opportunity with unwavering determination.

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, painting the bustling city of Lagos in shades of dusky orange, Ebuka's father, Mr. Olayinka, wearily returned from his laborious day at the local market.

His countenance bore the traces of exhaustion, yet his eyes shimmered with a glimmer of hope.

"Ebuka, my son," he declared, his voice brimming with pride,

"I can see the fire burning within you. Remember, education is the key that unlocks the doors of success."

Ebuka's mother, Mrs. Olayinka, entered the room, a warm plate of steaming jollof rice in her hands.

Her voice exuded love and tenderness as she urged her children to nourish both their bodies and minds.

"Eat, my beloved children," she gently insisted.

"A healthy mind is strong. Your exams start tomorrow, and we're here to support you."

Ebuka's heart swelled with gratitude, for he knew he was not alone in this journey.

He glanced at the clock, realizing that the hour grew late.

Taking a deep breath, he fortified his resolve to face the challenges that awaited him.

With his family's unwavering support fueling his determination, he embraced the night, armed with knowledge and an unwavering sense of purpose.

As he delved deeper into his studies, his mind occasionally wandered to the enigmatic powers and the enigmatic System that had captured the world's attention.

How would this new reality shape their lives? What powers, if any, would he possess? These questions swirled in the depths of his thoughts, their answers eluding him for the time being.

However, he understood that now was not the moment for speculation.

His focus needed to be fixed firmly on the immediate task at hand.

As the night grew darker, the Olayinka family's small television murmured in the background, broadcasting news reports that spoke of strange occurrences unfolding across the globe.

Reports of portals, inexplicable gateways to uncharted realms, sprouting in renowned tourist destinations sent ripples of confusion and fear throughout society.

These anomalies defied the laws of physics, injecting a dose of chaos into an already uncertain world.

In a desperate bid to maintain order and avert widespread panic, the United Nations launched a campaign to downplay these events.

They sought to suppress information, dismissing the portals as mere optical illusions or elaborate hoaxes.

The world was encouraged to carry on with their daily lives, oblivious to the lurking dangers and the extraordinary powers that were poised to envelop them.

However, whispers and rumors swirled, transcending borders and penetrating even the remote corners of Nigeria.

People sensed that the official narrative held secrets, an underlying truth that remained concealed.

Deep down, they knew that there was more to these portals than met the eye. Yet, the truth remained elusive, guarded by those in positions of power.

As the background noise of the news reports intertwined with his thoughts, Ebuka caught snippets of discussions about the portals. 

A shiver traveled down his spine, a nagging feeling that his life was on the cusp of an unexpected, transformative shift.

He couldn't help but wonder if these portals held the key to unlocking the dormant powers that were said to reside within every individual.

His mind raced with countless possibilities.

Would these portals serve as the gateway to their true potential? Would they bring salvation or unleash destruction upon the world? The uncertainty gnawed at him, intertwining with the pressure of the impending exams.

The night grew darker, and the vibrant streets of Lagos gradually succumbed to a blanket of silence.

Within this stillness, Ebuka's thoughts were consumed by vivid visions of a world in turmoil.

He envisioned the chaos that would erupt when powers collided, when ordinary citizens transformed into beings of unimaginable abilities.

For a fleeting moment, doubt infiltrated Ebuka's unwavering resolve.

He questioned whether his aspirations were still relevant in a world teetering on the edge of upheaval.

But he swiftly brushed aside the uncertainty, reminding himself that education and knowledge formed the bedrock upon which he would build his future.

With renewed determination, he buried himself once more in his books, his desk lamp casting a focused glow upon the pages before him.

He would face the challenges ahead, armed not only with the knowledge gleaned from his studies but also with an unwavering spirit and a burning desire to excel.

Unbeknownst to Ebuka, his journey would transcend the confines of his small room and stretch far beyond the borders of Nigeria.

The powers awakening within him would propel him into a worldwide struggle, where the veil of the United Nations' cover-up would unravel under the weight of truth, and unlikely alliances would form in the face of extraordinary circumstances.

As the night pressed on, Ebuka Olayinka readied himself for the impending dawn.

The exams he had diligently prepared for were on the horizon, but so too was the beginning of a world forever altered.

The calm before the storm had passed, and now, the tempest awaited, ready to sweep him into an adventure that would surpass the boundaries of his wildest imagination.

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